Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 263 : Ice World, Round 3

"Ah um, what's the matter, Atobe?"

The person opposite seemed to be arrogant, and said lightly.

But he didn't care about the other party's answer at all one-

"Hurry up and serve, don't waste~ Time for Uncle Fei Ben!"

This sentence made the eyes of many people look at Atobe more subtle.

This is really a reincarnation of heaven, and there will be cause and effect-retribution!

Someone should finally realize how unpleasant his usual speech and performance are!

Especially those who have met Hyotei in the school's tennis club, they are very happy to hear that Atobe was hardened by Nioh. At least for that moment, they tacitly let go of their big prejudices about Rikkai.


"Hey, Atobe! Don't let that group of unmatched fish wait for you for too long!"

Nioh launched the "Mouth Escape" #Map炮#.

Immediately, except for Rikkai Yama and Hyotei, everyone else felt tight in their chests and took a mouthful of blood!

Why would anyone naively believe that "Atobe Keigo" will let them watch a good show?

"Huh, my uncle will serve right away!"

"There will be time for the miscellaneous fishes!"

In fact, whether it is Atobe or Nioh, what they say is quite hateful.

At least Fuji Yuta felt that Seigaku, where his brother Fuji Syusuke was located, looked a little more pleasing to the eye than Rikkai Yamato Hyotei.

Although Seigaku eliminated their St. Rudolph in the game before, although Fuji Yuta transferred to school because of sullenness, although he is still saying goodbye to his brother until now

But Fuji Yuta has never felt the charm of youth Gakuen like this!

In the contrast between #器张,傲慢#'s Rikkai and Hyotei, Seigaku is really #亲民#

I've seen it through the same a long time ago, and I think that Seigaku is a good choice for Yamabuki's Senshi, and he has been wisely mixed into Seigaku's team~

No way, Yamabuki only came here because Akutsu Jin didn't come.

And these other schools--Sure enough, Seigaku is better to get along with!

I have met Rikkai in the Kanto contest and the national competition, but I am still in an "indifferent" relationship. Yamabuki has met with Hyotei more than once but has always had a "plain" relationship. Yamabuki is choosing Sengoku Kiyosumi. Naturally, he has to choose. Seigaku who have met and lost to each other but are in a "friendly" relationship get along with them!

"It's really lucky, to be able to see such a game!"

Sengoku is still very optimistic, and his focus is automatically adjusted to the game.

Echizen Ryoma was a little absent-minded and watched the game in a daze. If it is normal, it is estimated that as soon as the voice on the court fell, he would pass the mantra of "It's still far away". But now, he just watched quietly, without saying a word.

Occasionally, the Shoujia glanced at the members from the game, and became more dissatisfied with Echizen's state.



The two Atobes on the court, you come and I have a great time playing.

This round was deadlocked for a long time.

Atobe Keigo seemed to have ice in his eyes, and he kept hitting the ball at the dead icicle in the half-time where Nioh was.

However, Nioh always smashed the icicles that Atobe wanted to smash at the moment Atobe hit back and made up for the weaknesses.

Stunt, the world of ice.

This is Atobe Keigo's move, but don't forget that Nioh's phantom object is also Atobe at this time.

And-as early as U17, he has seen a more advanced "Ice World"!

Although Irie Kanata's "Ice World" has a deeper evolutionary direction different from Atobe's move - Irie integrates his own acting skills and the ability to read opponents' emotional rhythms into it, and Atobe relies only on his from beginning to end. Eyesight-but it is undeniable that the primary form of this move is the same, which is the one currently used by Atobe.

If Atobe's eyesight evolve to a deeper level, it will inevitably put pressure on Nioh, but in the initial state, it has not evolved to see the eyesight of the human bones.

[Does Biyi have better eyesight?]

With a bit of fun in my heart, Nioh calmly simulated the standard of vision that Atobe should have after a major evolution.


"15:0, Nioh scored!

In an instant, Atobe suddenly felt terrified, as if some terrifying prehistoric behemoth was staring at him.

It is a sense of danger that the body automatically warns of, as if it is about to be attacked by a predator from the top of the food chain.

Atobe's swing speed couldn't help but slowed by half a beat with that heart tremor.

He frowned when he heard the referee's decision.

[What's going on? Why do you feel that way?]

Looking at Nioh vigilantly, Atobe felt the high-level suppressed aura again.

Just like the coercion of high-level gods on low-level gods, this made his deep blue eyes wide open.

………For flowers…

Stabilized, Atobe, who still looks flawless on the surface, is ready to serve again.

This time he didn't plan to use ordinary serve, but instead used Tang Huaise.

At the moment of throwing the ball, the body fell back, and then suddenly got up with the power of the waist and abdomen, and swung the pat with the power of the shoulder!


It looks like a perfect serve.

However, when the tennis ball hits the ground--

A racquet swung out the afterimage and flew back into the air, flying over the net with a little side spin.

However, although the swing speed of this ball is fast, it should be able to hit back.

Many people thought about it as above, and then the fact slapped them in the face severely.


The tennis ball fell to the ground, but it wasn't until the sound rang that Atobe's left foot eased from a numbness.

The spectators outside the court exclaimed, if they hadn't known that Atobe Keigo could not release the water, they would have thought that Atobe was deliberately giving up the ball.

However, Atobe will not release water at least in the face of Rikkai's big positive election.

"New skills?"

Xiang Ri asked tentatively.

"do not know.

Oshitari shook his head simply.

"Wait and ask Atobe for a while."

Shiro made a final decision.

Hyotei gave full play to the principle of not knowing, not pretending to understand, and asking the minister if something happened. Rikkai almost looked at Yanagi Renji together.

Oh, it's almost because their deputy minister Sanada is still fighting on another court.

Compared to Nioh and Atobe, who had a stalemate on this ball for a long time, Sanada, who only played with Tachibana Yoshihira later, can be said to be a latecomer and has already reached 3:0.

"Its as fast as the wind" alone is enough for Tachibana Yoshihiro to "digest" for a while. What's more, Sanada, who is based on the principle of ending the game and going to watch the game, also uses "aggression as fire."

The eyes of the two members of Fudomine who watched the game changed when they looked at Sanada.

That kind of burning sensation that can be felt off the court--this is not a lie!

And not to mention that Sanada has a trick that Atobe can hardly break, "Stop as a mountain". Before Atobe's eyesight evolved, it was really difficult to break Sanada's defensive skills.

There are no dead ends, no shortcomings, the Deputy Minister Rikkai is efficient in harvesting points in the game against Minister Fudomine, and often scores within a few shots. work,

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