Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 155 : The first opponent, Liuliqiu

The first opponent in the Rikkai Grand National Competition was the East China Sea champion Liuliqiu Middle-School who impressed Nioh.

Past and present, such a weak school, it is really rare for Nioh to remember the present.

However, not only Nioh, but Liu also has "extraordinary attention" to this school!

"According to the intelligence, the school that spoke badly to our minister is 100% of it!"

Liu Ping reported the relevant information of their opponents, and successfully made Sanada's background black, Kirihaya's eyes were dyed red, Marui blew bubble gum, Kuwabara put away a smile, Maori sat up straight, and Yanagyu's lenses flashed cold!

Hehe, finally found

Liuliqiu Middle-School, right, wait for me to die!

Rikkai University, who won the Kanto Championship, was not slacking off, so he immediately surged and geared up, eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the national competition!

So, with no effort, he got a substitute spot that didn't need to be played, and watched with satisfaction from the selection of Sanada and Kirihaya, and was always ready to play with the net racquet and the fullness of Liuliqiu. Mental state.

One is very good, Liuliqiu Middle-School, wait until your final value is drained (to mobilize the emotions of the members, vent your anger, and better meet the semi-finals and finals), you can exit on your stomach!

Liu Junshi's data is as correct as ever.

In the five games, the "tan" sons of various universities have once again experienced what is "a terrorist force from the Rikkai High School"!

The group of Rikkai players seems to be showing off their skills! (Is this a show of strength, boss?!)

Isn't it just a Liuliqiu?

As for using tricks to suppress it?

Looking at doubles two who was tired and paralyzed by Yanagyu and Nioh, doubles one who was stunned by Marui and Kuwabara, and the three singles players who were scared by Kirihaya's red eyes so that racquet couldn't hold them, they were used by Sanada's "wind" and "fire". Killed four racquet's singles two, and singles one, who voluntarily abstained before Maori came on the court

Players from other schools who watched the game began to think-Does Liuliqiu offend Rikkai?

It's definitely offended!

In the final of the Kanto Contest, they faced off against Hyotei, Rikkai and others didn’t work so hard, right?!

(Later, I saw the video of Atobe's complexion--ahhh, isn't Hyotei worthy of your efforts?)

(Nioh can give you an accurate answer to Mr. Atobe. Your Oshitari of Hyotei bullied Akaya, and you can get the same treatment as Marui and Kuwana. As for the Maori predecessor-he is a personal mood reason. Others are in a normal state and maintain their strength; oh, yes Now, Sanada was pissed off by Akaya and broke out in the back ;)

(However, Mr. Nioh said very seriously-Liuliqiu offended the Minister Rikkai himself, and the entire Rikkai University was offended! We Rikkai from the top down, from the deputy minister to the staff, from the third grade to the first grade. Grade, I want to explode 200% of the strength to kill them!)

Doubles two is okay, it's just taking off, just rest for a few days (if Nioh didn't use mental power secretly, however));

Doubles-Those two confidences are shattered. If they cheer up, they will be a salted fish that can compete next year (if they can cheer up! If they can't cheer up, don't play ball anymore);

Singles three is a bit bad, oh, catching the ball is always hitting the tennis ball (really insensitive), and the color is lost; later, I simply avoided the tennis (this method is worth learning, if you can't catch it, hide it) , The result was ridiculed by the audience, and it seemed that when the game was off, the body and mind were severely hit by the first-year students from Rikkai University.

Singles two looked very sad, racquet broke four, it is estimated to lose a lot of money

Singles one, Liuliqiu's singles one player did not appear! (Maori expresses regret!)

Therefore, after today, starting from this moment, Liuliqiu's reputation is estimated to be stinking

(Thanks to the secret propaganda of Liu Junshi, who has not played in Rikkai, and the investigation by the unhappy Atobe Junming-how can a person who speaks this kind of (钱钱赵) deserve to be a tennis player?! This uncle now supports Rikkai. Kill them!)

#May God bless you to recruit new students to play tennis next year~#


#And the son of god will not bless you#

#神之子’s members said, see once, abuse once!# (If you can see it again, but according to the data, the probability is 0, 0001%)

PS, Liuliqiu, 100% purebred cannon fodder without any additives! Just want to black out the friends of a certain school and black them. This school is all black from the inside out, and it can't be washed white! Tiger.

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