Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 220 : Battle in the Rain, Kirihaya Enlightenment

Kirihara Akaya, the second-year ace of Rikkai University and the successor of the minister, wanders between life and death every day because of a glass of vegetable juice.

In order to prevent his future Minister Rikkai from dying under a small glass of vegetable juice, Kirihaya has almost no free time and is exhausted every day in Rikkai's large network court.

He hoped, hoped, and finally looked forward to the Kanto final!


Tiangong was not beautiful, and it rained heavily-the final was postponed to a week later!

In a small pavilion, Rikkai people take shelter from the rain.

"Kirihaya, what are you going to do!"

After Sanada went to the organizing committee to inquire about the situation, he came back and saw his second-year students walking outside the pavilion.

"I'm going to buy some drinks, Deputy Minister.

Kirihaya waved his hand at him and walked straight away.

"You don't know how to stop him." Rikkai's deputy minister walked into the shelter from the rain and complained slightly to his teammates.

"Puff, we can't stop Akaya."

Nioh shook his head pretentiously. It's not that they can't stop them, but the younger generation is already so depressed, so let him go out and relax.

[It’s strange, why didn’t I meet Seigaku today?]

[Did I remember it wrong? I should have met them in the impression, and there was a "decisive battle in the rain" with that little pillar]

After thinking about it for a while, Nioh simply put his previous memories behind-anyway, there are too many things that have changed now, not bad.

"I have to wait another week, then Yukimura will be back in a week?"

Marui's first reaction when he learned that the game was postponed was that the minister who had agreed with them to come back to play in the national tournament had to postpone his return.

"The probability is 76%."

According to Yukimura's interest in that place, there is a high possibility of delaying his return. Yanagi Renji fell silent after saying this inference.

The heavy rain is still falling, Rikkai people are in the pavilion, listening to the sound of the rain, thinking about their own affairs.

And the "Decisive Battle in the Rain" that Nioh was thinking about just now was actually not dropped by the butterfly, but changed the protagonist - Kirihara Akaya VS Echizen Ryoma!

Because of vegetable juice or more heavy training?

In short, Kirihaya didn't go to the club frequently to practice before, except for Seigaku before, he never met Echizen Ryoma, and he never played privately with him.

But perhaps it is God's will, the hope of the future of the tennis clubs of these two schools is finally matched today!

Although Rikkai is not allowed to play privately, Kirihara Akaya, who was followed by Kuwana, can compete with Echizen. Now Kirihaya has no predecessors to follow, so naturally nobody cares who he plays against.

So when Kirihaya met the entire youth Gakuen tennis team by himself, facing Echizen's provocation, he naturally agreed with the unhappy heart.

"Oh, it's the front, little dwarf, you come first!"

Even if he faces the whole Seigaku alone, Kirihaya doesn't have stage fright, and can mock Echizen's height.

"Little luck, meow~"

Kikumaru said enthusiastically.

These people finally adjusted their mentality today (after watching Rikkai’s big game video, the entire tennis team had dark circles on the second day), but they learned that the game was postponed due to the weather. At the same time, they were a little depressed. Because of this interruption, facing Rikkai became less nervous.

"Kirihaya-kun is so lively.

Fuji looked at Kirihaya, who was pulled into the court after Echizen flicked, and said with emotion.

But even so, Fuji Syusuke is still a little worried about the two fighting guys on the court-but don't fight one of them and have an accident, so that one side can't explain to the hand, and the other side. Rikkai is not easy to deal with.


The yellow tennis ball flashed past, bounced steadily, and landed on the baseline.

At 3:1, Kirihara Akaya took the lead.

"Should I say you are still far behind?"

Leading the score Kirihaya released his talent to taunt and pull hatred skills.

"Come on!"

Echizen Ryoma was never easy to be hit. Since entering Seigaku and starting his summer season, he has not known how many times he has played the game after falling behind and winning, and who said he can't help it?


After the tennis ball bounced, it deftly charged Kirihaya's backhand.

3:2, Echizen Ryoma won the next round.

"How? You are not up to the level yet!"

Seigaku's small pillar curled up his mouth.

"Echizen's strength is improving every day."

Inui Sadaharu looked at the junior on the court and exclaimed. This is really an enviable tennis talent.

But at the same time, there was a little worry in his heart - Kirihara Akaya is strong, but he is only a second grader. The opponent in the final of the Echizen Ryoma Kanto Contest is the "Emperor" Sanada Genichiro, if he wants to win, You must have an overwhelming advantage with Kirihaya!

Worried about their Kanto contest finals with a win rate of less than 3%, they kept recording Kirihara Akaya's relevant data without stopping.

After all, if you have the data, it will be easier to beat Kirihaya, right? Seigaku's winning percentage will increase by several percentage points.

Inui Sadaharu thought beautifully, but Kirihaya, who had just lost a small game, was laughing wildly in his heart.

[Haha, I'm such a genius!]

[As a younger generation of Yanagi-senpai, how can I let you, the founder of vegetable juice, collect data! You have to use your brain to play ball, Seigaku's prime candidates, let me, the ace of Rikkai, teach you a lesson.

Kirihaya, who seemed to be angry on the surface, felt that she was really stupid before.

[Players have to pay attention to golfers, you don't know what is called "strategic retreat". The few games lost today are for 927 future victories. The Lions fight the rabbits with all their strength and cannot despise any of their opponents. 】

[The strength of Seigaku Dwarf is indeed growing at an amazing speed, so I will not let him benefit from this game just for my own sake. In the regular game, I Kirihaya will not keep my hands, but I will give them a fake stat in the private game. You should be able to explain to the seniors.


5:4, Kirihara Akaya leads!

Kirihaya thought happily, with a little joy on her face.

[But even so, I won’t lose!]

"The one who is far behind is you, Echizen Ryoma!"

He provoked Echizen again, panting.

But what he didn't expect was that perhaps it was God's will. A whitish air current appeared around Echizen's body, which lit up.

[Oh, it seems to be playing off!]

[Senior Nioh would use mental power to brain-kill me if he knew that I was going to give experience to the opponent!]

Kirihaya's eyes widened, unprepared to prevent Echizen's breakthrough.

The talent of the son of the samurai is so strong, in this case can he comprehend the "Selfless State"?!

PS (Timed on Tuesday), Rikkai is a rare and mutated specialty product, small kelp! Inherited from the black belly character of the head of the tennis department, combined with the unique experience of the fraudster. Unfortunately, the number of stages is not enough. The enemy has a plug-in.

(I haven't finished my thesis yet, but thinking of my little kelp, I can't help holding my notebook and start typing orz).

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