Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 251 : The enemy of each other, the two sides have shortcomings

Nioh won the promotion perfectly, and everyone from Hyotei and Rikkai went over to watch the long-awaited match-Kirihara Akayavs hand Kunimitsu!

If you asked Kirihaya from each school to lose and who wins, probably everyone would say that Kunimitsu will win absolute victory.

But after Kirihaya and Fuji played, many players were silent

They don't know that the tennis prowess of Rikkai's second-year ace is such a one-shouldn't it be said that it is the real Rikkai ace?!

With the feeling of facing a strong opponent who almost completely defeated his own talented member, Kunimitsu stood on the court earnestly. He doesn't think of Kirihaya as a post-scholar now. On the contrary, he takes a posture of facing a powerful enemy.

However, when Nioh and Atobe saw the hand's house, they still noticed that he was wrong.


Atobe held his arms and watched the game on the court with his eyes locked, as if he had seen something annoying.

The members behind him looked at him cautiously, for fear that they would rush up with their own racquet on an impulse.

"Yukimura, did you find it too?"

"Hands Kunimitsu, his hands"

Nioh followed his indifferent partner and walked to the side of Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura, and he could see the problem with his hand at a glance.

"His hand is okay, it's just his heart, Masaharu.

Yukimura said softly.

His volume was not loud, but the Rikkai Taisho elections who were present heard it.

"Is it fear?"

The minister smiled. Facing the fear of illness, he felt this way when he was lying in a hospital full of medicine smell without knowing that his condition was not so serious.

"Zero chop used the strength of the arm, but he used the shoulder forcibly."

Yukimura's words with a thorough understanding of zero chop are a pity.

"Yeah, Yukimura. He can only get out of this incident. Minister Seigaku, I won't let us down-right, Sanada?"

Nioh warned Sanada, who looked serious.

"I will beat him, but after that, I am afraid I never want to play with him again!"

Sanada was also very angry. Such an opponent made him admire but also dissatisfied. But he himself was going for the strength of his family, so he just listened to the history of the grievances between Seigaku pillars and XXXX, and then just forgot about it.

Unlike Atobe, Sanada stared at Kunimitsu at the beginning because of his fiasco. The reason why the obsession is so deep is actually because the two have been unable to fight for various reasons.

"2:2, deuce!"

The two people on the court each defended their serve bureau.

Kirihaya knows that the skill of the player is naturally unwilling to let himself lose points due to temptation. Since the beginning of the game, he has used "angelization"; and to be honest, his appearance is very different from that of Kirihaya's type of players!

[The "handsman field" is simply cheating!]

Kirihaya complained in his heart as he ran. He was already a little short of breath. After all, although "angelization" is strong, it consumes a lot of physical energy. What's more, he just finished the match with Fuji Syusuke!

Moreover, Kirihara Akaya's "infinitive tennis" is originally strong in the unpredictability of the ball.

But the unreasonable skills of the hand, no matter what kind of game you are playing, it is directly like an iron magnet, sucking tennis as an iron piece!

Kirihaya quickly approached the ball in small steps, held the pat with his right hand, and swung forward.

But what annoyed him was that the tennis he played seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, drawing an arc, and then being pulled close to a circle centered on the hand's home.

Kunimitsu stood at the center line and moved in a circular area.

Dan Feng's eyes under the gold-rimmed lens revealed coldness and looked very solemn. The hand walked a half-circle in small steps, and his left hand took advantage of the tendency to meet the tennis ball that seemed to be drawn.


The tennis ball was beaten back with a specific spin.

Kirihaya is not able to see through and hit the dead corner of the tennis ball like Atobe, so his choice is to forcibly break the tennis spin trajectory of Kunimitsu's counterattack!

The ball skills of the players are as precise as high-precision machines.

Scoring is very fierce, but with this kind of skill, once one of the links is destroyed, everything else will fall apart!

The right hand turned for a fancy, and the tennis also disappeared.

This method is the simplest and easy to use, but it also puts a lot of burden on Kirihaya's wrist.


With the help of accumulating power, Kirihaya hit back the tennis ball with all his strength.

Without the specific rotational force on tennis, the player field has been temporarily cracked in this round.

A few strides out from the circular area under the feet, swinging--

"3:2, Kirihara Akaya is ahead!"

Without the role of the domain, Kirihaya's irregular tennis finally showed its power.

The player's skills restrain Kirihaya, but why doesn't Kirihaya restrain the player?

No matter how good the game is, you can't use it if you can't catch the ball!

The weird and unpredictable ball path is over before the player can understand it

But the next round came to Kunimitsu's serve round.

Minister Seigaku calmly took out a tennis ball with his right hand and served it!

Suffocating the uncomfortable feeling in my heart, he waved his hands sharply.


Typical sophisticated hand-style ball skills!

(Nuo Ma Zhao) Zero type serve!

"15:0, Kunimitsu scored!"

Although the player is not used to Kirihaya's ball path, the zero-type chop is basically not useful, but he has developed the zero-type serve technique!

The tennis ball fell to the ground and did not bounce.

It's almost incomprehensible technology, because in most players' eyes, the yellow tennis ball just doesn't move.

Only players with superb eyesight such as Atobe, Nioh, Yukimura, etc. can perceive that the tennis ball has actually bounced at an imperceptible distance.


Kirihaya snorted coldly, breathing heavily with his chest rising and falling.

Playing with a player is too exhausting for his physical strength. Even if the Selfless State is not turned on, Kirihaya feels that he can't hold it for long with just "angelization".

PS, the timing of July 3rd (thanks to everyone for the flower monthly ticket and evaluation ticket, two updates today).

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