Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 176 : Fans who chase stars

"Marui-kun, come on! Marui-kun!"

Seeing Akutakawa Jirou, Oshitari and Xiangri, who suddenly their eyes lit up, they looked blank and shocked.

As Hyotei's prime choice, they have seen the group of people from the Atobe support team, Ichiro, behaving just like the fanatical fans of their ministers at this time!

But those Hyotei girls are obsessed with Atobe. It’s good to say that everyone can understand, but Cilang, you behaved like this to the right choice of Rikkai.

"Marui Bunta?"

Oshitari looked at the running burgundy figure on court in surprise.

As the doubles one in the final of the Kanto Championship, Oshitari said that he would never forget the name of Rikkai!

At first glance, it looks like Yueren's type, but I didn't expect it to be so strong on court...

Well, the physical strength is much better than Yueren;

Sure enough, he is a member of Rikkai, a victorious empire, and his heart for victory is 900.

But I have to admit that he played tennis well and his skills were also very good;

Although I still think Yueren and I are more in harmony. (On the thickness of the filter added by the doubles player to his partner~)

Watching Marui Bunta's skill "walking a tightrope", Oshitari commented in his heart.

"How about it, my genius?"

Marui watched the tennis ball fall on the opposite half and said habitually.

This mantra, basically whenever he plays a trick or scores with a flash of inspiration, he will habitually say it.

However, there is a response from his partner, Sangwara, in the words of doubles, the current singles training

He didn't expect anyone to respond, he was just used to saying this!

"Ahhhhh! Genius Marui-kun! (bhci) Marui-kun is the best!"

Hearing Marui's words, Akutagawa didn't care whether Marui told him or not, clutching the barbed wire with both hands, he shouted in admiration.

In the heart of this little fan who watched the Marui game wholeheartedly, his idol must respond!

And Marui-kun is indeed a genius!

Mukahi Gakuto saw Akutagawa like this, and couldn't help covering his face-it's shameful, Jirou!

Wearing our Hyotei school uniforms, we cheer for Rikkai's main selection on the big Rikkai site, and they are so fanatical.

Our image of Hyotei Gakuen has been "corrupted" by you!

Indeed, as Mukahi Gakuto thought, how could Rikkai with Yanagi Renji, a military strategist, fail to spot Akutakawa Jirou in Hyotei uniforms watching the game so blatantly?

While having a fanatical pursuit of data, Liu is also wary of the outflow of data from his teammates.


After Liu Duotian's observation, the audience from Hyotei seemed to know nothing about inquiring about intelligence and was not interested in their games.

The only thing that excites him is his teammate Marui!

Every time Marui comes on stage, the Hyotei audience named Akutakawa Jirou jumps and jumps and cheers with bright eyes; every time Marui uses a magic trick, Akutagawa will dance with his hands; every time Marui's mantra blurs out, his man Little fans will always respond

So, with a certain kind of wonderful (watching the show) psychology, Liu did not ask Akutagawa to stay away from the online court they trained.

#QAQ, the youth who is in Tokyo with Hyotei Gakuen's Inui Sadaharu would definitely be sad if he knew that his young tame could indulge someone who might come to collect data (although the probability is close to nothing)#

The rest of Sanada ignored this, Kirihaya was unaware; Nioh and the others reached an agreement silently with Liu Anzhong.

The last Marui, it's nice to have a fan cheering on

# After Yukimura leaves, everyone in the tennis club is getting more and more free#

Therefore, under Rikkai’s silent acquiescence, Akutakawa Jirou, the official candidate of the Hyotei Tennis Club, came to Rikkai and watched for many days of training.

#果然是 Hyotei Rikkai good friends and family#

#Before, Minister Hyotei went to Rikkai alone, and later, Hyotei members called for Marui for many days as a follow-up team#

#On the unique attraction of Rikkai大 to Hyotei#

# The experience left by the predecessors of Hyotei, train more and watch the handsome Rikkai Taisho election less!#

PS, timed on Sunday!

Read more and watch less beautiful Uchiha~~ Hahahaha (Ma, when I think of Marui and Akutagawa, I start to think about the Ninjin who has been broken for several years, and then think of Sanada and Atobe or Yukimura and Atobe, and finally there is Our Maori predecessors and Moonlight! The brain hole can’t stop) Uchiha and Rikkai do have something in common.

A group of people, and they are used to tolerating the air every second, the best candidate for the big boss!.

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