Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 109 : You have to win if you die? Just in the middle!

"Is this your different-dimensional profound meaning?"

Gui Shensheng looked at the ball pit beside him and asked.

"How do seniors feel?"

Nioh is looking forward to what this senior who is no less powerful than Byodoin will do next.

If more than one person can give him a try, the greater the probability that Nioh will perfect his moves!

What's more, with the strength of the ghost, he can even try to find his loopholes!

"The move is good. But -1"

"Facing the test of death?"

"As long as there is the will to die, it is not to be feared!"

With Asura Shinto stepping into the realm of another dimension, Oni Jujiro has already possessed the will to "die to win"!

So, facing the threat of death one-

Just ignore it!

All I want is victory!

Victory is my life--

You must win if you die!

Close your eyes and open your eyes. When Oni Jujiro serves again, the hole in the mind has been filled by fearlessness.

At this moment, there is no trace of weakness in his heart, wholeheartedly, it is victory!

Putting aside other emotions and thoughts, only tennis and opponents are in my eyes--

The momentum of Jiang Mo's going down once again rose!


Gui Yun was full of strength and shouted, his arm muscles were mobilized delicately and efficiently, sending out a ball that condensed his will!

This time, the flying tennis ball carries the monstrous anger and will shock of the ghosts and gods!

The ghosts and ghosts behind Oni Jujiro also roared and roared, and the black and red aura in the sky surged towards Nioh's halftime, as if a natural disaster had come to the world!

If an ordinary person catches this ball, I am afraid it will be-dead!

Irie and others on the sidelines couldn't help but step back a few steps at this moment, and were shocked by the forcing momentum that escaped outside the court.

Only Tanegashima Shuji, the current No. 2 of U17, stands on the spot, does not move, his eyes are serious and heavy.

Faced with such an imposing goal, Nioh also tightened his heartstrings-

The time has come to test the level of the profound meaning of the different dimensions that you have created!

Although Nioh tried his tricks with Maori, Maori is not a figure of another dimension after all, and he did not step into Asura Shinto; even if Maori's mental power is considered the top part of the middle school students, it is not the top!

If this move is really what Nioh thought and was created, then compared with the World Cup powers, Nioh will at least not be inferior!

The black-red arrogance hit, and a little white light appeared on the phantom of the lisianthus flower, floating in the audience.

Others seemed to smell the fascinating fragrance of flowers, recalling the best past events in their memory.

Oni Jujiro is still unmoved, he who has put his life and death out of the picture, at this moment only has the word "victory" and "profit" in his eyes!

Nioh was not disappointed when he saw this, but rejoiced--

Right in the middle!

Throwing away the thought of "want to live", turn to the death and resurrection, put life and death away?

--This kind of mentality is the existence that Nioh's Different Dimensional Profound Meaning is really aimed at!

You have put your "life" out of control, so how can you talk about "victory"?

Nioh smiled and swung back--

This time, the white light enveloped racquet, resisting the power of the ghost ball.

The dark red arrogance touched the racquet and was swallowed up!

Immediately afterwards, it is like a mirror reflection!

Nioh played the tennis ball he played when he served as a ghost!

The tennis ball, carrying black and red arrogance, fought back at the ghost--

But there are some differences--

Just watching, whether it is Oni Jujiro on the court, Irie, Tanegashima and others off the court, they all feel the vitality and hope contained in tennis.

The ghost with a firm heart did not slack or hesitate this time, and quickly caught the ball!


*. "This, this is

The persevering will is attacked again!

Oni Jujiro, who is not afraid of death, clearly felt that his body became weak and weak when he touched the tennis ball at racquet!

Slap one by one


Two consecutive beeps!

With a sound, the ghost's racquet landed;

(Qian Lihao) Another sound is that the tennis ball has landed!

"3:0, Nioh scored!"

What happened on the field?

Irie and others, who are not aware of the situation, dare not pay attention to the development of the game on the court.


Even with Oni Jujiro's disposition, he couldn't help but blurt out the question.

How could there be such an outstanding move?

"Living" or "Death", whichever you choose, it won't work!

How can this be broken!

PS, do you guess Kanata was really rushed by the spirit of the ghost, or pretending to be weak? Talking about his five-dimensional

Also, this is a chapter timing chapter!.

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