Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 106 : The gift before parting, the profound meaning of another dimension!

The tall and mighty ghosts and ghosts are in opposition to the delicate and tender-looking lisianthus flower phantoms.

Although their images are very different, their auras do not give way to each other.

The "bellflower" just looks delicate,

- In the test just now, it was obvious from the score that Nioh had the upper hand!

"Nioh, your different-dimensional image is a bit interesting."

The ghost twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile.

It's just that, against the backdrop of his horrible image in another dimension, "Eight-Five Zero" looks very vicious and hideous.

"The predecessors' ghosts and gods are also very good!"

Let me collect very good information~

Nioh is very satisfied with this game!-He has obtained a very strong "Phantom" of the different dimension!

"Puff, Tanegashima-senpai, how did I perform just now?"

Unleashing his original face in the different dimension, Nioh is very satisfied with his performance on the field that he quickly evened the score-the current "bellflower" in the different dimension, although he has no previous life experience, he uses it very smoothly!


Tanegashima praised without hesitation.

Such a capable junior really gives him a long face!

With this kind of ghost, hitting the score of "6:6", Tanegashima Shuji can be sure at this time that their Rikkai's three consecutive hegemony honors are already in the bag!

"Then as a gift before parting, please enjoy the different-dimensional profound meaning I created again!"

Nioh listened to Tanegashima's praise, smiled crookedly, and decided to impress the seniors of U17 high school students more deeply!

"Pre-parting gift?!"

Irie Kanata caught a key word in Nioh's words--

"Nioh, are you leaving U17?"

Together with Tokugawa, the two looked at Nioh together.

Even the ghost was not in a hurry to start this crucial tiebreak, and looked at him questioningly.

"I'm still a junior high school student, seniors!"

"Moreover, for our middle school students, the most important thing is the national competition, right?"

Nioh seldom gave a vain explanation.

--Even if he is himself, he feels that he just came to U17 to leave too

I blame Senior Irie for being so smart!

I clearly said that I would use the "different dimension"-why the seniors still hold on to the point of "parting"!

In desperation, Nioh can only make up a reason that sounds far-fetched.

Although the national competition is still far away!--But how should I tell the seniors that I am worried that the sea leader who will definitely become the next Minister of Rikkai?

- I can’t say that I dreamt that the potential freshmen recruited by the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club this year will be hit continuously under our Deputy Minister Sanada, right?!

- And Yukimura’s disease that I don’t know how to get, needs to be resolved!

Nioh has a reason to return to Rikkai, but neither of these two reasons can be said.

"Ahem, in fact, didn't Nioh and I originally came to participate in that "academy camp"?"

"Now the final deadline is approaching, so"

Seeing that Nioh’s words were poor, Maori seemed to be unable to convince the public for his reasons (the face of Tokugawa beside him is so dark! How did Irie smile like that), so he hurriedly tried to "make up" a reason that could convince the public--

However, his words made the faces of Oni and Tokugawa even more ugly, and Irie Kanata's smile became brighter and brighter-it made you chill!

"That, Senior Ghost!"

"I want to start serving!"

"Senior, please appreciate my profound meaning of different dimensions!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nioh immediately held the racquet seriously to remind Oni Jujiro that his serve was about to begin...

This is a triumphant skill that he has spent a lot of effort in this life to perfect it at 2.8!

Hearing Nioh’s words, the ghost immediately stopped thinking about other things, and waited for the tricks that Nioh called the "extra-dimensional profound meaning".

PS: I'm so upset about Yukimura's illness! I always feel that Rikkai is now a little more reliable and attentive to Yuki and Yanagi-As for Sanada, his image has completely collapsed in the new net king (no wonder Akaya is very similar to him "when he was young" ~Actually, it is now very similar to the deputy minister of Rikkai University. In my heart, my status has been "rised" to the mascot level!).

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