Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 238 : Under the dispute, the coach decides

After the experience provided by a training camp in a deep mountain and old forest, as well as the funds provided by the Internet Association, the gate of this Kanto youth selection training camp is installed with a good pixel camera.

Therefore, the coaches in the coaching studio clearly saw the conversation between the three schools.

The coaches here are plural, and the number of coaches is three. They are Coach Shintaro from Hyotei, Coach Ryūzaki from Seigaku, and Coach Aoi Humura from Shonan Shonari!

Should have invited more coaches, but the old man of Rokkaku Middle-School in Chiba, and the old man of Yamabuki Middle-School in Tokyo, all turned down because of his age and lack of energy; Fudomine coach, one of the top four Just let Minister Tachibana Yoshihei lead the staff to beat them away; and this year, as always, the Kanto champion, Kanagawa’s Rikkai High School, still continues the net.

As always, there is no "tradition" of coaches in the bag department

So in the end, these three coaches were decided-it can be regarded as corresponding to the configuration of the three coaches in U17.

Coach Huacun Aoi attaches great importance to "scientific training methods", young and motivated, but the coaching time is still too short and the results are not outstanding, so she is mainly responsible for the preparation of the basic training menu; coach Ryūzaki has the most coaching time Long, I have also taught a player like Echizen Nanjiro940. It stands to reason that she must be given a heavy responsibility, but she is not too young.

The physical examination of the sky also found out the problem of excessive fatigue, so she is mainly responsible for paying attention to the inner world of the players, and giving them spiritual guidance with her rich coaching experience.

In this way, coach Sakura from Hyotei is in charge.

Although Hyotei was unexpectedly Waterloo this year, Hyotei Gakuen's strength and previous honors are still obvious to all! Then Hyotei’s coach will take control of the overall situation, which is definitely not a problem-so the Nets Association decided this time in the Kanto Youth Election Give it all to him.

In this way, strategic issues, general arrangements, and the list of matches

"Strength comes first, the strong first!

Hyotei is such a school, just as Ryo Anato was dismissed as the main pick immediately after his fiasco with Fudomine Tachibana. Coach Sakaki decides whoever is strong will play.

This is in line with Rikkai's big idea, but it was opposed and criticized by the other two coaches.

"I think more opportunities should be given to players.

The coach of Huacun naturally wants to win a chance for the players from his own school (bhci). Otherwise, in terms of strength, her Chengcheng Xiangnan would not be selected!

"Should we consider the progress of the players?"

Coach Ryūzaki doesn't have the concerns of coach Huacun (at least the player will be selected anyway), but she feels that she should give opportunities to players who have made progress in the training camp.

"Although the opponents are essentially commercial teams, they also represent the United States on the surface. By then, this Japan-US exchange game will definitely have an impact on the domestic tennis world."

Coach God explained.

"Since the above let us summon outstanding players from the Kanto region, we definitely don't want to get a deuce or even suppressed result. What we have to do is to select the strongest and best players, and then defeat the United States with absolute strength. West Coast Youth Selection Team!"

Coach Sakura sees it thoroughly. If it weren't for those people at the upper level who were thinking of "must beat the opponent", why bother to force so many players together?

Not to mention anything else, just say Rikkai High School attached. If it is not a mandatory call, but an invitation letter of "voluntary player", how can all the members of Rikkai's big election be available? I am afraid it means one or two.

"But since it is a training camp, coach Ryūzaki is still trying to persuade those players who have made a lot of progress in the training camp.

"This is not just my personal opinion, but also the decision of the coach who was originally in charge of the national youth team to play against the U.S. youth team! Progress does not mean that their tennis skills are very strong. If players are selected according to the degree of progress, it is itself Those strong players are a kind of unfairness!"

The weaker players are naturally easy to improve, and the degree of improvement is not small; the stronger the players, the harder it is to improve.

"We have to choose the players fairly. The coach's personal ideas are more or less biased, and it is the fairest way to decide by strength!"

These three coaches are from different schools, and the correct selection they are coaching is also in this training camp. If they are partial to their own correct selection, then what is the meaning of this training? , If you choose members according to the degree of progress and a series of other complicated ideas, it will also be based on personal preference opinions.

Caused unfairness to some other players.

Therefore, making a decision based on strength, although rigid and cold, has to be said that it is indeed the fairest way.

Coach Huacun sighed silently in his heart. She is very weak in this training camp-who made Cheng Cheng Shonan's results. However, she is not a ignorant person. Being able to become a coach and being invited here is enough to prove that she is basically a qualified coach.

"I agree with Coach Sakura, let's choose players based on their strength."

As she said, she felt a little helpless, after all, Chengcheng Xiangnan must not be selected alone.

"Well, let's choose the players like this. The specific selection procedure is left to Coach Sakura to set up."

Coach Ryūzaki finally agreed.

She also realized that she had just thought wrong. After all, this is not Seigaku's internal training or a co-hosting between two schools. The purpose is not to improve, but to select. Naturally, it cannot be viewed with the old-fashioned concept of training and co-hosting.

She is not too young now, and her energy is getting worse. She tends to treat things conservatively and lacks momentum. Seigaku's series of problems in the past few years were the result of her too gentle methods.Now, it is time for the teenagers to see-based on absolute strength as the selection criterion, everyone except herself is an enemy!

In this situation where the school teammates are rivals, it is bound to be a good test of the players' strength and psychological quality.

"I will make the list for qualifying as soon as possible."

Coach Sakura has never bothered to play tricks. Although the competition cannot guarantee absolute fairness, absolute fairness is inherently a false proposition. So he arranges the game, at least not letting go of any player who is above the level!

PS, Chapter 4 on Tuesday! I really regret why I have to take a look at the backstage~ I'm going to sleep, good night, I have written so much, so tired!

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