Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 227 : Once a confidant, today's enemy

Depressed, he handed towels to his two seniors, then got up, walked a few steps next to his minister.

After Yanagi Renji came on the field, Kirihaya felt that the only advantage was that his position next to Minister Yukimura was freed up.

"it's time "

Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu chanted these words and racquet came out with the net in his arm.

"It's time-the probability of saying this is 100%."

When Liu walked over holding Racquet in his hand, he said this almost in sync with Qian.

"How can Yanagi Renji of Rikkai know the mantra of the dry senior?"

Seigaku's first-year student Katsuro asked questioningly.

Did Rikkai's military division even collect this data?!

"That's because Gan He Liu was originally a young tame dye~"

Fuji smiled to explain to the younger generation.

"Huh?!" x3

"They were in the country, but they were a well-known doubles partner. It's just that Liu transferred to school later, so

Fuji explained to the younger generation the origin of the two on court.

This time, Seigaku's list of appearances actually took this into consideration.

Data tennis, which was given by Liu to do it at the beginning;

A singles, this is the game they failed to complete that year;

The bond between Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu was not completely cut off.

Therefore, only Rikkai's Yanagi Renji can stimulate Inui Sadaharu's strength to the utmost; only the current arrangement can add a point to youth Gakuen.

"Before the start of the game, Renji, the probability that you tie your shoelaces again is 100%.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar figure who was squatting down on the side of the net to tie his shoelaces, he held his glasses down and said this sentence.

Before the start of the game, his blood boiled over and he wanted to take racquet on the court right away. But when he really stood on the court and saw the person across from the court, he sighed secretly.

[It’s different after all, Renji]

[The distance between Kanagawa and Tokyo, the difference between Rikkai and Seigaku, there are 1535 days of change!]

Gan looked calmly at his doubles partner who had been incomparable tacit understanding. This is the companion he once thought would always go with him and always play tennis with him, but now, that person is undoubtedly his enemy and his opponent.

"Long time no see, Sadaji"". "

Liu was also deeply moved when he saw the guy on the other side of the net.

The singles that was not completed back then are finally going to be completed today.

"It's been a long time, Renji."

"Four years, two months and fifteen days!"

Gan accurately stated how long the unfinished match between him and Yanagi Renji was today.

He always remembered that someone still had an unfinished game with him!

[Sorry, Renji. 】

Inui Sadaharu was calm on the surface, but secretly apologized in his heart.

[For Seigaku, for everyone in Seigaku, this singles, I want to win!]

The world of data is cold and merciless.

This inciting meeting, these words that hit people's hearts, were actually a trap that had already been arranged from the beginning.

Inui Sadaharu thought for a long time, if he wants to improve Seigaku's winning rate, if he wants to win this singles, his only way out is to set his own game!

What he said just now is really true. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to fool Liu's eyes.

But this is a "best practice" based on data deduction.

Liu's heart is soft, and I always know it; that unfinished singles game, that unspoken parting, not only stuck in Inui Sadaharu's heart, but also has been remembered in Liu's heart as a memorial of guilt.

"Bilyshi, it's really touching.

"Four years, two months and fifteen days, this is fifteen hundred and thirty-five days. It's really hard for Seigaku to remember so clearly."

Watching the performance of the two players on the court, Nioh Masaharu suddenly sighed.

Liu Sheng glanced at him, "Is Nioh-kun showing off his math scores?"

Yanagyu did not know much more than the three Seigaku first-year students who knew nothing about it. He just knew that the two were once partners of doubles.

Nowadays, those who were able to trust each other's best friends with each other have become opponents with different school badges on both sides of the court. The net blocked two hearts that once had the bond of doubles

Liu Sheng pushed himself up to others and felt that Liu would never release water! Just like if one day, the opponent standing in front of him is Nioh, one day, he will defeat Nioh Masaharu!

Nioh heard a ridicule from his partner, and his left ear went in and out of the right ear for Liu Sheng's words.

He himself is so familiar with Yagyu Hiroshi. Seeing him still looks like this, he knows what he is thinking in his heart. If Yagyu meets him on singles, he will never let go; and if he meets Yagyu under normal circumstances, he will not hesitate to kill Yagyu Hiroshi himself!

When he first entered the U17 in his previous life, Nioh has been in a low ebb since the national competition, and he couldn't even beat fraud. So although I lied to other people, I didn't lied to Liu Sheng

[No, Yagyu understands myself better than I thought!)

Nioh's habit that he didn't notice was completely seen by his doubles partner and remembered in his heart. Later, he became a weapon of debunking, a "fraudster" performance.

[That’s why we are called the number one doubles. Although there is no homology, and they were disbanded in the national competition, the understanding of each other is actually very profound.]

Nioh suddenly became a little proud.

Because of the previous life, Liu didn't see through the layout of Inui Sadaharu in that game; while his own partner, Liu Sheng saw through his fraud.

[Doubles' feelings are an indispensable bond, but this does not prevent the partners from deciding the outcome (good promise). Don't think your partner is so weak, you have always been equal. Liu, you started with doubles at first, do you understand this now?]

Even though Yanagi Renji lost this game, Rikkai was not afraid of the rest of the game. After all, it's not just Sanada that is not what it used to be, even Kirihaya has far exceeded his expectations for the younger generation.

Kirihara Akaya has always been their most anticipated junior, and this will never change.

But if you can save time, Nioh is still happy to go back after watching this show.

PS, I always think that the combination of Liu Sheng and Nioh is a different existence in the doubles group, the feeling of being an enemy and a friend! He set up the game and bluffed Liu; however, Masaharu behaved miserably, but he was stunned by Liu Sheng. Wow, the fox must be very embarrassed at that moment, the feeling that the partner does not give face~, but because of this, these two talents are


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