Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 221 : Six to six draws, mandatory termination (My minister will naturally come back!)

Surrounded by a white air current, Echizen, with a little white light on his body, seemed to have suddenly been promoted, and his tennis prowess increased greatly. He didn't say anything to Kirihaya, just slapped and hit.

The first entry into Selfless State is often unconscious. Players don't know what they are doing, they just play with their physical sensations.

The pressure in Echizen Ryoma's heart exploded into the tennis potential he had accumulated before.


5:5, tied.

The tennis ball leaped over Kirihaya's side by surprise.

"That's amazing, Echizen!"

Oishi was excited, the stronger Echizen's strength, the more likely they are for Seigaku to win the championship.

"Thank you Kirihaya, it's really an interesting game."

Fuji squinted his eyes and smiled, but while working hard to record data, he moved away from him in excitement.

[The probability of this Kirihaya classmate getting a fist after returning home is 92%!]

[Rikkai's iron fist sanctions are so strict, I don’t know if Renji will also be after the Kanto Contest finals a week later]

Every night I work with Liu Dooming to study for victory, and I am a little worried about my partner in the elementary school.

"Come on, little one!"

"Echizen, come on!"

Everyone in Seigaku was excited. In their opinion, victory was in sight.

"Calm down, everyone, I remember Kirihaya also has a'transformation' skill, right?"

Fuji pours cold water on his teammates cruelly.

Gan, who was still taking notes, nodded repeatedly, wondering how Kirihaya's special state compares with Echizen's current state.

The excited Seigaku people began to worry again, but Kirihaya on court was even more concerned.

[Ahhhhhhhh! I would not have played against him if I knew it!]

[Selfless State, I still carry a load. If I don’t become an angel, I can’t beat him at all, but if I become an angel, won’t I be able to keep the data or something?! What should I do!]

[Forget it, let's use it directly, anyway, I have used it during the match with Fudomine's Tachibana Jiping before, but after I go back, do I have to drink double the vegetable juice to let the seniors relieve their hatred?!]

Kirihaya thought arrogantly as he ran.

His face was ruthless at this time, making everyone in Seigaku mistakenly think that he was about to use that trick.

"Little dwarf, you wait for me and defeat you"!"

He must be defeated today, otherwise I will lose a lot!

Kirihaya's aura exploded, her black hair instantly turned white, and her skin was blood-red - this is the amazing state of improvement seen by everyone in Seigaku in the video!

[Calm down, Kirihara Akaya, you have to calm down, suppress yourself, and don't use Seigaku's hateful little dwarf as a stepping stone! I don't want to help you consolidate your strength!]

Kirihaya and Echizen Ryoma, with their expressions a bit horrified, played a tennis ball and made you come and go.

The two of them almost scored alternately, which made Seigaku's eyes hard to see.

[It seems a little weird]

Fuji, who watched the game without turning his eyes, sensitively felt the slightest violation of the game. But he couldn't find out where the violation was, so he could only let go of this feeling temporarily.

Kirihaya didn't know that he was almost exposed, and while playing enthusiastically, he tried to suppress his impulse to use all his strength to defeat this first-year Seigaku immediately.

[Senior Nioh is really amazing, how did he suppress his strength? And Senior Liu, Senior Liu's strength is also suppressed by him.

Kirihaya, who was about to be overwhelmed, tried to divert his attention, but the price was one-

6:6, tie!

It's time to enter tiebreak!

[No, I will lose if I press it down again, so I just beat him right away!]

How could Kirihaya endure his loss, so he was so angry that he wanted to teach Seigaku's little pillar who was still shining on the opposite side a lesson.

"Echizen's strength is steadily improving in the game." Gan said gratifiedly.

"Very good!"

Seigaku everyone cheered, but Fuji was still smiling.

Although the game is very good, the strength of the juniors is also rising, and victory is in sight, but Fuji Syusuke has an ominous premonition in his heart at this time.

"Akaya, what are you doing!"

Not far away suddenly came a familiar voice that made Kirihaya think about it day and night.

Sweeping away the depression and anger in his heart, Kirihaya felt ecstasy, and he immediately withdrew from the angelic state.


No matter what the game was, he ran down the court with racquet.

The mysterious "Son of God" Seiichi Yukimura, the head of the Tennis Department of Rikkai University, is now carrying a tennis bag, wearing Rikkai's large formal uniform, and wearing a khaki coat, walking step by step!

"Minister, why didn't you hold your umbrella!"

"Is it cold? There is a small pavilion in front. The seniors are resting there. Minister, please go there to shelter from the rain!"

The diligent little kelp surrounded him for a long time, and the minister who missed him so much cared about him.

Everyone at Seigaku was stunned-is that the second grade of Rikkai Dae Zhang? It's like a cute kitten who is coquettish around the owner!

". "Akaya, do you want to tell me what happened just now?"

A word from the Minister of the Son of God knocked Kirihaya floating in heaven from "hell".

"Minister, listen to my explanation!

Kirihaya's face turned pale in an instant - it was so terrible that the minister who had just returned found me...

[The minister will not be disappointed in me, right? I played privately, and the score of a freshman with Seigaku just now was still 6:6.)

"Akaya go back and talk about it, don't catch a cold."

Yukimura looked at what else the pale-faced junior could do, how could he be willing to really teach his lovely junior. It's just a violation of the rules, and a lesson must be taken, otherwise it will turn the younger generation upside down!

"You will be punished if you violate the regulations (no Zhao Zhao), and you must train well when you go back!"

Yukimura asked.

"Yes! Minister, I must train well!"

Kirihara Akaya immediately returned to his normal complexion, even because of Yukimura's concern, his face was slightly flushed, but it didn't look obvious in the rain.

PS, (Tuesday) I can't bear to pit Sanada, let's change to small kelp. This is where Rikkai Big’s "help" to Seigaku came, and then the little Ryoma relied on the old-fashioned Atubo and the big pillar's leg. Saying that there is no Sanada, Atobe, who has improved in strength, and because of the injury is not so serious, the strength has also recovered and accelerated. Shoujia is also a good opponent, it should be

Can you make up for it? One game is not enough to compare two games, Atobe-san, come on! When the hand comes back, their own little pillars will be cultivated by themselves (In short, it is almost the original plot Seigaku followed Hyotei Karuizawa to train~ And Rikkai followed the Minister to train and play by himself),

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