Primordial Sequence

Chapter 201 Future Planning

In the splendid huge palace, Laura was sitting at the top wearing the Crown of Sin, and the crown on her head was twisting randomly, as if there were ripples on the water. She didn't care about this, but looked at it. He glanced at everyone.

"How about Mechanical Heart? I think this name is very good." Seeing that everyone was silent, Casca happily made a suggestion, which was boycotted by everyone.

"No, you are the only mechanic here, and you are completely incompatible with the others. What do I think about calling it the Berserker Alliance?" Susie rejected Casca's proposal, and she also said the name she had just thought of.

"We are not violent, this name doesn't work." Kamiao shook his head gently, his tone was quite helpless.

"Blue Parliament? We must be as great as the sea." Akali also broke the usual silence, and she made a suggestion with a slightly excited tone.

"Ice Crystal Palace, uh... I guess you won't choose it." Bai said a name softly. After finishing speaking, she paused for a second, looking a little weird.

"Yeyuhui, how wonderful." Hei shook his head slightly and rejected all suggestions. He also made suggestions.

"How about the Justice Council?" Gandalf thought for a moment and said a name, which to a certain extent also represented the family of judges.

"I don't know, just take it." Ka Xiu spread his hands and said something, seeming to be distracted.

"The Justice Council is not bad, what do you think, Mr. Camus?" After listening to everyone's opinions, Laura turned her attention to Camus, wanting to hear his opinion.

"I... think the name 'Morning Council' is good. At least it represents the Rose Investigation Team and you to a certain extent." Kamius thought for a moment and gave a name. This name was what he had just thought of, Rose Investigation The team was formed by a group of like-minded people in order to survive in that dark age. In the oath of the Rose Investigation Team, there was a sentence, "I will definitely witness the dawn of heroes shining in the sky. This was also the sentence that impressed him the most, And Laura and the others are also disgusted with the heirs of Freemasonry, and everyone is yearning for a new future.

"Morning Council..." Everyone savored the name carefully. This name was mediocre, but in a sense, this name was not bad.

"I also thought of a name. His name is League of Legends, but I suddenly felt that Camus' suggestion was very good. I believe that he must have a special meaning in choosing this name." Laura sat at the top and spoke in a calm tone. Praising Camus's opinion, he also said the name he wanted.

"That's it..." Seeing everyone looking over, Camus slowly said the reason for this name.

"I think it should be called the Dawn Council. It's a good name. I hope our organization will one day appear in the intelligence departments of major organizations." Susie pinched her bunny ears and sounded a little weird.

"Not bad..." Akali commented with raised eyebrows.

"My mechanical heart..." Seeing that the name he chose was probably going to be rejected, Casca could only speak helplessly.

"Okay, let's call it the Dawn Council, and let's get down to business." Laura decided what the newly established organization would be called, and she started to get down to business.

"You all know that the third golden stone tablet is written in three hieroglyphics, which is the so-called original text. I also interpreted part of the information from it. This is also the first time I have been promoted to the 'Nightmare One'. The reason for calling everyone here.”

"Unfortunately, because I only know the hieroglyphs owned by the Freemasons. The remaining two writings are in the hands of the Aurora Society, the Church of the Sun and the Hades. I cannot obtain this knowledge, but I can still interpret part of the information." Laura slowly told what she had been busy with during this time.

"I found the shadow of the seventeenth profession from above. He is called a meteorologist. The corresponding path so far should be the Thunder Path. Of course, this is just my guess, because I have never seen this sequence until now. I don't know. What exactly does it look like?" Laura suddenly revealed a piece of news that surprised everyone. A new profession had appeared, except Camus' expression. He had already learned from Laura that there was a new profession. Appeared.

"The profession of meteorologist is not the focus of our discussion. After more than a week of interpretation, I found part of the information from it, part of the information on how to avoid sequence costs, but it is incomplete. If you want to be complete, Information, I need the remaining two hieroglyphs, which is also one of our next tasks." Before everyone could speak, Laura quickly said another exciting message, and everyone cheered up. I want to know what this secret is that no one has discovered since ancient times.

"The information I got from the vague text interpretation is that if you want to avoid the cost, you need the help of a certain ritual magic. I'm sorry that I can't decipher how to use this ritual magic, but I am sure that I want to use this ritual magic. You must learn the professional 'sacrificial language', which is the so-called Amela language and the 'Gus language' which has world-negative power. Due to professional characteristics and magical properties, only Mr. Camus can use this ritual magic, because His magical properties are the calmest and gentlest, and the conditions for ritual magic are stability and gentleness." Laura slowly turned her eyes to Ka. She had already discussed this matter with Camus, and she just wanted to say it this time. Let everyone know that this time's efforts are not without rewards.

"I will learn these two languages ​​as soon as possible, and I leave the books about these two languages ​​to you, Ms. Laura." Seeing everyone's gazes, Camus nodded slightly and waited for Laura's next words.

"Why can't it be deciphered?" Seeing Laura saying that she couldn't decipher the content of the tablets, Susie was a little suspicious. There were two gold tablets in the hands of the Freemasons. Didn't they already decipher the contents? Why can't I decipher this slate?

"This is also the purpose of this meeting. The two golden tablets obtained by Freemasonry were both in the First Era. At that time, the blockade of knowledge was not so serious. Everyone could share three hieroglyphics, but this method is not applicable here. The Era will not work. You all know the reason, so if we want to fully interpret the content on the stone tablet, we need to get the remaining hieroglyphics from the organization that owns the hieroglyphics. We still have time..." At this point, Laura After a pause, she explained the reason in a complicated tone.

"The ritual is valid until we advance to stage five, so during this period we must find a way to obtain the remaining hieroglyphic knowledge. I'm sorry that I overlooked this detail before. This is also my first time interpreting the golden tablet. ”

After hearing Laura's explanation, everyone fell silent. Indeed, as Laura said, since the Dark Age of the Second Age, extraordinary people have formed organizations and alliances to deliberately block extraordinary knowledge. There is no way.

"The remaining two hieroglyphics are in the hands of the Aurora Society, the Church of the Sun, and the Hades. The news I know is that the Sun, Sun Church, and the Aurora Society jointly control one hieroglyph, and the remaining one is in the hands of the Hades. This Several organizations are very old. If you want to have access to this kind of knowledge, you must at least be a regional bishop or regional director. The strong ones can be in stage six, and the weak ones can even be in stage four. This is our opportunity." Gan. Dolph slowly revealed some secret knowledge. He had specifically searched for this information when he was in the maritime government.

"Then check and see if there is anyone in charge of the Republic of Drav, the Kingdom of Yingko, and the Republic of Toktor who fully understands the hieroglyphs. I will find a way to find out the information. As for assassinations and soul torture, we need it. Let's do it." Laura knocked on the table firmly and arranged the next task.

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