Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 160 : Demonization, Shiraishi's worries


"4:0, Shitenhouji, Shiraishi score!"

Shiraishi broke Kirihaya's serve game once again, and everyone who watched Rikkai's grand battle looked solemn.

Nioh watched the score. Even though he had expected this result, he couldn't stop being shocked when he saw this scene.

Adhering to the basics, Shiraishi has embarked on a unique "Tennis Bible" road in the middle school tennis world;

On this road, he is undoubtedly lonely, because the other players are almost focused on developing unique skills, and Shiraishi only relies on the extremely solid and infinite foundation that is close to perfection.

But he is also lucky;

Because he found the path that suits him best from the beginning, and met Shitenhouji, a group of good teammates with different personalities--

In fact, it was these basic five-dimensional "uncoordinated" teammates with their own strengths and playing styles that supported Shiraishi's tennis career.

Although the current Shiraishi has not completed the evolution after it has been completed, even at the current level, it is more than enough to deal with Kirihaya, a guy who has obvious shortcomings - even for Kirihaya, this kind of tennis that has no gorgeous skills but no flaws. The style is more difficult than Sanada's tennis!

Yukimura and Liu really found a good opponent for Akaya - Shiraishi's style is just enough to restrain Kirihaya, or it can restrain most of the tennis players!

Nioh supported his chin and watched the game, but soon, he immediately became nervous like Marui next to him - Kirihaya was completely red-eyed, and

"5:0, Shitenhouji, Shiraishi scored!

Shiraishi on court won another round, but he was shocked and completely ignored the scoring of the game.

- What's the matter with Kirihaya of Rikkai?!

The eyes were bloodshot and red, the skin was stained with blood red, and the hair turned completely white in an instant!

The whole body exudes a bloodthirsty breath!

Shiraishi subconsciously looked in the direction of Rikkai's big player seat--


Sanada-kun, the deputy minister of Rikkai University, clenched his fist tightly, with a black face as if he was going to be beaten up immediately!

Marui-kun seemed to rush up to beat him too! Fortunately Kuwana-kun caught him, but Kuwana-kun's expression was also very serious!

Liu Jun pinched off the pen that records the data!

Mao Lijun's expression is so cold, arrogant and serious!

Should I worry about Hara Tetsuya and Ken, who will appear later, although I cannot protect myself now

Liu Shengjun's lenses are reflecting light!

Although I can't see the emotion in his eyes, I can imagine that if there is something like "killing" in the eyes, I guess it has been cut into several pieces now!

Mr. Nioh is sneer! Sneer!

It is said that, yes, it is what Yukimura, the minister of Rikkai University, said, Nioh-kun is "the fraudster on the court", and is "the most horrible person in Rikkai"! Don't stare at me, Nioh-san!

At this moment, Minister Shitenhouji felt the fear from his heart--

Not because of the demonized Kirihaya on the court, but because of the great selection of Rikkai!

I watched Shiraishi in the final of the Kanto Contest in person, but saw with my own eyes the tragedy of Hyotei's Oshitari-kun caused by the blow-up of the first-year student opposite him!

Later, even Qian couldn't help but call to comfort his cousin who was crushed on doubles in Hyotei.

Visible Rikkai's great protection!

It seems that Sanada also broke out because of Kirihaya, who is opposite him!


Shiraishi Kuranosuke really wants to drop the racquet at the moment.

--Why did I take the initiative to ask for singles three in the first place!

I knew Yuan Tetsu would be a senior, anyway, he is about to graduate.

Now, looking at Kirihaya with red eyes and white hair and a fierce expression on the opposite side, Shiraishi wants to cry without tears--

Beat Rikkai's favorite younger generation like this, Rikkai will chase me down, right?!

But I really didn't mean it! I just wanted to win a game, and I definitely didn't deliberately stimulate Kirihaya!

Everyone at Rikkai, you must believe me!

I want to go back to Shitenhouji alive

I will stay in middle school for more than a year, and I will meet Rikkai next year, I will definitely be beaten!

#心里在Crazy Tucao Wailing Shiraishi#

". "Kirihaya-san, calm down!"

Shiraishi flashed a tennis ball that was slammed straight at him, loudly soothing Kirihaya's emotions that were demonized by overexcitement and triumphant eagerness.

Looking at the expressions of the people of Rikkai, you know that Kirihaya is definitely not right-so in order not to be sacked after the game, and to return to Kansai alive, Shiraishi is determined to calm the emotions of the first-year student of Rikkai. !

--It is said that Sanada-kun's house opened the dojo, and Sanada-kun himself has also practiced kendo since he was a child. I must not be able to beat him!

Koharu and Yuji have no fighting power at all, and Ken is definitely the fastest runner. Cai Qian will definitely ignore me. Hara Tetsuya seems to be more interested in Rikkai's Maori-kun. Ash (that is, Watanabe Xiu coach!) for the sake of saving money. Some fare may wish to leave me here!

So the teammates are unreliable, they can only rely on themselves (Channuo's) to save!

#Self-reliance of Shiraishi Minister#

# Shitenhouji's members are also a group of scams~#

#But don't worry! Regarding the pitfalls, we still have a high number of Rikkai big paragraphs~ You are still a little bit tender#

The miserable Shiraishi tried to persuade Kirihaya to get out of that crazy state, but fell into the demonized Kirihaya with almost no sense, and could not listen to Shiraishi's persuasion.

He wanted to win, even hitting Shiraishi's body directly!

PS: Shiraishi Kuranosuke from Kansai!

Why did Akaya lose, and I am so happy when I write, have I really changed my heart?!

Hold it back! Shiraishi is handsome, yes, but let's think about Minister Yukimura! #长盛世美颜,气场如斯~#

Okay, I still love Akaya~ Hyun.

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