Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 110 : tiebreak end

"Puff, senior, in the face of death, it's useless to be afraid. So the first stage of my profound meaning is to deal with this ordinary situation."

"But after driving people to a dead end, often the higher the level of players, the more mentally stimulated, just like "awakening".

"Therefore, in order to deal with this special but common situation for people with strong willpower, there is a second stage of my profound meaning! That is to complete one by one!"

"Since I have chosen to die, then I can only fulfill it~"

In the face of future teammates, Nioh introduced his moves very generously.

"So, Nioh, the name'Live to Death' is also a scam?"

Tanegashima Shuji spoke clearly.

It really is a "fraudster", deliberately let those high-level players automatically step into the trap!

This Different Dimensional Profound Truth--the second stage is the real ultimate move, right!

"Senior Tanegashima, how can I lie?"

"Don't we face the countdown to death, shouldn't we cherish every second and live well?"

Nioh firmly does not admit that he is deliberately inducing his opponent to make such a choice-I just provided the name of the trick, and everything is your own brain supplement 853, right?

"Senior Ghost, it's time for me to serve now! I'm going back before dark~"

"End early, and you can keep up with the work of our Rikkai Grand Tennis Club!"

Maori stared at Nioh with a stunned mouth and said nonsense seriously---little Nioh, when did you work so seriously? Haven't you been dragging me to do it alone?!




A ghost that has been weakened by Nioh's different dimensions, even if its mental power is strong, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

And Nioh’s different-dimensional profound meaning consumes a lot of spiritual power-after all, he is still in the "self-seal" of spiritual power.

So, after a fight between you and me-"7:3, Nioh wins!"

In the tiebreak later, Nioh did not use the profound meaning of "live to death";

But in the face of the weakening ghost, relying on mental power to add five dimensions, still let this senior who can be called a perverted physical quality score three points!

"Physical fitness is still not enough~"

The triumphant Nioh sighed.

I thought that after San Mifūne Nyudō San's training, his physical fitness should be considered excellent; but facing Gui Jujirou, it is still incomparable!


"Little Nioh, how old are you!"

Mauri ran on the field after he announced the score, and slapped him on the back when he heard Nioh's sigh and wave.

"Nioh-san is very strict with himself~"

"In fact, it's already very good.

Irie Kanata resisted the exclamation in his heart and smiled and said something rare in his heart.

- Isn't it good? It's absolutely against the sky!

Is the current middle school student so foul? Can you let me act with peace of mind!

The ghost is three years older than you and has been training in U17 for more than a year!

He is a real player with physical talent and strength!

Are you a mentally-powered and technical player who is physically better than a ghost?

Irie really feels that the current junior high school students are really too strong--isn’t the current trend in the tennis world to pursue perfection without leaving flaws?

Think about Tokugawa Kazuya when he first arrived at U17, that string of the same five dimensions, Irie felt that he might be the truth

The curly-senior who seems to be smiling on the surface has a big brain hole, and Tanegashima, who is a direct senior of Nioh and Maori, is also not idle--

"Rikkai's three consecutive hegemonies, it's up to you!"

"Senior is waiting for you to establish the Rikkai Dynasty!"

Then mad at Byodoin!

Tanegashima told the two of them, and they were happy-as long as they have the heart to win, who is willing to be No. 2?

Although due to the strength of Byodo-In Temple and Tanegashima himself is not a troublesome person, he is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke, but there is a chance to add a block to their current army boss - Tanegashima is still very happy!

"Of course, Tanegashima-senpai!"

"At least the first two times are okay--I can only get two consecutive dominances. In the third year, I have to rely on the little minister and little Nioh!"

Although Nioh's response is different, the young people have the same idea--you win if you have me!

Rikkai's big three in a row, there are no dead ends!

What's more-even if there are dead ends, can't it be solved in advance?

Nioh's return this time is not really for school or anything, he just wants to solve the obstacles of Rikkai's big championship and make their three consecutive championships perfect!

First educate the successor of Kirihaya, and then send Yukimura to the hospital in advance!

Nioh feels that all of them can reach an agreement on "education" Kirihaya;

As for Yukimura--even if you stun him, you have to send him to the hospital!

Nioh thinks it is necessary for him to have a good communication with the military commander and Yanagyu about his health issues-Sanada has no hope

- The deputy minister of Rikkai University, after participating in U17 in the third country, his essence is the same as Kirihaya's simple and straightforward attributes. It is no secret that all of their schools are selected

PS, everything the Lord said is right! Sanada is very similar to Akaya! His personality (I mean the one in the net king), in the new net king, completely collapsed-refreshed me to him Impressions~(Is it the mascot in the Rikkai Big Three?~~)

Tweet the book latte's "(Comprehensive) Light Chaser"!

Although PPS won, it does not mean that Masaharu is invincible. I have not come out yet, and this is Irie and the ghost at the beginning of the second year of high school, Tanegashima in front-I don't believe he will do his best

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