Primordial Sequence

Chapter 202 The reason for the dark turmoil three years ago.

"Before that, we settled down to learn knowledge and collect intelligence. Camus, do you have your magic potion?" Seeing everyone's serious expressions, Laura smiled softly, lightened the atmosphere, and asked about Camus' magic potion. As for the potion problem, everyone's low-stage potion formulas here are minor problems, but Camus' potion formula and potion are very troublesome.

"We have the formula, but the soul scale is probably not up to standard. Do you have a ready-made magic potion?" Camus nodded slightly. He remembered that Laura said that the Freemasonry has the formula for the second and third stages of the Freemasonry, so there should be one for the second stage, right? .

"Do you have the formula? This is really surprising news. I originally wanted to use Freemasonry to exchange for the potion you want, but I didn't expect that you already have the formula. Do you need my help to find the materials?" Laura heard the card Miao was a little surprised that she had the formula. She smiled slightly and changed her mind. He knew that Camiao would be very busy next and hoped to help him solve the problem.

Hearing that Laura was willing to help him solve the material problem, Camus grinned and slowly told him the formula for the potion.

"Faceless Man's Potion: Ten grams of the legendary woman's tears, one red-edged shadow flower, two spider web face mushrooms, three grams of the essence of the Faceless Spirit, one spirit of the Styx, one star spirit grass, secret Three grams of powder, the only material I have is the Star Spirit Grass, and the rest is up to you." Kamius had obtained the Star Spirit Grass from Monty Smith before, so he quickly spoke and explained that he had an ingredient.

"The tears of the legendary woman?" Laura frowned slightly and was a little confused. Although she knew that there was a part of the formula for Sequence 2 within the Freemasonry, she had not seen what materials were needed because she had no demand. The other materials sounded fine. This legendary woman What are the tears?

"These are the tears of Janna. In ancient sailing legends, some sailors and navigators called this creature the legendary woman. She is very rare because she is extremely beautiful. Some sailors even wanted to see this kind of creature. They are a special species, and they are looking for it everywhere. It is said that their tears are one of the purest substances in the world and can restore sight to people's eyes." Susie, a top student, slowly told the source of this material, with a very strange look on his face. , why are Camus’s potion ingredients very rare and ancient formulas? Last time, the name of Shitar Starry Sky Cat was also the name of the third era, not the new era at all. This time, too, the name of the legendary woman is Dharma was popular in the third era, and their name was Janna in the fourth era.

"Is it difficult to find?" Camiao was suddenly stunned when he heard Susie's explanation. He felt that this thing was very rare and would it be very troublesome.

"I know where these creatures are. It's hard to find them in the Third Age because they didn't experience the steam revolution. Their wooden ships couldn't reach some places. Now is the era of giant steel ships. No one can stop the giant steel ships anywhere. I once I learned from a naval officer that there is this kind of creature on the Colorful Island in the northern sea. Leave this thing to me." Gandalf touched his chin when he heard Susie's explanation, and then his eyes lit up and he started looking for this piece of information. The task was taken over.

"I will help you find the remaining materials. I will ask my pet to send you Amera and Gusi. You can watch it with Ms. Susie. At least I think she is the best person I have ever met in terms of learning. "The most talented person in the world." Laura's face relaxed when she heard that the matter was resolved. The stronger Camus is, the better it is for the team. The Sequence Two in the later stages are simply a group of invisible killers, whether they are dealing with enemies or protecting themselves. Everyone is essential.

"Ms. Laura, I want to learn hieroglyphics. I told you last time." Susie's ears twitched when she heard Laura's arrangement. She had seen her sister use and speak these two languages. She was sure She could learn it completely in three days, and what really interested her was hieroglyphics.

"I will teach you through dreams, but after I teach you, you cannot teach anyone else, except for our internal people. You must promise me this." Laura thought for a moment and decided to teach Susie hieroglyphics, but Susie must ensure that this kind of writing cannot be leaked, because the fewer people who know this extraordinary knowledge, the better.

"'s great. I have recently read the second half of the history of the Third Era. I found something interesting. There were many high-order bits in the Third Era. I carefully counted the second Era and the high-order bits of the third era, and found that the third era was an era of high-order bits erupting, and at least 10 high-order bits appeared in this era. "Susie was slightly excited, she did not know this kind of secret and great knowledge. It was too much, but this was a wonderful opportunity. He also recounted the conclusions of what he had seen recently.

"Because, too many extraordinary people died in the second era, and someone took their place in the third era. In the secret that I know, in the holy war of the second era, all the golden saints fell, and only Aries remained. Unknown. For example, the Clown Emperor Sheila killed all the high-order positions in the Gravekeeper Path of Sequence 1, which means that the Sequence 1 positions are empty, the white giant Morg is also dead, and the sword god Kiddy killed Ivy. No, there is also a spot available, this is an opportunity.”

Does it matter that they are confused when discussing these Camus?

"What do you mean?" Kamius looked around and found that Akali and Casca were as confused as him, so he asked.

"Kamiu, the higher you go up, the less powerful the extraordinary ones are, and they may even become gods in the end. These positions are fixed, and our goal is to achieve high-ranking positions in this era, or even higher." Laura heard the card With a wonderful question and a look on her face, she slowly revealed a secret.

"This... I have thought about this problem before, but there is no evidence. I didn't expect that my idea was correct." Card Xiu stood up suddenly. She had thought about this problem before, why are there only those few people in high order? Is the location fixed? Unexpectedly, this conclusion was verified by Laura.

"So that's the case. No wonder Captain Munro said that the people with the same order are enemies. Why didn't he make it clear at the time and just mentioned it?" Akali took a deep breath and slowly expressed her doubts.

"Due to confidentiality measures, the more people know about this matter, the better. Do you know what it represents? Killing and chaos, because the dark age of the Second Age is related to this matter, and even the turmoil ten years ago is also related to this matter. It has something to do with this matter, these organizations are deliberately blocking this information." Laura said the reason in an ups and downs, her voice was a little heavy and her mood was very low.

"Ten years ago, in the sixth stage of the Church of the Sun and the Adventurer's Guild, at least 7 people died, and there were even more other low-level extraordinary beings. This was a game between 'them'." Laura slowly told the story of what happened ten years ago. The reason for the change was that Camus had previously wondered why that evil creature in the heavens was causing turmoil. It turned out to be this.

"The purpose is to prevent them from advancing to high-order positions. In my understanding, the person who fell in the high-order position of sequence five is Stigmata Turayan, and the high-ranking person in sequence eight is the Brilliant King, Lighar Wen, these are two known fallen beings, and they also represent the opportunity for Stage 6 of Sequence 5 and Sequence 8 to reach the high rank. As for why those things happened ten years ago, I’m sorry that I can’t say.” Na's tone was very helpless and bitter, because although Freemasonry was not the main target during that turmoil, some people still died, one of whom was her relative, which is why she has been avoiding this matter.

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