Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 175 :Follow the vine

"Yuushi, what are we doing with Cilang?"

After Hyotei Gakuen was over, Mukahi Gakuto was dragged by his partner to the direction of Akutakawa Jirou leaving school speechlessly.

"Yue Ren, keep your voice down."

Oshitari whispered.

"Based on my observations, I finally have a clue about Atobe's mission."

"Recently, Cilang always leaves school awake after school--isn't it a suspicious thing?"

Slowly following Akutagawa more than ten meters away, Oshitari said confidently.

"I have a hunch, I will definitely complete Atobe's mission this time!"

His voice rose a few degrees unconsciously.

"Hey, Yuushi, you can also keep your voice down, Cilang will hear you."

"But are you sure he didn't go for dessert or something?"

Xiang Hi has some doubts about Oshitari's observations and inferences.

"Well, Yueren, you have to believe my inference, this time you must not go wrong!"

He pulled Mukai on the tram in Akutagawa and followed the crowd on the same tram-the tram to Kanagawa.

-I don’t know a few minutes after a time has passed

"Yueren, wake up, don't go to sleep!"

"We are almost there.

Oshitari pushed his drowsy partner with his head tilted directly on him, trying to make him sober

"Huha~ So sleepy."

"Let me sleep a little longer, Yuushi.

"The car is swaying, and there is no game to kill the time. It's strange if you don't sleep!"

Xiang Ri rubbed his eyes reluctantly.

"Yue Ren, look at Ci Lang!"

Oshitari pointed to the radiant figure who was sitting excitedly.

Mukahi Gakuto looked over--

"! "

The person who always sleeps with his eyes closed on weekdays, even if he is awake, his eyes will be covered with a mist of water that seems to be going to sleep in the next second, and his eyes now exude a different brilliance.

"Am I seeing the wrong person, Yuushi""?"

"This is the fellow Cilang?!"

Xiang Ri's shocked sleepiness disappeared.

"Being able to stay awake and excited all the time on the tram, it seems that this time I will gain something."

Oshitari curled up his lips and became more convinced of his inference.

The key to inspire Akutagawa and excite him is that their long-troubled question by Hyotei will definitely be answered this time!

So, when the train arrived at a certain stop in Kanagawa, Oshitari cooperated with his partner Xiangri, and Akutakawa Jirou, who was walking along the way and wishing to jump up, came to the gate of a school called "Rikkai High School".


--Seeing "Rikkai Big", he suddenly felt an inexplicable fear; about those bad memories in the finals of the Kanto Grand Tournament, the weird eyes that everyone saw after the game, and the amount of training that was almost dying

Suddenly want to go back to Hyotei

"Heh, let's go, Yuushi."

Xiangri twitched his mouth, and remembered the shadow that Rikkai had left on them with the pair of doubles.

But because his doubles partner Oshitari Yuushi pulled most of the hatred on the field at the time, he still had the courage to enter the school gate of Rikkai University!

#If it is found, just buckle the black pot and give it to Youshi!#

#Originally Yuushi brought me here, I don’t know anything, everything is my partner’s fault#

#However, we will try to avoid Kirihaya's first-year and Rikkai group's QAQs, as seniors, so no majesty#

# Atobe, where are you? Come and take a helicopter to Rikkai to protect your staff! Compared to Yuushi, although you always punish me for training physical strength, you still feel safe as a minister~#

Xiangri's heart was ups and downs, and he kept calling their minister Atobe Keigo, but he still # remembered mission #, pulled Oshitari into Rikkai University, and followed Akutagawa who was familiar with the road like entering his own home. Come to the tennis club of Rikkai!

All his courage was taken away in an instant, and the strength to pull Oshitari was almost non-existent. Perhaps he hoped his partner would pull him away and leave Rikkai's big tennis club.

But all came here. Oshitari, who was originally unwilling to enter Rikkai's gate, burst out with inexplicable courage and stretched out his hand to walk to the barbed wire fence of the court.

Then the two Hyotei's candidates watched their teammates find a place near the wire fence to sit down and seem to want to sleep?!

"?! "

"Does Cilang dislike our Hyotei? He went to sleep in Rikkai in Kanagawa!"

Xiang Ri was about to explode.

He and Oshitari#千辛万苦# tracked all the way, but Cilang turned out to be

"No, Yueren, you see that Ci Lang is still awake, but he was so excited when he didn't come."

Oshitari pushed down his non-precision glasses frame and said inexplicably.

"Carefully observe Cilang's eyes, his eyes are dim but there is no physiological water vapor, which shows that although Cilang is drowsy, his consciousness is still awake;

"His eyes have been looking at the court, but he doesn't care about the big Rikkai players who are practicing sparring, even the first-year student who is Rikkai big and the regular picks who are practicing in the game are the same;"

"But he resisted his sleepiness and kept looking at the court, so it is absolutely impossible to sleep or investigate the enemy! According to my reasoning-he must be waiting for something!"

Oshitari-Holmes-Yuushi spoke super fast.

"Wow, Yuushi, you are amazing~"

Xiangri-partner-Hyotei detective's assistant (touted)-Yueren said admiringly.

"Then we will continue to wait, we will definitely find the reason why Cilang came here!"

After listening to the clear reasoning of the partner, Xianghi also has confidence and a sense of security in their Rikkai trip.

It's not the first time that Cirou has come to the Rikkai Tennis Club, but he has been fine, and there is no injury-so the deputy minister of Rikkai University Sanada will not start to beat the other school in his school. Human!

I remembered that I was sitting in the audience with a good view under the Atobe bag and saw Rikkai's national semi-final match, Sanada slapped Kirihaya on the head with ease 1-Since then, Mukai finally understands Atobe Keigo's benefits as a minister;

At the very least, the emperor of ice who loves gorgeous will not carry out "iron fist punishment" like the emperor of Rikkai..

And Yuushi, as the No. 2 person without #官identity (VP) #, also has no right to set up rules for them to be beaten when they lose the game-although he is not that rigid temperament.

PS, because I don't know when it will appear in the third episode of the country (Kanto, Qingxuan, National), it is full of Seigaku, so I will add drama to Hyotei recently!.

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