Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 236 : Kanto Youth Selection, Rikkai goal

After the Kanto Tournament, the young tennis players will have no tournaments for the next period of time. They are on holiday and have just finished the game. Most of them want to take a break and plan to travel

But not to mention other places, in the Kanto region, the announcement from the Nets Association has stirred up a storm among the major tennis schools.

"US West Coast Youth Selection Team?!"

"Kanto Youth Selection Team?!"

In the Rikkai Taisho election meeting room, Kirihaya's exclamation came.

"Then I don't have time for entertainment!"

The second-year ace was desperate.

Because of the existence of willow juice (so the sea urchin in the green election is the most annoying, the senior will stay away from him!), Kirihaya has been living a "death like wind, always with you" training life before the final of the Kanto Contest.

After finally getting the Kanto Sixteenth Lianba, I can relax a little bit, but I didn’t expect it to happen again.

"Too lax, Kirihara Akaya!"

Sanada frowned.

The Kanto Contest is over, and there is still a national contest that hasn't started! Their Rikkai must always be prepared and can't relax!

"So, is it a must to go to this Guandong youth election?"

Nioh asked a question that made Kirihaya look forward to.

Although Kirihaya is very energetic and likes to play against high-level 17-hands, to be honest, training is really tiring.

"The announcement issued by the National Tennis Association, at least our Rikkai University as the champion of the Kanto Championship, unless the reason is irresistible, all regular elections must go.

Liu said with the (mandatory) invitation (notification) letter from the Nets Association that he had just finished reading.

[This is different from what I remember, it turned out to be mandatory participation by all

Nioh thoughtfully.

"Since everyone has been "invited", then we, Rikkai, as the champions of the Kanto Contest, will fight again in this Kanto Youth Election. We must--"

Yukimura is high-spirited, and he did not appear in the Kanto Contest, and he was full of expectations for this game that was regarded as an exchange between the two countries.

The seven candidates from Rikkai University are looking around.

[Hey, what should I follow this slogan? I haven't shouted it before!]

The candidates who did not have any experience in Kanto youth elections said that they did not know how to answer the call. Even the Vice Minister Sanada who was next to the Minister, and the military adviser Yanagi Renji looked at the Minister with their eyes open.

[Too lax, I didn't make an appointment with this slogan in advance!]

[Oops, there is not enough data to judge what everyone is saying. But the probability of all being silent is 74%! Well, now it seems that my data is indeed correct!]

Yukimura looked at these silent members and almost breathed out of breath.

It was too embarrassing-he started, and seven teammates didn't even respond!

"Forget it, let's shout according to the original slogan!"

He suppressed his desire to carry Racquet and his teammates to a friendly match one by one.

"Changsheng Rikkai big--"

Yukimura started again.

"There are no dead ends!"

All the positive candidates who had just been muted quickly made up for their work and answered loudly.

"Well, not bad.

The minister expressed satisfaction with the momentum of the slogans just now.

"Since there are no dead ends, everyone must try their best to be selected after entering this training camp!"

"The game should still be the old rules of two doubles and three singles. As the overlord of Kanto with 16 consecutive hegemonies, we, Rikkai, must show the aura of the king!"

"Two doubles, three singles, that is, seven official players and one alternate. A total of eight places, accounting for half, is not too much of a requirement?"

In line with the principle of friendship, Yukimura specially "vacated" four places for the candidates from other schools in Kanto.

"no problem!"

"Not too much!

The Rikkai Taisho elections have no objection to the minister's request.

"It's not difficult at all. Minister, you, Deputy Minister and Senior Liu are three places..."

Kirihaya murmured, but in his heart he wondered if he could get a place in the game.

"There is also Senior Nioh. If Senior doesn't continue to pretend, won't all four places be occupied?"

Kirihaya looked tangled. The four people mentioned above are all better than him.

"Idiot Akaya! Who said we have only four places in Rikkai! Yukimura said the lowest goal, the lowest goal is four!"

Marui Bunta knocked the junior on the head, wondering if the junior was stupid in training.

Kirihaya ignored the slight pain in his forehead being knocked on, and his eyes lit up-there was a chance, as long as he defeated others...

"Akaya and Wentai are very good."

Yukimura nodded in satisfaction.

"As long as you fight for the strength of Xianichiro and Renji, you will definitely have a chance to get a place."

The minister said modestly.

[Obviously it is certain, if you choose according to your strength]

"As for Masaharu--"

"You must be serious this time! This is related to our Rikkai great honor!"

Yukimura showed a very serious expression at Nioh.

Sanada glanced at Yukimura empathetically, nodded, and then looked at Nioh seriously.


"Yukimura, why am I not serious?"

I've been very serious since I came from China, okay! Now I've been turned black and white, I'm almost aggrieved to cry~

"In short, you must get the quota this time!"

Not only this time, but also the future quota

The minister of Rikkai University did not go to U17 in vain. While conscientiously rehabilitating, with his superb tennis skills and a higher personal affinity, he succeeded in getting relevant "rumors" about the changes in a certain competition!

Although it is a "rumor", it can be circulated in U17, and the coach also wants to maintain a tacit attitude-eight achievements are the truth! Maybe the rumors are still released by themselves!

In order for his members to be taken seriously, Yukimura really broke his heart.

"It's not just Masaharu, all of you have to show your strength!"

"If it's a challenge, I will win everything that can be won!"

This is cruel.

After all, the national competition has not yet been compared. Excessive exposure of strength will add a little trouble to the subsequent competitions.

"I see."

The Liu Junshi of Rikkai seemed to have gotten some valuable information from it, and the tone of answer was very solemn.

"I won't let it go!

Sanada doesn't know anything about the thoughts of the two friends, but this does not prevent him from being "not slack" as always.

"Puff, I will get the spot."

Nioh said he has no pressure.

Although exposing his tennis prowess in advance does not meet his pre-937 vision. However, in the past two years, his previous ideas have long been destroyed. For example, Atobe already knows his strengths and Atobe knows, is Seigaku still far away? If so, just show them directly. Bar!

And it seems to be related to U17, even if he is sure that he will be selected in the end, he should show his strength a lot! This is not only about him, but also Rikkai big tennis club if there are so many coaches this year. "Good seedlings", they will definitely pay more attention to the entire Rikkai! In this way, Nioh's own teammates and

The possibility that current and future generations will be valued will rise sharply.

"Do your best.

Hope not much. Liu Sheng has a clear understanding of his current strength. If he only relies on his strength, he will definitely not be ranked in the top seven! But what should be contested, he still has to strive for it

"I want to defeat them!"

Kirihaya is like his deputy minister, ignorant of the thoughts of his minister, Yoo-senpai and Nioh-senpai. But this does not prevent him from being as full of fighting spirit as Sanada! Rikkai's second-year ace is not even afraid of the four seniors in this school, but also afraid of tennis players from other schools?

"We will work hard too!"

Marui and Kuwana looked at each other, then said in unison.

Although the future is bleak (although it is not nationwide, it is the school in the entire Kanto region; and his correction is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that some other school ministers, such as Hyotei's Atobe Jing), let them and other schools be elected. We (of course, some ministers of his school said otherwise~) compete, and they will try their best!.

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