Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 232 : Strategic planning, Rikkai military division

[Sadaji, you forgot, even in the game that day that year, my winning rate was 100%! In the small game that was not played, in terms of statistics, it was me who won!]

Running fast, hitting back with a backhand, Liu was still calculating the data in his heart.

His opponent seems to have given up data tennis, but in this game, did he really give up altogether?

No, it is not.

[Sadaji said that, but from the moment you enter the court, the battle of data tennis begins!]

"My data, Sadaji, have you always wanted to know that?!"

The deduction of the game on his laptop was deviated at this moment, and he lost a small point.

"30:30, deuce!"

Liu, kneeling down, retracted his swinging posture.

"Sadaji, I'm really disappointed.

"So, it's time."

Liu's words caused the pupils under the lens to shrink suddenly.

["It's time"--when is it?! Professor, he]


The tennis galloped past mercilessly.

This is a tennis speed that is completely inconsistent with Yoo's previous performance.

"Rikkai's big Willow, the ball speed seems to be suddenly fast!"

Kikumaru, who has dynamic vision, jumped up.

[Sadaji, your biggest mistake is to enter the game with your body! We need to control the data, not get stuck in it]

[I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, but on court, I will not let this feeling affect the operation of the data!]

Why didn't he know what Liu was thinking at this time, he just thought that the situation before him seemed a bit beyond his expectation.

With more physical strength, he began to resist and attack vigorously!

But Liu said nothing. Rikkai's military division aimed at the baseline of the court, swinging, hitting, and pressing the line successfully!

"Game6:4, Rikkai Oyanagi wins!"

The court was silent, and the two stood quietly, only the tennis ball was rolling slightly.

"6:4, Sadaji, this is the end of that game.

"My winning percentage has always been 100%!"

In front of the net, Liu opened his eyes and said, looking at You Tamran who was still stunned.

"Professor, you are laying out"!"

Gan was still feeling the aftermath of failure. Hearing what Liu said, he looked at Liu with shocked eyes.

"Aren't you the one who made the layout? I just took advantage of the trend.

After all I have come out of the shackles of that game

If you lose to your soft-hearted opponent, it is enough to do this kind of thing once!

[Moreover, if I lose again, I won’t be punished with an iron fist on the spot, and it’s hard to explain to Yukimura, Akaya can’t help but play with you!]

Thinking of their Rikkai junior, the junior who had exhausted their minds (or, in other words, hardly used their scheming), had finally beaten him in a round, and Liu felt that he had done nothing wrong.

On the site of the finals of the Kanto Contest, they originally belonged to the two schools, and they wanted to distinguish the opponents, not the objects of exchanges. Moreover, even if it is a discussion and exchange, Liu will never let go of water because of any softness!

"The data is different at all?"

Is it completely useless?

Although he lost the singles three games and Seigaku lost the final of the Kanto Contest, it was because of this that he was thinking about the data without any distractions at the moment.

He played statistical tennis. No matter how he performs on court, his tennis is based on statistics.

"Of course it is useful, but your use has not exerted their true power.

My current attainments in data tennis are much higher than my own back then.

Among middle school students, in terms of statistics, I have no opponents; the next step is high school students, and I will come to the brother Akuto who handed me the statistics tennis.

Liu thought about the way he would go in the future.

On that day, Nioh's performance, Maori's surprise, and Yukimura's satisfaction

All the clues are gathered, Rikkai's military division is not a parallel importer, he can naturally find out something from it.

In tennis, it’s true that the national and high school boundaries are separated, but as long as you use your heart, you will always get such a few words of news!

Just a few words are enough for Liu today!

[I don’t want to meet Akuto and tell him that I lost to another stat tennis player, even if you are Sadaharu!]

"Go on, Sadaji.

"As a data tennis player, my advice to you is one-"

"You have to control the data yourself, rather than sink into it yourself!"

Father, like son. Who is in whose game, Sadaji, have you really figured it out?

Liu felt the traces of the layout from the beginning, but instead of breaking the game, he chose the data.

Everything can be turned into data, and this bureau specially set up for him can also be turned into data in his own eyes.

In this way, you can use it!

Data tennis is originally a play method that uses everything on the court to perform data calculations.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I lost."

He walked back to the Seigaku bench with racquet and said lowly.


I'm really not reconciled, how long have I not experienced this feeling?

Fuji Syusuke is a genius. His tennis journey has been smooth all the way, but he was defeated before he played, and it was the first time he had such a firm heart to win.

A genius like Fuji can sometimes be unwilling.

*. "Renji has all my data on the court. From the beginning, my winning rate was 0%!

Holding racquet tightly, I felt weak.

"It's not far away, seniors!"

"Huh, the game is not at the last minute, where is the 0%! We still have a national competition!"

Echizen Ryoma's face was cold, but his eyes were fighting spirit high.

It's okay to say that he is not afraid of tigers when he is born with a calf, and he does not know whether the sky is high and the earth is thick. At least at this moment, Echizen's words and his expression have greatly inspired the decadent Seigaku candidates.

"In the national competition, we, Seigaku, will definitely win!"

Oishi fought in spirit. The national competition, the hand family should also be back..

"That's right, come on, shout a slogan!"

Coach Ryūzaki said with a smile. Even though there is still bitterness in my heart, as Echizen said, their game is not over yet!

"*#, fighting!

The call from the defeated Seigaku player seat made Atobe's gaze shifted.

"Ah, it seems they haven't given up yet.

Humph, the national competition, they Hyotei one (Nuohao Zhao) must

"I have to say that Yanagi Renji's performance is really amazing, and he deserves to be Rikkai's long-established military division!"

Oshitari continued to sigh with his Kansai accent.

"Planning, he had expected it a long time ago."

Those who work part-time as the military division of Hyotei (but they don't seem to have any effect~), at this moment deeply admire the military division of Rikkai.

"You have the time to praise the people of Rikkai, so why don't you practice your tennis for this uncle!"

If the ship capsizes again in the national competition, Oshitari Yuushi, will you dare not impose sanctions on you when you are the uncle?!

Atobe really felt that the "iron fist sanctions" proposed by Rikkai First Vice Minister Sanada Genichiro was a good thing.

PS, I just wrote a chapter to burn myself (I wrote a lot at the end of Kanto, don't dislike it when it is released on Monday~), and then opened the webpage and saw your support in the data of the flower monthly pass! Give you this chapter , (Very embarrassing~) I don't save the manuscript! (But tomorrow is another day of indulging in high numbers, so I can't put it at the end)

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