Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 159 : singles three, bible tennis!

It’s not unreasonable that Yukimura and Yoo were worried about this game before-

Shiraishi, as the leader of a series, is at least as strong as Sanada;

It is difficult for Kirihaya to score against Sanada, so the result of facing Shiraishi


"3:0, Shitenhouji, Shiraishi score!"

What is Shiraishi Kuranosuke's strength in the end, except for his teammates, almost nothing is known to the outside world-the only understanding is through the rookie game he participated in.

After the rookie game, Shiraishi has the name of "Bible" by virtue of his extraordinary strength and his profound basic tennis skills as his representative style.

Even the most authoritative "Tennis Monthly" in the middle of the country can only be analyzed from the strength that Shiraishi showed in that game and his position as the head of the Shitenhouji Tennis Department.

Yanagi Renji, who lives in the Kanto region, is good at 17 data collection, but there is not enough information and game video for him to study, and the military can only guess Shiraishi's general strength.

Now it seems--

Everyone underestimated the minister of Shitenhouji!

Sanada watched the game on court with scorching eyes.

Kirihaya's strength could not be more clear to him. After all, in addition to Nioh, Kirihaya also played against him the most and challenged him the most in Rikkai.

From the very beginning, he used the "Fenglin Volcano" four tricks, Kirihaya could not win a round; now in the match, Kirihaya can basically win the next round, and if the red eyes are played well, they can even win two or three rounds!

This is already a great improvement-after all, Sanada himself is constantly improving, and the skill and strength of "Fenglin Volcano" is not invariable.

However, facing Shiraishi, such a Kirihaya was won three games in a row!

I even lost my serve game!

Even Sanada outside the court was so shocked. Yukimura said on court that his personality is actually very similar to Sanada. The reaction of Kirihaya, who is playing, can be imagined--


Reaching out and wiping sweat, Kirihaya squeezed the tennis ball tightly with his left hand, almost squeezing the tennis ball.

He never thought he would face such a desperate situation before the start of the game!

That's right, from Kirihaya's point of view, Shiraishi on the opposite side is even more terrifying than Sanada's strength!

Kirihaya, who is already familiar with Sanada, has a general understanding of his moves; and Kirihaya believes that if his deputy minister does not use "Fenglinshan", he might be able to fight tiebreak desperately.

And facing the minister of Shitenhouji--

There is not a single trick!

However, he couldn't even score a point!

He promised Minister Yukimura to win before the game



The knuckles of the fingers were hard, and the green eyes of Lake Kirihaya filled with a few bloody breath.

Knuckle serve, this irregular serve trick, finally appeared under the emotional agitation of Kirihaya himself!

Before the Kirihaya serve, Shiraishi realized that the first-year student with Rikkai on the opposite side had a wrong expression and his eyes started to turn red, so he immediately became vigilant.

Seeing Kirihaya's left hand knuckles straining, and hearing a sonic boom in his ears, Shiraishi instantly swiped his backhand to protect himself!

The yellow galloping tennis ball happened to hit Shiraishi's racquet and resisted the racquet, which kept spinning, trying to move forward.

If Shiraishi takes a step slower, it will bounce on Shiraishi's body compared to a tennis ball!


"Hang the net!"

"15:0, Rikkai and Kirihaya score!"

Although it blocked the tennis ball and made a counterattack, the power and speed of Kirihaya's knuckle serve still made Shiraishi's counterattack failed and the ball was returned to the net.

"Um~ Extasy!

"Kirihaya-san, really a very promising first-year student."

Shiraishi Kuranosuke praised from the heart.

His character is optimistic and sunny, with a good temper and serious work. He didn't despise Kirihaya because he was a senior or a minister, so he suppressed Kirihaya at the beginning.

But what he didn't expect was that the first-year student from Rikkai had hidden this highly technical serve, which almost made him suffer.

As for being almost hit by a tennis ball, Shiraishi said: Although he doesn't like this style of playing, but after seeing a school like Lion Music where the whole school is violent tennis style, Kirihaya is really nothing--at least, he It gave the opponent a chance to dodge instead of hurting the opponent seriously. Just like their Shitenhouji Ishida Gin's wave ball who returned from practice this year

Same - as long as you don't pick up, isn't it all right?

It’s just that if you want to catch the ball, it really takes a lot of thought.

Shiraishi on the court sighed 887 in his heart for the strength of Rikkai's life, and Liu on the contestant stand became completely solemn--

Even if you return the ball to the net, can it only be the first time to return to Kirihaya's irregular serve?

It's so difficult

It was the first time for Liu to meet Shiraishi's type of tennis player-like his title, perfect as a "Bible".

With such a solid and flawless foundation, Kirihaya’s second serve is estimated to be broken.


"15:15, tie!"

Sure enough, as Yanagi Renji expected, although the ball bounced by the tennis ball is irregular, Shiraishi, who is very strong in five dimensions in all aspects, relies on a strong foundation, and he has successfully found the right ball in that instant, perfect. Hit back the tennis ball.

Under the prestigious reputation!

Shiraishi's Bible tennis really deserves its reputation!

PS, I checked Baidu, and it said that with Fuji's game (well, yes, Zang Lin won!), Shiraishi also played twice. Let’s assume that he hasn’t played a game before.

(Be calm in the next plot! Calm!)

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