Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 207 : Seigaku first meeting (3)

"Seigaku Tennis Club prohibits members from playing privately!"

No matter what he thought in his heart, he still icy his face and watched the lap members and rejected Kirihaya.

"Really, you are too serious! This way you will age quickly!"

Kirihaya said dissatisfied.

The formation of the members in the running circle was chaotic for a moment--

"Hiss!" Kaidoh Kaoru and Momoshiro Takeshi ran into each other caught off guard by the chaos of the formation.

"Good data!" Inui Sadaharu ran the circle with pen and paper.

"It turns out that the hand is getting'old" because of this!" Fuji smiled seemingly, and the arc of his mouth made Kikumaru, a classmate of his class and a member of the club, who was also elected, silently stayed away from him while holding back his smile. , Got to the safer side of Oishi.

"You are the minister, aren't you set the rules?"

"It's just a game, it won't take you long!"

Kirihaya said angrily.

Why is this person so indifferent, he is clearly making excuses!

Humph, I'm not afraid of exposing any data

But I'm not Senior Liu, I don't know how to play tennis

Ah yes!

[It must be because I said I was here to be a spy!]

Kirihaya suddenly realized one-

"Don't be afraid, I won't have the same data tennis as Senior Liu, I'm not here to collect data! So compare with me--"

"You mean Renji?!"

Inui Sadaharu, who had just passed here in the lap, appeared in front of Kirihaya at a speed exceeding the 100-meter race and interrupted him.

"Is it Renji?"

Ignoring the cold face and cold air of his hand, he wholeheartedly inquired about Yanagi Renji, his partner in elementary school.

"who are you?"

Kirihaya interrogated warily.

I even asked Senior Liu - it must be the 920 people who are hoping for our Rikkai internal training data!

Gan-was defeated by the younger generation just like Yoo in the main competition-but was even more unlucky to lose to the younger generation twice-Seigaku's current assistant who lost the spot in the election, perhaps with a mentality of revenge and wanted to help his partners invented a unique taste Vegetable juice-actually really want Rikkai big internal data-but this time it is not for the data-completely attracted by the name of Yanagi Renji-top

The air-conditioning at the start of the house approached with a fearless mind and thought of Professor Sadaharu (the name is so long, but he is no better than our predecessor, Su, crossed out, is no better than Yu), "Inui Sadaharu! My name is Inui Sadaharu! Liu mentioned me?"

He was hopeful and his eyes were full of expectation.

However, Kirihaya smiled indifferently, "I haven't heard of it. Anyway, I only heard seniors say about Kunimitsu!"


Everyone seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

"How come, did Renji forget me?"

"No, it won't; according to the data, the probability that Renji remembers me is

Inui Sadaharu had broken thoughts, depressed and couldn't wait to squat down and draw circles.

The veins on the forehead of the hand family can't help but appear--

"Kirihaya classmate!"

He said solemnly.

"Please leave Seigaku Tennis Club!"

Feeling that since Kirihaya entered the tennis club, the style of painting has been completely off the track. At this time, Sanada's figure can appear in Seigaku.

"No! You want to compete with me!"

Kirihaya, who thought it was totally boring to wait outside for seniors to pick him up, made up his mind to stay at the Seigaku Tennis Club.

Shoujia tried to keep his face straight, driving away Kirihaya with a cold face and air-conditioning.

But one-

"Why? Renji doesn't even remember me..

Inui Sadaharu is still thinking about it here.

"Come to the game, Minister Seigaku!"

Kirihaya continued to invite to fight.

The head of the hand is air-conditioned, but the two people in front of him completely ignore the dividing line

Seigaku's school gate,

"Finally arrived!"

Youth Gakuen was newly elected, and first-year student Echizen Ryoma ran all the way.

"Isn't this Seigaku's "small pillar"?"

Nioh, who still remembers the long-rumored "Seigaku Big and Small Pillar", saw Echizen running as soon as he got out of the car.

"Ah, what a vigorous youth~"

He sighed, and then followed Echizen Ryoma.

#狐狸オ won't tell you that he actually doesn't know where Seigaku's tennis club is~#

#What, why do you want to go to the tennis club? Isn't this going to find Kirihaya! He must be in the tennis club, Seigaku is not a game hall, where can he go to pass the time without going to the tennis club~#

Echizen ran towards the Seigaku Tennis Club at a speed of 100 meters, completely unaware that he was followed by a member of the outside school.

But other Seigaku students looked at it a few times, after all, Nioh's hair color is very conspicuous; and

--Another Rikkai University student?!

The Rikkai High School in Kanagawa is a very good school. At least the scores of the school's admissions have stopped many people. , Finally wiped the line and was admitted).

Rikkai University students carrying tennis bags and walking on the way to the Seigaku Tennis Club.

Such a scene is really eye-catching.

However, Echizen, who was struggling to run, knew nothing about it.

He was really focused on running in order to get to the club a while earlier, so as not to be fined a few laps!

Echizen Ryoma, a first-year student, is 12 years old and has a height of 151-a few centimeters taller than Urasan, a first-year senior from Rikkai. But even if he has an advantage over his peers, his physical limitations still cannot allow him to have a pair of long legs at this age! (Even at the end of the country, he only grew so much 1, 5cm~)

But all of the above is okay!

Don’t you see, a certain Irie who is still playing in U17 is still 165 in high school, but this does not prevent him from running past a large group of big men with an extremely sensitive pace and a light and fast gait.

So, Nioh really can't relax while following, after all, at Echizen's current speed (bhci), if he "tracks" on campus, he will be lost if he is not careful.

So this kind of scene appeared on the road near Seigaku Tennis Club-

Wearing a white baseball cap, wearing a blue and white formal uniform, and carrying a tennis bag, a late man is running. Seigaku is choosing behind him, and a moderate distance is followed by a running white hair wearing a Rikkai university uniform and carrying a tennis bag.


Horio Satoshi exclaimed in surprise.

"You are finally here! Come in, there is a guy who claims to be Rikkai's sophomore ace to challenge the hand minister!"

This boy who claimed to have two years of playing football was impressed by Echizen shortly after school started. This is a peer, he naturally hopes that Echizen Ryoma, who is his age, will show off the strength of the "Seigaku first-year pillar".

"Hey, you, who are you?"

Welcoming them excitedly, Horio, the backbone of Seigaku's first grade, noticed the people following Echizen Ryoma.

The familiar, just saw the school uniform, and the tennis bag behind the person gave him a bad feeling

"Seniors, come here soon--"

"Rikkai has come again to challenge the minister!"

He yelled in a loud voice.

Nioh:.. Will the next generation be misunderstood like this? To be honest, I am more interested in Seigaku's Fuji than the hand-kun!

#So the Minister Yukimura, who sent Nioh carefully, did not expect that another member of his staff was very interested in Seigaku's Fuji Syusuke, although he had no feelings about his opponents and had no intention of doing it. #

#But please rest assured, the Minister who is still playing practice matches in Kaki no Wood, none of your members will change jobs!#

"It seems interesting, Oishi."

"Let me just go, you guys can continue running!"

Fuji, squinting and smiling, got out of the lap line.

"Hello, Nioh-san, welcome to the tennis club of Youth Gakuen."

He said gently.

"Not far!"

The first-year junior said casually in a clear voice.

"Little dwarf! What are you talking about?!"

At this time, Kirihaya finally gave up temporarily to challenge the hand who had been expressionless. Because the senior who came to pick him up has arrived, he, as a well-behaved, sensible and caring junior, naturally came out to greet him (what is wrong? Little kelp is a "guest", how come out to greet him?!).

"Senior Nioh!"

He happily ignored the smiling Fuji at the door and the trembling Horio, and ran to his senior.

"Senior, the minister of Seigaku is so stingy that he doesn't want to play against me!

And smoothly reported to his seniors.

"Puff, Akaya, don't be angry! Go back and let Sanada fight you!'

Nioh didn't hesitate to throw out Sanada's option.

If you don't fight at the hand, isn't there still Sanada?

Kirihaya's eyes lit up instantly, and there was satisfaction in his smile.

This exchange between the predecessors and the elders almost blinded Echizen Ryoma and Fuji Syusuke. (Fuji: I'm so angry, I ignored me!)

"Hey, what are you doing in Seigaku?"

"Challenge, Rikkai big one? It's still far away!"

Echizen interjected tuggingly.

Although he knows that he will grow taller in the future, at least for now, his height is his flaw!

#被Kirihaya poked to the painful Echizen#

#The days when the seniors are forced to drink milk can't afford to hurt~#

"No, this first-year gentleman, I'm here to meet our younger generation from Rikkai.

Nioh held down Kirihaya, who was about to explode in anger, and answered Echizen's words.

"However, it's okay to challenge your minister by the way!

Seigaku's first-year student wants him to challenge so much, he naturally has to take the initiative


"Fuji-san, do you want to fight me? First prove my strength?"

Nioh looked at Fuji Syusuke.

He is really more interested in Fuji than his hand..

PS: (Timed on Wednesday) Seigaku's first-year pillar and Rikkai's second-year ace finally met successfully! Masaharu finally arrived in Seigaku

PPs: There is still no competition, but don't dislike this chapter and continue to shape the character image...

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