Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 210 : Before the regional competition

After Seigaku's visit, Kirihaya triumphantly shared the information about Seigaku's Fuji that he had "analyzed" with his predecessor Yoo.

God Nioh watched Yukimura's smile more and more brightly, and then watched their minister's background board completely turn into blooming lilies.

#真是有缘那, someone like me, the move is forced to explain it#

#But even so, I won't be happy!#

So, after today's work schedule was over, after the other members had left, Yukimura called Sanada--

"Xianichiro, do you remember what you promised me?"

Sanada looked at him for a moment, and then took a step back abruptly, successfully making Yukimura decide that he must give his deputy minister a deep "memorial"!

Therefore, the drawing board and paint were set up in the activity room on the second day.

Sanada stiffly followed Yukimura's request in a pose that made him feel very ashamed, and stood motionless, trying to let go of his thoughts.

And Yukimura sat in front of the drawing board, looking at his painting model, drawing strokes one by one.

The atmosphere at this time is still very peaceful, until--

"Minister! Minister!"

A certain second-year ace recklessly ignored the previous collective ban by the deputy head of the tennis department (all members are not allowed to approach the election activity room today!) and broke in directly.


His voice suddenly stopped after pushing the door open.

"Ha, that, good vice minister."

Kirihaya lowered his head and said in a low voice.

He couldn't help the corners of his mouth curl up, but he couldn't let Sanada see it, so he acted like "I did something wrong, forgive me" in order to kill two birds with one stone.

"Is there anything wrong with Akaya?"

Yukimura asked with a paintbrush in her hand.

Sanada glared at Kirihaya, wanting him to get out quickly.

"It's okay! I just want to come and see the minister

Kirihaya whispered.

He heard from Liu that Yukimura was going to some place for the final rehabilitation to fully restore her peak strength, so he wanted to get along with the minister for a while. Don't know

The timid junior raised his head and glanced at Sanada-Wow, it's terrible!

[The Minister is gone, the Tennis Department is in charge of the Deputy Minister! Now I have offended the Deputy Minister, even Senior Liu can’t save me, right? Although the other seniors don’t listen to the Deputy Minister very much, I must listen]

Feeling that the future is not good, Kirihaya thought for a while that he didn't have the ability of other seniors (not listening to Sanada), and decided to take the initiative to help himself!

He walked up to Yukimura, bent down to approach his minister's ear and whispered an idea.

Then Sanada, who was still standing there as a mannequin, saw his Yuenran smile and curl his eyebrows.

"so be it."

He then heard such a sentence from Minister Rikkai.

"Kendichiro, you go to train first, you don't need to pose here."

Then I heard a voice of heaven!

#Original Akaya is so useful!#

Sanada glanced at Kirihaya in surprise, then quickly evacuated here.

"Akaya, you can call your senior Nioh here."

However, after Sanada left, Yukimura said to Kirihaya.

"No problem, Minister!"

"Within three minutes, I will call Senior Nioh over!"

Kirihaya patted his chest to make sure that he was short of making another military order.

After he finished speaking, he pushed the door and left, and wiped away his cold sweat--fortunately, I am witty, otherwise the future will be dead!

[Senior Nioh was in a good mood yesterday, so I should agree to my request today. 】

The single-cell Kirihaya intuitively felt that his predecessor was happy after Seigaku and his party yesterday, so he dared to promise Yukimura this way.

And in the life and death crisis just now, Kirihaya, who is indeed very flexible, also thought of the painting usage of "Nioh Phantom", but hoped that the final things would be as he expected.

"Puff, no problem, it's on my body!"

The facts were as he expected, and Nioh opened his mouth and agreed.

So Kirihaya, who had completed the minister’s mission, left for training like this. He didn't see his white-haired predecessor showing a gleeful smile after he turned and left.

"Yukimura, is this okay?"

"Want to try this again?"

"How about this, doesn't it look fashionable?,

In the selected activity room, Nioh and Yukimura are enthusiastic about painting exchanges.

As a model, Nioh put himself in a "Phantom Sanada" shell, and Yukimura praised his bold and unrestrained actions.

[Sure enough, Masaharu can let go, Kendichiro is really stiff]

Yukimura finished the last stroke with satisfaction.

Nioh, who had completed the modelling task, leaned over, looked at the drawing papers and praised, "Minister, you painted really well!"

[It would be better if it can be exhibited on a large scale!]

Perhaps I heard Nioh’s heartfelt voice. Although Yukimura did not exhibit as Nioh did, he brought these drawing papers when he went to rehabilitation to "miss" his hard work in Rikkai and lead the members. The deputy minister of the Kanto Contest.

The consequence of this incident is that Tanegashima once again deepened the impression of Sanada; then, the seniors of U17 remembered the deputy minister of Rikkai through drawing paper and Yukimura's personal description.

Before 920 saw his real person, the name of Rikkai Osanada Genichiro spread in a small circle there.

And Sanada, who succeeded in getting away with the "help" of the younger generation, was secretly delighted and relieved after discovering that Yukimura's paintings had not spread to Rikkai.

But after a few months after he entered a certain training camp, he discovered that his shameful and hateful black history had been spreading there for a long time, and saw the nightmare of his life on the phone of a certain white-haired senior, and then he wanted to wait for it. The old blood spurted out and smeared the phone!

How can Kirihara Akaya be reliable!

I blame Nioh Masaharu for not cheating!

Yukimura, how can you do this, aren't we Yukimura?!

Senior Tanegashima, has your senior style been eaten by you as a pig's hooves?!

--I really hate white hair!

A few months later, Sanada thought.

PS, Friday! (It is said that the new Wang Wang will be transformed into a romance drama! Just like the original Marisu novels, Rikkai is big, and then Yukimura is about to start grabbing women! ORZ, why do most of the romances All of the above are "ex-boyfriend" late repentance" settings, and Atobe is the one who took over the ex-girlfriend, but in the end, it is Seigaku who embraced the beauty?

! I don't know if this is true, but I feel desperate at the moment ).

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