Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 252 : Limited time battle, current situation

"30:0, Kunimitsu scored!"

Another ACE of Zero Serve!

"40:0, Kunimitsu scored!"

Kirihaya closely watched the serve action of his hand and the tennis ball, watching the imperceptible distance of the tennis ball bouncing from the ground, waiting for the opportunity to strike back.


Wait it!

There were three zeros in succession in the front of this round, and there were a lot of ball skills used before, which made the bounce of the serve of the player's ball a little bit bigger.

Kirihaya's lake-green eyes are faintly red, and they hit the ground with a wave!

Racquet almost knocked on the ground, but finally hit a tennis ball!


"Hang the net!"

"3:3, deuce!"

But reluctantly, the intensity and angle of the swing were not so precise, and the tennis was directly linked to the net.

Kirihaya's face is a bit ugly, but he also knows that it is not easy to do this. He squeezed the tennis ball and said to the player on the other side of the net--

"Shoujia! I won't lie to you either!"

"My stamina is almost exhausted, this state will not last long. Five minutes, five minutes to end the game!"

Kirihaya's stamina was about to bottom out because of the natural curls on the curled black hair that looked messy, and sweat dripped from time to time.

[I knew it, I knew I would wait to challenge Kunimitsu!]

[If it weren’t for fear that he would be selected to play in 947 first, I wouldn’t finish playing Fuji Syusuke and then play with him right away!]

The strength of Fuji Syusuke is at the top of the Kanto level, and it has faintly entered the national level. Kirihaya looks easy to play, but it actually consumes a lot of physical energy.

In this match with hand Kunimitsu, although it took less than half an hour, almost every minute and every second could not have the slightest relaxation. Faced with an opponent of this level, a little carelessness is a loss of points. So by this time, Kirihaya's physical energy was much more than he expected before the game.

He has felt that his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Kirihayahara, who faintly felt that his strength was declining, limited the time limit of the game for himself.

Not to be cool, because if he really doesn’t hurry and can’t beat the winner, he really will lose.

"What is this kid doing so honestly!"

Marui Bunta was dumbfounded.

He was in Rikkai, and he had never seen a player like Kirihara Akaya who proactively told his opponents about the time limit left!

"But I didn't expect him to win the hand.

Yukimura laughed instead.

If handist Kunimitsu lost so easily, Sanada would not have been thinking about that game. Although Kirihaya is very strong, it still has a bad time because Tezuka is also improving

And the goal of this competition has been achieved - the strength of Rikkai's sophomore ace has shocked everyone, hasn't it?

"It always feels like we, Rikkai, have become good people this time.

Junshi Liu finally finished the game with Echizen Ryoma and came over to watch the game with everyone.

The score was 7:6, dragged into the tiebreak, but it was not until the last goal that Echizen Ryoma's body lit up with a little white light of Selfless State.

But it is a pity that Liu's calculated goal immediately hit his dead corner and won the game directly. Echizen, who lost the ball and left the Selfless State, was stubborn and unwilling.

"It's far from it!"

Echizen Ryoma also understood at this time, the guy from Rikkai had beaten him like that on purpose!

[Huh, it really is as annoying as the fuck-senior!]

Ryoma, who hates vegetable juice, thought so.

Not long ago, Tachibana Yoshihira VS Sengoku Kiyosumi also ended.

At the end of Liu's match, the results of Group C vs. Group B were settled-three wins and one loses!

Former members of Group C, Kirihara Akaya, Nioh Masaharu, and Tachibana Yoshihiro advance to Group B!

Yanagi Renji, the former member of Group B, succeeded in defending and remains in Group B!

The remaining four players: Oshitari Ikushi, Sengoku Kiyosumi, Fuji Syusuke, and Echizen Ryoma all fell to the group number, starting from the beginning and starting the pre-group battle like other players!

But this is really a "sad" result, because there is no one in Group C, so -


I had to defeat three people to qualify for Group C challenge, and then

But now, in addition to the eight people in groups A and B, there are also training members Rikkai three, Hyotei seven, Seigaku seven, Fudomine two, Yamabuki one, Rokkaku four, Saint Rudolf two, and Josei The three of Shonan!

Twenty-nine players, divided by four is more than seven, so theoretically speaking, if these remaining people want to be ranked in Group C, they have to beat six people and even one hapless one has to kill seven people!

This is really a lot of "workload", and it is still in the case that the remaining people did not continue to challenge Group A and were not knocked down.

But because the group C before the game said that they will continue to challenge, it is no accident that three more people will be dropped-that is thirty-two people, divided by four and eight, everyone has to enter the group. Kill exactly seven people

And after doing this, they can only enter the C group, because there is also a Rikkai strategist Yanagi Renji in the B group. Fight for the opportunity to challenge Liu in a civil war

So, if you count it this way, Echizen Ryoma has a long road to revenge. At least nine people must be defeated before he can play against Yoo again. Then he defeats Yoo before he can challenge Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura as he wants. If the coach does not change the rules, he will still follow the previous announcement. The rules for qualifying.

Thinking about it this way, Echizen Ryoma, who was originally in Group C, was the only one who lost the ball, standing beside his predecessors and staring straight at Yanagi Renji and the Rikkai teammates beside him.

Rikkai is big and really annoying!

#丁, Echizen Ryoma hatred value +10086! #

"Military strategist, are you saying that Echizen Ryoma can already enter the Selfless State by himself? It doesn't matter, his father will hand him this one sooner or later. And the hand, Fuji and even Atobe, will probably be happy to fight Echizen! "

Nioh, who has seen Echizen Ryoma's "Heaven Clothes", is already optimistic about the news that Echizen has mastered the "no-self".

Liu Sheng was speechless, but frantically complained in his heart.

[Shoujia, Fuji, what the hell is Atobe! Is Hyotei's minister about to quit? Also, Nioh-san, you dare to say that the reason you say these things is not that you also fed Hyotei's genius Some experience?!!】

"But this competition can really help your family. Who calls our juniors so cute?"

Nioh, who didn't know his "relentless" partner was complaining about him, then sighed.

Kirihaya's vitality performance on court has a high probability of "curing" the shadow of the hand.

Predicting the direction of the game in meditation, Nioh continued to pay attention to the next generation's game.

PS, the second shift on July 3rd. (Speak in a low voice: I took the exam, will it be better afterwards?)

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