Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 237 : Rikkai, Seigaku, Hyotei

Because it was an invitation from the National Nets Association (in fact, it is a mandatory notice), Rikkai University High School specially sent their school bus to send these candidates to the venue of this Kanto Youth Selection Training.

When they got there, all eight of Seigaku had arrived.

Yes, eight people, eight candidates, no Kawamura Takashi, plus Kunimitsu, Seigaku's minister!

[I'm back now, it looks like I'm healed]

Nioh thought for a while, and felt that his hand should not have been hurt as badly as in his previous life, but he returned home early.

"Shoujia, congratulations on returning from your injury."

Minister Rikkai took the lead to get off the bus and meet with Minister Seigaku.

Although Vice Minister Sanada's eyes are full of war, he is only a deputy minister after all. On this occasion, he can't open an appointment to fight, and can only open his eyes and stare at his home.

"Well, I have healed from injury. Welcome Rikkai to come here, don't be careless, I hope everyone can improve together through training here!"

Handie Kunimitsu endured the eyes from Rikkai's big team that made him look back, and talked with Yukimura.

"I look forward to meeting you in the national competition.

Yukimura said with a smile.

"I look forward to it, Seigaku won't be careless!"

Shoujia sternly and Yukimura played a battle book with each other.

The players on both sides remained silent like saw-mouthed gourds, allowing the two ministers to come and talk with each other.

Although I don't know why, inexplicably, everyone feels the smell of gunpowder and war

Just when Seigaku's Fuji kept smiling while considering whether to open his hand and interrupt the conversation (you all said for nearly ten minutes, let everyone go in and put your luggage in, okay!), Hyotei's school bus appeared!

At this time, the sudden arrival of Atobe Keigo was like a "savior", interrupting the continuous conversation between Minister Rikkai Yama and Seigaku.

"Yukimura! Hands!

He called the names of these two men and got off the school bus first.

"My uncle's Hyotei is here too"!"

Seven straight elections followed him.

Huh, eight people came from Hyotei?!

"It's not far off, Monkey Mountain King! Didn't you Hyotei lose?"

Echizen Ryoma stared at Atobe.

In fact, he was sulking because his hand minister and Rikkai director Yukimura had been communicating for too long. As a result, Atobe was so ostentatious that he just hit the "gunshot" of the first-year election of Seigaku. superior!

Atobe was originally in a good mood, because it seemed that his hand was healed, and he could look forward to a perfect and gorgeous match with his hand Kunimitsu. But the kid Echizen Ryoma--

"Ah um, the seigaku which is not gorgeous are all here, my grandpa's gorgeous Hyotei is naturally coming!

Humph! Although I lost the Kanto tournament, Hyotei is a veteran tennis school (please refer to the front of this article for specific performance, such as Kanto's two consecutive Asians?)! You Seigaku can all come, maybe you still have the light of defeating Hyotei

Atobe thought this way, and his mood grew gloomy.

"What are you two doing here to welcome this uncle? Now that this uncle has arrived, let's go in!"

I have to say that Atobe's words are indeed irritating sometimes.

Sanada shifted his gaze from staring at his home and turned to stare at Atobe.

And Yukimura--

"Sorry, Mr. Atobe, I just noticed you now."

The Minister of Rikkai smiled and expressed his "money". Let Rikkai and Seigaku's onlookers laugh out loud.

But soon Seigaku's people couldn't laugh anymore-

"I'm just talking to Seigaku's second runner-up in the Kanto Contest this year, Seigaku's Minister Tie-kun. Seigaku has made a lot of progress this year, and Rikkai hopes to see Seigaku's progress in the national contest!"

(Note that the word runner-up is accented)

Thousands are beautiful!

Nioh wanted to applaud Yukimura.

Such remarks not only show Rikkai’s status as a champion, but also reflect their kingly temperament! Yes, it is temperament! That kind of condescending aura that naturally suppresses the opponent's side, like an instruction The tone, Yukimura, who is the same as the younger generation, deserves to be the minister of their Rikkai!

"It's not far away! Minister Rikkai!"

Seigaku's small pillar couldn't hold back, and became even more angry, staring at Yukimura with his amber cat eyes.

"Yes, you are still far behind! Only runner-up, far from the champion!"

Kirihara Akaya behind Yukimura immediately laughed unceremoniously.

In the conversation between ministers, he was very polite and did not intervene. But this little boy--huh! Isn't it just a first-year pillar?! I'm still Rikkai's second-year ace! Don't ask about our minister, you are not qualified!

The very responsible Kirihaya has taken over the task of choking the unconvinced Echizen Ryoma with Seigaku for his ministers and seniors. I got the praise of a white-haired senior and a red-haired senior from my own, and the minister of Hyotei Atobe's

Atobe turned his head to look at Oshitari, then at Feng, and finally at Hiyoshi.

[One by one! I didn’t help my uncle to go back to that Echizen Ryoma! Look at the Kirihaya from Rikkai who wins!]

The Minister Hyotei, who was called "Monkey Mountain King", was irritated. !), glared twice at the members who didn't wince.

Oshitari, who was glared at, looked innocent and tried to struggle: I'm in the third grade, Atobe

I don't know why the Minister looked at him with a dazed face and can't figure out: What happened? Why did the Minister look at me?

In the end, I was stunned. Riyoshi's face was straight and calm, and he was still calm: Go ahead! Minister, you must keep a calm heart and practice your own state of mind!

"We are going in to put our luggage. Atobe-san and Shoujia-san, you can talk slowly."

Yukimura still maintained a graceful smile, and then led his regular candidates into the gate of the training camp without looking back, leaving the two teams of Seigaku and Hyotei looking at each other.

Everyone at Seigaku blinked at their minister-should we go in too? Minister, we came earlier than Rikkai!

"Ah, Atobe, don't be careless. Everyone, go in!"

Kunimitsu and Atobe, the ministers of Seigaku, greeted them politely, and then followed Rikkai into the Kanto Youth Training Camp with their suitcases and tennis bags on their backs.

"Let me see if this Guandong Youth Selection is gorgeous!'


"Keep up!"

He gestured to his forehead, Atobe turned around and snapped his fingers at his teammates.


Huadi should be "yes", and finally all three schools have entered

PS, my goodness! Why are there so many reminders to change tickets! I will try to change it as much as possible. This is the third chapter on Tuesday.

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