Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 262 : Phantom Atobe, second round


"Indulge in the magnificent skills of this uncle!"

When Sanada started to play with Fudomine's Tachibana, Nioh finally started his "phantom" that everyone admired for a long time.

Gorgeous snapping his fingers, even put aside his coat easily.

At that moment, the big khaki Rikkai jacket that was thrown into the air was exactly the same as Hyotei's jacket.

It wasn't until the coat accurately hit Yagyu Hiroshi's arms that it turned back to the familiar khaki.

Many of his correct picks who saw "Nioh Phantom" for the first time (because they didn't choose to watch the NiohVS Oshitari game before, but chose to watch a few other games~) couldn't help but feel like they had seen it before. There was a chill in my heart.

They looked at the two identical Atobe Keigo on the court, not knowing what to say.

Everyone in Hyotei had expected that Nioh might be the deity of Atobe, but when they saw it, they were still very worried. Even though Oshitari's game was the first step before, it was Atobe after all!

The minister of a tennis club is usually an absolute leader for his members, and even a god-like existence in his heart (let us temporarily ignore the special situation and the manager-respected Saint Rudolf)!

"Nioh Masaharu!"

The expression in the eyes of Section 953 changed instantly.

Before he had full eyesight, but now

[No flaws! How is it possible?!]

Before he could get over, he saw that the opposite person, who at least seemed to be exactly the same at the moment, made a move that made him very familiar.

Lean back deeply, use the strength of your abdomen and waist, and then

"It's Tang Huaise serve!"

Kirihaya outside the court automatically assumed the responsibility of dubbing the game.


The yellow tennis ball landed, did not bounce, and rolled in the direction of the net.

"15:0, Nioh Masaharu scored!

Perfect ACE serve.

"I knew that Senior Nioh must have a plan! Senior will definitely win!"

Kirihara Akaya triumphantly directed at the group over there, almost standing together, who seemed to support Hyotei from the standpoint of Hyotei.

Although he also thinks that his own Rikkai University will be able to fight Kanto alone, and other schools are completely ignored by him, but he sees those people who are so ignorant and run against Rikkai (actually, they are just standing far away from Rikkai. A little bit~), Kirihaya is still very upset.

"I guess so.

Before the players who were provoked by Kirihaya hadn't said anything, Yanagyu faintly stopped the topic that was developing in the direction of provocation.


"You can't have an opinion on our Rikkai victory just because Nioh-senpai threw the coat to you just now!"

Kirihaya's eyes widened.

"Even if Senior Nioh did that, he didn't force you to say'wush', didn't he?"

"Senior Yanagyu, you have to be generous and cooperate with Senior Nioh.

In a persuasive tone, however, Liu Sheng rubbed the jacket that Nioh had just thrown over.

If it weren’t for the quality of the jackets selected by the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, the quality has always been excellent.

"Akaya, watch the game seriously.

Liu curled up his lips.

Although he listened very happily and remembered taking notes in his hand, he was also very happy to remember, but for the unity of the Rikkai group, and so that the younger generations would not have to drink cold water in the future, he still spoke to prevent someone from continuing to die.

Kirihaya always respected his senior Yoo, so he responded and immediately watched the game obediently.

At this time, the game is already--


"40:0, Nioh Masaharu scored!"

After three consecutive ACE serve scores, Nioh is very fluent in the gorgeous serve skills developed by Atobe.

His serve level (bhci) at this time seems to be the highest level of Atobe Keigo's previous serve game!

Most of the players didn't see this problem, but the players who saw it were all expressions or serious in their hearts.

The very decent Minister Seigaku Tie-kun with a serious expression as his heart: It's almost the effect of zero serve! Nioh should also be able to make zero serve!

The genius of Seigaku who is serious but still smiling is choosing Fuji-san: It's really interesting serve, Nioh-san's "Phantom" is really interesting~

And Atobe on court--

"Ah, my uncle's serving skills are really gorgeous!"

Even after losing three points in a row, Atobe is still confident and assertive.

This is something that Oshitari, known as "genius", cannot do, and it is also an important reason why everyone in Hyotei follows him.

"of course!

The Phantom "Atobe" took a photo with his right hand, and placed the index and ring fingers of his left hand at the center of his eyebrows, performing actions that have been familiar to everyone in Hyotei for a long time.


The moment he finished speaking, he immediately swung serve.


The tennis ball slid a straight line against the ground on the court.

"1:1, deuce!"

Nioh Phantom became Atobe, and used four Tang Huaise serve to win his serve game directly in succession.

"My uncle's aesthetics is more dazzling than the sun!"

The device was extremely open. In the face of this sentence, Nioh proudly said this sentence against Atobe's shell.

After seeing Nioh's performance, everyone in Hyotei, who was still in shock just now, showed an expression of inefficiency with the tacit understanding of their teammates.

Such a posture, no matter how many times it is seen, it is always like that

"The following grams are on! I will definitely win the singles one!"

Hiyoshi Wakashi burned instantly.

It can be valued by Atobe and has the identity of Hyotei's heir by default. It is undeniable that although Hiyoshi and Atobe look completely different in style, their inner pride is the same.

But Hyotei only needs one leader, and Hyotei, who doesn't even have a deputy minister, needs only one at the top!

Hiyoshi actually uses Atobe as a role model subconsciously, so whenever he hears those declarations of Atobe Keigo, he can't help but want to defeat him immediately!

"Oh, Nioh"

Atobe couldn't help but feel annoyed.

At the beginning of the game, he was angry. At this moment, seeing that the opponent on the opposite side is even more arrogant than him, even if he looks like him, he can't bear it!

PS, timed, July 8.

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