Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 228 : PhD professor, dry obsession

"You will say "I will definitely win." "

The first game of singles three was Inui Sadaharu's serve game. Liu did not blurt out any data, but said something like this.

"Yes, Professor, I will definitely win!"

After waiting for so long, the game that was interrupted in the club's online court can finally start again today!

Inui Sadaharu will never forget what the two of them said that day.

Obviously I have agreed, and I have already said that I will continue to fight like that in the future, and after the result, I will never be seen again!

Moreover, he knew that he was about to move, but he didn't tell him about it until the end!

[If it weren’t for me to collect data, professor, how long would I wait to find out that you moved to Kanagawa?


The tennis ball bounced and landed, scoring.

Inui Sadaharu scored smoothly in his serve game.

He calculated Yanagi Renji's data in his mind.

In four years, two months and fifteen days, the data on Liu was deleted and subtracted into a whole book. In these days, he is not always complaining, but preparing for the next meeting!

[Although I did not expect that it has been so long before we were able to play the singles competition, anyway, Renji, Professor, I will not lose!]

There is an unusually firm conviction in the eyes under the dry lenses. This singles, he originally thought that it would continue with 933 on the second day of the year, but he did not expect to wait so long as soon as he waited.

In that case, what reason does he have to lose?

"Huh, he really did doubles with me to study my snake ball."

Kaidoh Kaoru snorted coldly on the Seigaku players' bench.

"This is how to collect data."

Even though Seigaku lost two games in a row, coach Ryūzaki still sat calmly on the coaching bench to watch the game. Seigaku, there is still hope of winning.

"He is one-"

"A singles player who collects data in the form of doubles!"

Leaving Liu's stem, leaving the professor's doctorate, in the youth Gakuen has always been positioned as a singles player!

"The obsession with Liu is the best motivation for him."

"Oishi, don't have to say anything to mobilize him, just tell him that his opponent will be the one he has always wanted, and his performance will surpass all of our imagination!"

The above two sentences were spoken by Coach Ryūzaki to Zhixu's Deputy Minister Oishi before the final of the Kanto Contest.

At that time, Oishi still didn't understand, but now seeing such a good job on the court, he feels that he (bhci) has understood the meaning of the coach.

"The speed of his work is faster than what he showed in training before, and not only that, his performance in all aspects has been raised to a new height.

Oishi watched it dry, leaning on the railing, muttering to himself.

"I also feel that Gan's current performance is different from before. Today, his whole body exudes fierce aura! That kind of belief in'must win' is already burning!"

Fuji came over and echoed. Even Fuji Syusuke has never seen Inui Sadaharu, who plays stats all day long, has the momentum and aura he has now.

"1:0, Seigaku Inui Sadaharu leads!"

The dry serve game was taken down by him himself.

"What is Senior Liu doing?!"

Kirihaya sat next to Yukimura, very anxious.

He can see that with Yanagi Renji's current level of tennis, he shouldn't lose this point.

"Renji has his own calculations, Akaya."

Yukimura reassures Kirihaya. He believes that Rikkai's military division will not disappoint their teammates.

In the battle of data, it is not the most common practice to get the score first. The latter is a common case of data tennis!

"However, Seigaku's work is really'persistent' to us, Renji!"

Yukimura looked at the game and seemed to sigh inadvertently.

Nioh immediately understood what Yukimura meant one-

"Sanada, are you particularly envious of the Seigaku pick on the court?"

"It's a pity that the hand can't compete with you."

Kunimitsu's hand was damaged because of Atobe's quick fight (although the hand was unwilling, Atobe forced to end the game as soon as possible), but it did not end so tragically. Therefore, Nioh is now using his hand from afar to attack their deputy minister without any psychological burden.

"But Inui Sadaharu waited for more than four years, Sanada, you still waited a lot less time than him!"

"Oh, by the way, the match Liu He did not finish hasn't been completed. The military division only led by a small game, and the hand family has won you twice in a row!"

Nioh started turning over the old accounts again.

6:0, 6:1, these two scores are the "eternal pain" in Sanada's heart!

Although he also improved and scored a point in the second game, he still lost miserably!

"Nioh Masaharu!"

Sanada suppressed his angry voice. He hasn't lost his mind completely yet, knowing that this is a public place, can't speak loudly, and don't let him yell at Nioh long ago.

Kirihaya's eyes were shining at his senior Nioh after Minister Yukimura once again hit his deputy minister. He cheered in his heart. If it can show up, it is estimated that there will be cherry blossoms on his head!

"Deputy Minister, don't worry, we still have a national competition!!

Although he was very happy to watch, Kirihaya did not forget to cast down fire on his deputy minister. After all, as a "poor" junior, his position in the tennis club's regular election is the lowest. If Sanada gets irritated, he will be 80% unlucky in the end..

#Daily 战战静静I hope that the predecessors are all "little pitiful" in a good mood#

#二年级王牌在Rikai's little-known "miserable world"#


"2:0, Seigaku Inui Sadaharu is ahead!"

Yanagi Renji's serve game was broken, and Seigaku's Gan won two games in a row!

[Renji, I have always collected your data very carefully! I know, I know you would play like this!]

Inui Sadaharu's appearance can't see any passion or impulse, but his Seigaku teammates can feel his mood at this time-it must be very cheerful!

"Senior, come on!"

"Senior is really good!"

The first-year trio of Seigaku was infected by the emotions on court.

"I have a bad feeling.

Sengoku Kiyosumi, who came to watch the Kanto Contest final by Yamabuki Middle-School, spoke slowly.

To some extent, he was not fortunate enough to bear the name of "Lucky Sengoku", and he felt that Seigaku's seemingly smooth singles three, as if he wanted to

"Hey, what's the matter, Senior Sengoku?"

Taiyi, a first-year junior who followed him, was puzzled.

Obviously everything is going well on Seigaku, why do you say that?

PS, I haven't finished the exam (just yesterday I took the exam-a closed-book elective ~ I sent you a chapter before going to bed, and now I wake up, this chapter is for you~).

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