Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 233 : Sixteen in a row, cheers after the game

"In this Kanto contest, Rikkai High School VS Youth Gakuen, the score is 3:0, Rikkai High School wins!"

"Congratulations to Rikkai High School for winning the Kanto Contest!'

With a total score of 3:0 and all three wins, the 16th consecutive hegemony of the Kanto Contest was finally achieved.

All of Rikkai's big candidates were all smiling, and they cooperated with each other to take pictures.

This is the last Kanto contest in most of their junior high schools, and it seems to have ended successfully.

"I didn't even appear."

Yukimura didn't hide her joy at all, stroking the trophy and said.

"Minister, you are a substitute, you are going to play, we Rikkai is not so bad that we are exhausted!"

Kirihaya, as the second singles, did not play either. But this does not prevent him from sharing the joy of victory.

As a second-year student, this junior middle school Kanto contest is not the end of his Kanto contest, and he will surely be seen in the arena next year. But these are not important, and he won the championship with his respected seniors, and guarded the glory of Rikkai's Grand Kanto winning streak.Even if he did not play, he was extremely happy in his heart!

"Puff, it's finally reached, the Kanto Contest for 16 consecutive hegemonies!"

Nioh's excitement 937 was almost beyond words, which made Liusheng glanced at him in surprise.

[Nioh, he's not like the kind of person who cares so much. He has a sense of victory and defeat, but he behaves so clearly-I still don't know enough about him?]

So, in a joyful smile, Yagyu Hiroshi took a deep look at Nioh and decided to observe his partner carefully in the future!

At this time, the venue is completely Rikkai's home field. As the final winner of the Kanto Contest, whether it is Seigaku or other school candidates who come to inquire about the situation and watch the game, everyone else is the foil of this ocean of joy.

Kirihara Akaya looked at the expressions of his predecessors who had fulfilled their wishes and lived up to their three years of hard work, and ran to the front of Rikkai's big cheerleading team and support team.

He waved his arms and shouted loudly--

"Changsheng Rikkai is big!"

The youth's clear voice sounded, and the pride in the shout broke through the clouds.

"Changsheng Rikkai is big!

Rikkai Dao and the students who came to watch the game abandoned their previous restraints and shouted after Kirihaya.

They had long expected that their school would live up to everyone's support and win the championship. But when this moment came, they still couldn't stop excited.

There are a lot of Kanto champions in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club. Just talking about consecutive championships, there are now as many as sixteen. But every champion is as precious to them as the first

Moreover, sixteen consecutive championships, the longer the consecutive championships, the more difficult the truth, who would not understand?

It is easy to fight the country, but it is difficult to keep the country!

It is actually more difficult to protect the glory left by the predecessors than to open up. Because of the guardianship, it represents the Kaijian of more people and the obstacles of more and more people

Those Rikkai students who watched the game and came to cheer for the tennis club’s positive candidates are not that they don’t trust the tennis club of their school. On the contrary, it is because of their trust that they worked tirelessly from Kanagawa to the venue of Tokyo. Come and watch the battle.

Nioh Masaharu's current tennis club candidates have become a generation of school idols early in Rikkai. Almost every issue of "Hundred Rivers" has reports on the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club. Regarding these contents about the tennis club, both seniors and juniors will read and watch them again and again.

Because it is so shining, like a star in the night sky, it cuts through the darkness of the night and illuminates the entire Rikkai High School!

The identity of Kirihaya's next head of the Tennis Department has long been no secret within Rikkai University. At least those students who adore Rikkai Taisho Election already knew this well, so the Minister of Rikkai Da Future personally stood in front of them and led them to shout slogans, how can they retain any strength of their own!

[We can't run with you on court, but we can cheer for you (bhci) off the court, cheer for you!]

With this belief in mind, the students of Rikkai University broke out a cry of shock from the court.

Not to mention how the Seigaku positive elections who have not left yet show pain in their ears, even if it is the extremely "horrible" Hyotei positive election of the support team, they can't help it in front of such shouts.

"Ah, it's still gorgeous."

Atobe sat still in the audience, snapped his fingers after he finished speaking.

The wealthy young master bought himself a position with a good view, and this position was good enough for him to clearly see every move of the entire court.


With the sound of snapping fingers, Huadi answered "Yes", but Rikkai's loud shout continued.

The Hyotei electors headed by Oshitari looked at Atobe with trepidation, but they were surprised to find that their ministers didn't have any unglamorous expressions on their faces.

[However, this is the style of our Minister Hyotei. Xiaojing must be thinking about winning next time, so I will show it to others with more gorgeous support!]

Oshitari thought so and smiled. He didn't think it was anything, because Atobe hadn't seen it already?

But sitting next to him, the minister didn't move, and he didn't dare to leave the game. He could only watch Rikkai's cheering partner Xiangri, but that was not what he thought.

[Is Yuushi looking to die again?! The last time I lost the game, Atobe didn’t find him because he was in a bad mood and practiced tennis hard. Now Rikkai is so gorgeous, you are still laughing!]

Mukahi Gakuto hates that iron can't make steel, so he can't wait to paste and copy Seigaku Tezuka's ice face to his partner.

Feng and his senior Shido were completely silent at this time.

Feng was out of respect for his predecessors, and Shito was out of the conditional reflection of Atobe's own warning radar. Although Atobe is not the kind of person who abolishes the public for private purposes, although he has returned to the right position thanks to Atobe's explanation, although I have to say, after experiencing that incident, Shishido Ryoh still retains his minister in his heart. Deep shadows down!

[In the Hyotei Tennis Club, I shouldn’t be too close to other people except Chotaro! It’s not that Atobe is bad, but I don’t want to be a sparring partner for Atobe every day like another doubles guy!]

Just when Shiro was wittyly silent, the thing that Mukai was worried about finally ushered in the verdict--

"Oshitari Yuushi, triple the training!"

For the first time, Hyotei has three times the amount of training. This is common in some people who are older than Rikkai, but it is the first time in Hyotei, and it is the only treatment for one person, because other people have two copies.

Listening to the "Changsheng Rikkai" voice in his ear, Atobe was not unpleasant at first! Just looking at Oshitari's smiling face, he suddenly wanted to learn Rikkai-ah, um, let me double the training. Let's get started!

PS is scheduled on Monday! (It is recommended to set the next chapter, because the two chapters are linked together, anyway, I am very satisfied with writing it myself!).

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