Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 105 : Another dimension of Nioh!

The ghost watched the tennis ball that was speeding like a dark red lightning and jumped onwards--

He spins on the spot, kicks off with his right foot, and uses gravity to aim the tennis backhand to strike back!


The tennis ball was firmly held back by his racquet!

Dark red and black and red are intertwined and entangled on the tennis ball.

"Black Tomahawk!"

It is as if the divine might from the depths of hell comes head-on, carrying several times more power than before, the tennis ball is like a giant axe, and it comes back at Nioh!

Faced with such an attack, Nioh laughed


The mental power originally arranged is no way.The ghosts and gods formed by the phantom have not been able to collect enough information, but this does not mean that Nioh is really helpless!

The light on the body flashed by-

The phantom "ghost" disappears directly in another dimension!

Nioh also showed his true face.

Behind him, pure white lisianthus flowers bloom and stand, the flowers are soft and delicate, but they firmly resist the impact of the powerful "black battle axe" from the ghosts of the different dimensions "ghosts"!

Slap one by one

"Puff, 4:5!"

Nioh reported the score himself.

Pure white lisianthus flowers swayed and swayed in the air behind him

This is a different dimension of my life--different from the "magician" of the previous life, with the obsession to repeat, with the eternal love for tennis, and the happiness of picking up racquet again!

All of the above constitute the appearance of Nioh's current "different dimension"!

It is not the incarnation of a fairy, or even a character, but a cluster of pure white lisianthus flowers.

The flower language of platycodon is sincere and unchanging love;

Legend has it that the blooming of platycodons represents happiness once again

After experiencing hopelessness and regaining hope again, Nioh's mood in this life is indeed in line with the meaning of lisianthus.

With the rolling of the tennis ball, the sound of Nioh falls,

Inside and outside the field, there was silence.

"This is--"

"Different dimension?!"

Irie completely ignored his identity as a referee for this game, and looked at the white lisianthus flowers swaying behind Nioh in disbelief.

This is really one by one

"Kanata, you didn't lose injustice!"

I didn't lose unjustly!

Tanegashima squeezed his fist secretly, adding a layer of anticipation for the next game.

"Eustoma flower?"

"Can lisianthus flower" also become a different dimension?"

Tokugawa recognized the phantom behind Nioh.

"Another dimension is just a manifestation of the will of a tennis player."

"Through different dimensions, we can see the character of the player."

Just like the "world pirates" of Byodoin-bohemian, powerful and domineering.

"But one-I remember that there is a sad story about lisianthus flower~"

"A girl called'Banji' fell in love with another boy, but the boy went to a far place to learn fairy art. The girl waited in the same place and finally turned into a flower. After the boy returned, he learned about the bellflower. Decided to accompany the lisianthus flower forever."

"So the lisianthus flower represents two diametrically opposed meanings-hopeless love and eternal love.

"Nioh's "bellflower", should it be the latter type-this kid really likes tennis!"

Irie wondered why the "bellflower" would become a different dimension of Nioh.

"Little Nioh, of course, loves tennis the most!

I've seen Nioh's extra-dimensional gross profit a long time ago, and instead of Nioh on the field, he accepted Irie's praise.

"Senior Ghost, come on!"

It's great to be able to stand on court again!

So, seniors, let us let go of our hands and feet, untie the shackles, and have a hearty game!

"Okay! Come on!"

Seeing the younger generation's different dimension, the spirit of the ghost is even more wary.

In this case, he doesn't have to worry about hurting his juniors and can play an unfettered game!




The old court was ruined by the two and even more dilapidated.

………For flowers………

On the court, dust and smoke rose again!

The tennis ball is constantly flying in the air with a trail of afterimages!

Irie and others outside the field can hardly see the specific scene of the two fighting in the field--

The situation of the game can only be inferred from the sound of a heavy tennis ball hitting the ground and a counterattack, as well as the confrontation between the two in different dimensions!


Nioh is getting more and more excited now!

Irie guessed that the reason why his different dimension is "bellflower" is because of his love for tennis;

This guess is actually only half right!

The pure white lisianthus flowers entrust not only the "eternal love", but also the unforgettable "hopeless love" that has been experienced!


Only when you have lost can you truly understand how much you love

Just like the boy in that old story, Nioh woke up in the middle of the night countless times in his previous life, and pulled out the used racquet from the box. Remorse

Nowadays, Nioh Masaharu, who has experienced "hopeless love", knows his love for tennis better than anyone-it is not an ordinary love, but an eternal love that cannot be erased from life to life!

"Black Tomahawk!"

Like a real ghost, Oni Jujiro held the racket with both hands and smashed the tennis ball against Nioh's half court.

The ghosts and gods behind him moved, and the thick black and red mist tightly wrapped the tennis ball!

The little tennis ball kept zooming in Nioh's eyes, and then--

"Dimensional barrier!

Behind Nioh, the petals of the lisianthus flower dropped a few petals, as if being blown by the wind, floating in front of Nioh.

The brilliance flashed a few times, and the tennis ball with the thick black mist returned to its original appearance.



"6: 6! "

Irie quickly announced the score.

Using racquet as a blade weapon and court as the battlefield, after a battle, the two stopped tacitly. work.

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