Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 208 : Seigaku first meeting (4)

"It's very interesting~"

Fuji smiled and seemed to want to fight.

However, Nioh knows that this person is just a habitual facial paralysis smile, and Fuji has almost no interest in the game.

[The reason why I took the initiative to come out is because I want to watch a good show, right]

Anyhow, it was a former opponent, Nioh accurately grasped Fuji's thinking-method.

So one-


"Your member Fuji wants to play a game with me. Can you arrange the venue?,

He spoke with his throat and pulled Kirihaya into it, passing by Echizen Ryoma and Fuji Syusuke.

At first he heard Horio's shout, he was relieved, because he thought it was Kirihaya's Rikkai senior who came to pick him up.

But the current development is beyond his expectations.

Although Fuji volunteered to "go and see", his hand had a bad feeling.

But he didn't expect that Fuji would want to compete with someone from Rikkai!

Too careless!

Although Tezuka himself had better refrain from violent swinging due to a hand injury, it was not for this reason that he did not agree to Kirihaya's game.

A rigorous player attaches great importance to the rules of the tennis department. He believes that as a minister, he has to lead by example. And good discipline and binding force can make everyone finally win the summer competition, right?

But what he didn't expect was that Fuji actually

"Seigaku Tennis Club prohibits members from playing privately!"

Still sullen, the hand said to Nioh who was pulling Kirihaya over.

"But this is not a private game. Didn't I come to you to ask for the venue openly?

Nioh said frankly.

Shoujia's brows frowned, and he just wanted to talk--

"My classmates from Rikkai University, how are you guys."

Coach Ryūzaki from Seigaku Tennis Club finally appeared.

"Is there anything to do with Seigaku?"

She wears a high ponytail. Even though she is old, she still looks vigorous and full of energy.

"Good coach Ryūzaki."

Nioh pulled Kirihaya, and the two bowed slightly to her.

Echizen, who walked in from behind, opened his eyes wide---deceptive, he just seemed casual and provocative just now, why is it so now?

"What a good boy.

Coach Ryūzaki praised.

"Fuji-kun hopes to have a game with me and hopes to borrow the venue here."

"It won't be too long, just try a game.

In front of Fuji Syusuke, Nioh said something that he didn't believe him.

"That's it," Coach Ryūzaki raised his eyebrows slightly. "Please come here, then."

"Our members happen to be running. You can use the court as you like.

She also became interested in "Fuji's voluntary request competition." Did the'genius' Fuji, who has never had a strong sense of winning, actually asked for the game?

As a good coach, she certainly has to meet the expectations of her staff!

"Thank you very much, Coach Ryūzaki.

After Nioh finished speaking, he glanced at the silent hand and showed a fox smile.

"Ah, does the coach want me to play?"

Although there was only one ball, Fuji, who was about to play inexplicably, hooked his mouth and smiled upward.

"Fuck, a good opportunity to collect data is here, you must seize it~"

He then said to Inui Sadaharu who was still in depression.

"Yes, classmates, don't let down the teachings of our military instructors."

Nioh followed closely.

After listening to Fuji's words, I barely worked hard, and after listening to Nioh's words, it burned completely--

"Renji! Did Renji mention me coming?"

[Yes, Kirihaya-kun is only in the second grade, and he is not very reliable, otherwise he will not come to Seigaku; Nioh in the third grade should know better]

"Liu naturally mentioned it.

Nioh said with a smile.

...For flowers...

"Liu Guo and I doubles in the finals of the national competition for a while, he naturally told me."

He went on to insert the knife.


Right on the lifeline!

Shoujia glanced at the dry subconsciously, this time he really heard the sound of heartbreak--

"Ah, it's you, Nioh Masaharu, Makinofuji that doubles game..."

From great joy to great compassion, Qian murmured as if his soul had risen to heaven.

"How could I forget, the same doubles, I haven't been able to do it for so long with the professor's elementary school partner?

In a daze, he took a bottle of drink from the side and drank it in one gulp--



Seigaku's data doctor, Inui Sadaharu, was in a coma after drinking the dry juice he developed!

"It's a waste, I only have so little left to drink."

Fuji looked at the dry juice spilled because of the fainting, and said regretfully.

What a kind and good teammate he is, in order to comfort his frustrated companion, he offered his favorite drink!

"Senior, Senior Nioh!"

Rikkai's small kelp was frightened.

He only knows that Seigaku has Kunimitsu, a strong tennis player, but he doesn't know that Seigaku has such a terrible death drink and that his teammates are not soft-handed!

[Fortunately, the person who came to pick me up is Senior Nioh, Senior will not be cheated by that person! Senior is the one who cheats the most!]

At this moment, Kirihaya's admiration for his predecessors deepened again.

[It's really Yukimura's future roommate. Fortunately, Liu didn't study any messy drinks. However, under the stimulation of this drink, Seigaku's training motivation is quite strong. Would you like to talk to Liu?]

Kirihaya, who is still admiring his senior and feels that his senior is a reliable person, doesn't know, his #最会擊人#'s Nioh senior is already thinking about how to make Liukeng the whole Rikkai big thing.

PS: Thursday work,

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