Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 219 : Real Rikkai, Seigaku trouble

Although Tachibana was a little embarrassed at the end, Kirihaya was so embarrassed that he felt much less sad because of Fudomine's failure in promotion.

Rikkai's victory in the game is naturally very flat. After all, when victory has become a daily life, they only value the refreshing of Rikkai's Kanto consecutive championships and national championship records. They are only secretly happy because of the simple and neat victory of the younger generation.

So after this semi-final, the saddest ones are the players of Youth Gakuen!

Oishi and Seigaku watched the video of the game together and were very worried.

After the hand's departure, as the deputy minister, he naturally has to bear the accusations of the interim acting minister just like Rikkai's Sanada. But unlike Sanada's determination, he was flustered at first.

But after he talked to his teammates one by one, the panic had disappeared-these teammates couldn't tell the point one by one, so helpless.

"Nine Twenty Seven", but now Seigaku's deputy minister is more flustered than before!

[Shoujia, come back soon, I can't hold it anymore]

[Rikkai, Rikkai is so powerful, can we play it? At least I can't beat Rikkai's deputy minister, Mr. Sanada. Although the Minister of Rikkai should not play in the finals, but for the rest, we seem to also]

[Echizen should be able to win a round, but if you put him on singles, can you win? The second grade Kirihaya-kun is so strong, Tachibana Yoshihira can't help it; if it does or Fuji meets no, I am Seigaku The deputy minister should have confidence in Gan and Fuji, yes, have confidence!]

[But I’m really not confident! My goodness, Minister, do you know that, we are going to play against Rikkai’s two sets of doubles! Can I win with Eiji]

Oishi Syuichirou became more desperate as he thought about it.

It is true that the Kanto overlord Rikkai who has completed 15 consecutive hegemonies, doubles and singles are impeccable, no dead ends.

"Well, let's talk about your own thoughts."

In the silence, Oishi provoked the topic dryly.

"It's far from it!"

Echizen Ryoma turned his head arrogantly. Kirihaya's performance in the video just now aroused his fighting spirit.

But the little prince is a person who is not afraid of the sky, even if he knows that his opponent is very strong, he is not afraid. He knows that his opponent's eight achievements are Rikkai's deputy minister Sanada, but what about it? Although he has not watched Sanada's game video nor compared with Sanada, the proud little prince still thinks he can win, no Try it how to know.

"It seems very interesting~"

Fuji said with a smile every day.

Oishi doesn't know or doesn't want to know what Fuji finds interesting, he just can't wait to grab the ground-hand, do you just let Echizen or Fuji acting minister position not good? Why is it me, I'm just a management trivial Deputy Minister of the Interior, I am not capable of taking on this important task

Seigaku's vice minister was so sad that he was about to go against the current.

[Oishi is so funny like this~]

Fuji thought this way and kept smiling.

[Rikkai University is indeed very troublesome. It is indeed worth worrying about our confrontation with such a strong school, and I am also very troubled. But now that it has become a fact, it can only be accepted. It would be too embarrassing to directly admit defeat like some Yinhua Middle-School.

In fact, I was still very worried about Fuji from his school, but his expression was calm. Kikumaru, who was just as sad as his partner, admired him.

"Fuji, you are a singles player, Oishi and I are doubles--I don't know if we will meet Rikkai's big doubles!'

If you encounter that group of Rikkai doubles, if you can't make a breakthrough, you will lose, right?

"But no matter what, we will do our best!"

According to Inui Sadaharu's data, their chance of doubles victory is only under pressure to break through. Kikumaru doesn't want to lose, but coherence is not something he can achieve if he wants it!

"Hi, we will win!"

The pressure was great, but Haitang still said so tenaciously.

"Seigaku will win!"

Momoshiro Takeshi rarely has the same idea as Kaidoh Kaoru.

"I will cheer for everyone." Momoshiro Takeshi also hopes to do his part for the game, maybe because of the cheering, the companions will break through.

Now only Inui Sadaharu hasn’t commented--

"Fuck? Fuck? Fuck!'

After Oishi shouted three times in a row, Inui Sadaharu looked up sadly.

"I will definitely defeat Renji!"

When he figured out the situation of this "swearing ceremony", he immediately became energetic.

Whenever he thinks of playing against Liu, he feels his heart is burning and burning.

But seeing this kind of work, Oishi is even more helpless-his teammate has no resistance to Liu Jun, who is big with Rikkai in a sense. I don't know if it is good for him to face Liu this time. Bad, I can only hope that it can produce a positive incentive effect.

Then the meeting room just continued to be quiet...

"Do you have anything else you want to say?"

Oishi looked at his teammates awkwardly and said.

It is said that the hand family has always been cold, but the tennis club meeting is not awkward at all. Why did it become like this when it came to me?!

"If you don't have it, then the meeting will be over, let's go and train separately!"

Oishi has already abandoned himself to himself, anyway, the forehand family will be back soon, he is just a deputy minister, and to motivate morale or something, wait for the minister to play in person!

Seigaku's deputy minister Oishi-kun is so melancholy, but if he knows that the deputy minister of a school in Kanagawa actually feels like him, would he be in a better mood?

In the meeting room of the Tennis Club of Rikkai University High School, Sanada is very irritable every time he presides over a meeting.

"Sanada, are you okay? If there is nothing to say, the meeting will be over soon!"

Nioh lifted his cheeks and said.

"It's okay, the meeting is over!"

[When will you come back, Yukimura?! Don’t lie, in fact, your illness has been cured a long time ago. I just thought that the place was very interesting, so I pushed the tennis club to me and went to play by myself!]

[This group of lax guys! Yukimura! I can't control them anymore!]

Today's Rikkai is still a king on the outside, but the style of painting inside is getting more and more

Different from the repression of previous lives, the current Rikkai atmosphere is so joyful and joyful. The teenagers are setting an example to practice the guiding ideology and strategic policy of playing tennis happily. 2.8.

Sanada has long since abandoned himself, he is just a deputy minister, and all kinds of problems in the ministry--in fact, it is not a problem--let's wait for Yukimura to come back and talk about it!

The Vice Minister, who was blown up by his teammates' daily anger every day, was secretly thinking about "complaining" to him when his Minister Tame came back.

But for this question, Liu Gao unpredictably revealed to his juniors that the minister would be happy to add fire to the joyous atmosphere of the tennis club!

So it's no wonder that Sanada is irritable, because even the "Yi, Qian-ver-reliable-pu" Liu Junshi and the group of "too lax" teammates "come with each other."

PS, I slept until 10:30 today, and suddenly found that there are so many flowers on the page, add one more~ (Although my paper has not been finished yet, I decided to release my final deposit). .

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