Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 211 :Before Kanto

In April, the new year's regional competition is about to begin again.

Yukimura, who has not served as the singles one in the competition for a long time, played once in the first game, and then disappeared and disappeared, no matter how scouts from other schools can find it.

Unsurprisingly, in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club that successfully advanced to the Kanto Championship--

"Minister! Minister is gone again...

Kirihaya squatted on the ground with a net racquet.

"Puff, it's been stocked again"

Nioh found a shade for himself.

Liu Sheng simply sat under the tree and read the novel.

Marui looked left and right, and finally decided to pull Kuwana down and sit down in the tree-there is no shade in Akaya, it's too hot

Yanagi Renji looked at this group of decadent positive candidates with a terrible pain, and Sanada was so angry that he wanted to take the beat and give them aggression one by one, so that they could feel the heat like summer fire!

"Everyone, go to the Zhengxuan activity room!"

Liu tried to calm his irritability.

"Do you know about Hyotei Waterloo this time?"

After sitting down, he looked at the candidates and said.

"We can't relax!"

Sanada took the sentence.

"But aren't they in the Second Army? And we didn't fight Hyotei last time. It's okay for Rikkai to relax a lot--ah!"

Kirihaya murmured, and let out a painful cry before he could finish.

"It hurts, it hurts, Deputy Minister, don't hit me!"

Kirihaya was tearful and lay on the table with her head in her arms.

Sanada was so angry that blue veins appeared on his forehead. Before Yukimura leaves, give him the tennis club. He must give Yukimura a perfect answer sheet for this Kanto tournament. However, the teammates did not cooperate!

Looking at this group of haughty teammates, he really can't help it

[So I am the deputy minister, and Yukimura is the minister. How does the tennis club manage? Even Kirihaya wants to rebel!]

[But why even Nioh listens to Yukimura's words]

[Forget it, anyway, the Kanto Contest will definitely win, Yukimura will be back in the national contest

Sanada thought arrogantly.

Different from the depressed mood in the previous life, although he is extremely sad at the moment, since he still has a leisurely heart, it can show that his mood is still good, right?

"Since Hyotei advanced through the wild card match, they are going to draw lots this time"?"

Marui said with interest.

"Isn't it possible for us to meet Hyotei before the final?"

Since staying with Hyotei, Marui and Akutagawa have become good friends. Marui, who misses Hyotei's friend, is naturally a school that cares about his friend, and looks forward to meeting him in the game.

"Not necessarily."

Nioh knocked on the table with his index finger knuckles, stared at the table and said.

"You forgot Seigaku."

He looked up and looked around his teammates.

Sanada looked over, thinking of Seigaku and thinking of his house, and the flames of war were burning in his eyes.

Yanagi Renji opened his notebook and waited for it, preparing to record the information Nioh said.

[Masaharu went to Seigaku, it should have been a reward, so he reminded us to pay attention]

At this moment Liu thought so naively.

"Since Hyotei has Waterloo, maybe they are lucky to slip to the end this year."

"I remember that Atobe was in Libra on October 4th. This is in line with his narcissistic character, but I heard that Mercury retrograde seems to be popular in Libra recently? Maybe Atobe's bad luck alone dragged down Hyotei."

Looking at Liu who was preparing to record, Nioh said very solemnly.

"Ah? Seniors really?! Then they are too unlucky."

"It's better to be our minister!"

Kirihaya actually believed Nioh's words, and then # Daily Buff # his minister.

Liu Sheng couldn't bear to look straight at the younger generation to be stupid again (why did you know that Nioh would cheat but you were cheated every time by him?), but looking at Sanada's black face and Liu Youhen's eyes, he felt that there was actually such a partner in the ministry. Still very interesting

Liu looked at Nioh and Liu Sheng, who was sitting next to him with #正笑#. His hands were shaking with the pen--Are you also in the same way, Liu Sheng? Or is your nature exposed!

[I shouldn’t have expectations for this fox and his partner]

Rikkai's military division recognized this cold reality.

But Rikkai's deputy minister was still in the game and couldn't help himself, trying to fight Nioh to the end--

"Nioh Masaharu, this is a meeting! Be serious! Don't relax!"

However, Nioh ignored him, but gave him an innocent look.

Sanada: I'm so angry! Yukimura, come back soon! I can't control this tennis club!

"Atobe's luck seems to have been good, right?"

Marui followed Nioh's thoughts and went down.

"Well, if we didn't meet Rikkai in the first round, then his luck is indeed good!"

By the way, he also blew a wave of his own school.

"Deputy Minister, do you want Hyotei to fight Seigaku or us?"

Kirihaya, who never remembers, took aim at his deputy minister on this issue.


"He naturally thinks that no matter who it is, the final win is our Rikkai."

Liu couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and interrupted Sanada's words, completely ignoring his own behavior. "Challenge the dignity and prestige of the Deputy Minister of Tennis."

"Get to the point, about the draw for the Kanto Contest."

Regardless of other things, Liu decided to start this topic directly.

#What? You said Sanada hasn't spoken yet?#

# Sorry, what is the majesty of the deputy minister? Two weeks purpose Rikkai Dali, he doesn't have such a thing; only the minister is majestic~#

"I will draw lots, but at least one of you must follow!"

Sanada threw a word irritably.

"I'm going! I'm going with Liu Sheng!"

Nioh is very supportive of the work of the tennis club, and he has also handed in on Yanagyu.

#Partner must act together~#

"Okay! That's it! Don't relax, train hard, and end the meeting!"

Sanada slapped the table, opened the door and left.

"Then I'm busy too."

Liu smiled implicitly at Liu Sheng, nodded to Kirihaya and left.


"Nioh-san, can you explain why?"

Nothing (promise) said, Yagyu, who was decided to go to Tokyo to draw the lottery, said quietly.

"Of course I went to see Atobe's bad luck!"

Nioh replied sincerely, this time he really didn't hide anything.


"You must have some bad idea again! Right, Jack?"

Marui didn't believe it at all.

Kuwabara hesitated and nodded to buy.

Yanagi's lenses flickered.

Nioh: Why do you all believe when I tell lies, but do not believe when I tell the truth?!

PS, Libra, please rest assured, you don’t have a Mercury retrograde this year (the above is a plot self-edited)! But this year my Sagittarius Mercury retrograde! I cried QAQ~

Atobe is the European Emperor, but only in the draw, he is an African chieftain~

I finally wrote about the Kanto contest in the third country, it's really not easy

Hahaha, I stayed for four hours tonight, didn't eat dinner, and finished a paper! Give you two updates on Friday! Give me flowers~,

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