Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 154 : The day after the draw

On this day, Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who completed the drawing of the national contest, was struck by lightning after seeing the result of the drawing--

If there are no surprises, they Shitenhouji, the opponent in the semifinals is Rikkai again!

How could this happen, my luck

Sunshine boy Shiraishi, who drew Rikkai twice in a row as his opponent in the semifinals last year and this year, is depressed-accidents are impossible;

--They Shitenhouji cannot lose to other schools before the semifinals, and Rikkai is big...

If Rikkai loses to other schools, Hyotei's Atobe will ask the organizer to check the shady...

So, prepare for the establishment of the "eight-eight-three" Haida High School, Shitenhouji! (I support you mentally~ To hold on, Shiraishi-kun, Xiaojin and Chitose will be here soon!)

# Won Hyotei's Rikkai will not lose to others!#

"Xiaojing, Rikkai's opponent in the semifinals is Shitenhouji again~"

In the meeting room of Hyotei's official election, Oshitari Yuushi also pointed out that he was guilty of gloating to perform the duties of a military division (the secretary of the intelligence trafficker who is always down at critical moments, maybe just a miscellaneous?), and reports. The lottery of the major schools in this national competition.

Although their Hyotei's luck (Atobe was inexplicably black in the lottery, obviously a purebred European emperor in other aspects, this is the curse of the majority of non-chiefs or XF in the lottery?) is not very good, but Seeing Shitenhouji hitting Rikkai once again--

Haha, this is something you love to hear~~~

The result of the draw is that if you reach the semi-finals, you will meet Makinofuji's Hyotei, all of them #笑状#

"Makinofuji? My uncle's Hyotei is the winner!"

Atobe was as confident as ever, and the failure of the Kanto Contest did not cause any blow to his will.

"wushi! "

Huadi immediately responded.

"Of course we won!"

At this moment, the Hyotei people don't know yet, their future not far away--

Doubles to practice!

Singles should also strengthen this uncle!

After the national competition, Atobe almost trained his unglamorous members into unglamorous "dogs" - Minister Hyotei, who ended the game before the singles, was very upset!

Above, for later--



#柳和乾 will despise you--Typical examples of wrong methods of data collection#

#Implement the minister's instructions, although as Hyotei's second-in-command (note that it is not a deputy minister, there is no statutory relevant status and power), but it is an errand#

(Although having the position of deputy minister does not mean that he has a high actual status in the ministry - such as Shitenhouji's super low sense of existence, I only discovered Koishikawa not long ago; Seigaku will be the deputy minister next year. It’s definitely Fuji, right? Although Oishi is also very powerful and our Rikkai, Sanada’s actual status as a deputy minister--

Doubtful, at least in this article, you can estimate it...)

# Seriously get relevant information, just take a partner all the way to track on the road# Oshitari Yuushi's Rikkai trip laid the groundwork

And we are worried about by many schools today, if you can sneeze, you will definitely keep hitting Rikkai--

"Hahaha, Shitenhouji in the semifinals!"

"We will win!"

"Last year I remember it was them--"

Kirihaya said


Before he finished speaking, he was slapped by his dear vice minister.

"Too lax!"

We won last time, it doesn't mean we can take it lightly this time!

Sure enough, Kirihaya's heart is not mature enough!

Sanada severely suppressed the kelp that wanted to jump.

"Akaya, Shitenhouji's players this year are definitely different from last year.

Liu explained patiently.

"And we won, you won't necessarily win~"

This is Nioh Masaharu, the signified fox immortal.

Kirihaya, who was booked to serve as the singles three, may not meet anyone in the semifinals~

It seems that the country is a butterfly for a while.

Shitenhouji's roster this time will definitely be subverted!

#Change history, it seems that Nioh Jun of the younger generation has been pitted#

"Senior Nioh!"

"I will win!"

Kirihaya is a little annoyed, but I also know that the seniors are doing it for themselves-there are indeed many masters in the middle of the country.


But is he Kirihara Akaya that easy to lose?

Akaya, who was praised by Minister Yukimura not long ago, is also a little proud and proud today~

#It seems that a flag appears #

PS, how did Makinofuji make it to the national final in the second country?-I don't know, desperate jpg. (I always thought it was Hyotei, but someone told me it was Makinofuji! So the question is-how did Hyotei lose? ?Net King hasn't solved it..

Why have I been inserting flags in the text recently?! (Sure enough, the inner heart is too angry).

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