Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 272 : Strong Rikkai, u17 reaction

After completing the tasks of participating in the qualifying and watching the qualifying in the afternoon, the players with different minds all walked into the restaurant.

Since most people eat at school, the atmosphere is pretty good.


Otori Cyotaroh involuntarily approached his Shido-senior, and watched with a horror at Atobe holding the knife on the plate "inadvertently", marking a deep mark.

"Marui-kun, eat this!-This is delicious!


There was another harsh sound.

Atobe, whose dining etiquette has always been good, can't help it anymore--

"Akutakawa Jirou, you shut up!"

Seigaku occupies a long dining table across from him, and Atobe shouted in the direction of Rikkai's large dining table.

"Marui-kun, this is super delicious."

However, someone focused on idols could not extricate themselves, and completely ignored the shouts not far away.

"Oh, this, um, it's really delicious.'

Marui Bunta calmly tasted the fan's friendly recommendation, and gave an affirmative answer under the gleaming eyes of Akutagawa.

"Yeah, great!

Akutakawa Jirou blinked happily, and then continued to plunge into the enjoyable meal.


Feeling that the waist came from the red-haired sister around him and his partner kept poking, Oshitari mustered up the courage and cautiously called Minister Hyotei, whose air pressure was getting lower and lower.

"Oshitari, too loose! Give my uncle a good meal!"

Atobe's face was sullen, feeling the smiling eyes from Rikkai, Seigaku, and others, pretending to be nonchalant, trying to maintain his image and change the plate.

[I can’t control it! I don’t care about the uncle!]

#Today's Minister Hyotei is also abandoning himself~#

And just as the players were enjoying the meal together in the restaurant, the telephone rang in the tennis training camp of the country's "secret base" or "U17" for short in the deep mountains and forests.

The one who answered the phone was Coach Tuo Zhi--

"Hello, Kanto Seigaku training camp? Was the first day going well?"

Today’s U17 high school students are still working hard, so coach Tuo Zhi’s mood index is good.


He froze for a moment.

"Say it again!"

I can't believe it at all, is the junior high student so simple and neat?

"According to the plan, the qualifying starts this afternoon. The players are very active. The four of the C group directly challenged the B group, three succeeded, and then challenged the A group, the two succeeded. So now there is only A. The group of four is full, there is only one person in group B, and there is no one in group C."

The U17 "undercover" referee over there reported calmly.

He thought to himself, this is shocking? I haven't said the point yet!

"So energetic"

Coach Tuo Zhi is speechless. It seems that the rules of qualifying have to be re-enacted.

You know, they originally intended to let the players without group numbers challenge Group C first, then choose a new Group C to challenge Group B, and finally to Group A. At that time, the quota should have been determined.

"What's the matter? Are there any surprises?"

Takuchi felt that even if Nioh Masaharu was squeezed into Group C, it wouldn't be the current situation of a complete collapse.

"Is there an accident?"

Coach Saito also came over curiously.

The Kurobe coach paid more attention. After all, the proposal for this qualifying match originally came out of his mouth and passed it on to the coaches selected by the Kanto Youth team through the staff.

But in one afternoon, it crashed?

[No matter how strong Nioh Masaharu is, it's only one person. He can't cause the entire rule to collapse by himself!]

The U17 coaches are right.

They deliberately use someone who is strong but not well-known to hone and screen other outstanding players. It is also a good practice.

However, they ignored that the reason why they were able to put Nioh Masaharu in Group C was not because of anything else, but because of the asymmetry of information, because other players and the outside world did not understand Nioh's information, and it was precisely Due to the lack of information one-

"There were no surprises. The game went smoothly according to the rules."

"By the way, Coach Tuo Zhi, please focus on Rikkai High School."

"After the game this afternoon, the five people who still have the group number are all from Rikkai!"

The voice coming from the phone was like a bomb, blowing the three U17 coaches into confusion.

"Wait, where is the Minister of Hyotei? Where is the Minister of Seigaku?"

Since they have paid attention to the middle school tennis world in Kanto and even the whole country before, the three U17 coaches have some understanding of the tennis masters in the middle school.

It is because of understanding that they are so shocked one-

"Kunimitsu and Atobe Keigo both lost?!"

"There is only one person in Nioh Masaharu-who is the other challenge?"

"Yanagi Renji from Rikkai?"

Coach Tuo Zhi began to guess.

Liu, who plays data tennis, is also the junior high school tennis player they follow.

However, is the strength so strong?

"Rikkai's Nioh successfully challenged Hyotei's Atobe, but Seigaku's Tezuka was defeated by Rikkai's second-year student Kirihara Akaya, and Yanagi Renji remained in Group B.

Rikkai big, second grade?!

"Send the video!

Coach Kurobe reached out and took the call.

Shocked in his heart, he maintained the calmness of his voice--

"I will contact over there to modify the selection rules for qualifying. Since Rikkai is so strong, they deserve five places. You continue to observe over there!"

.……Look for flowers…


After hanging up the phone, the three coaches were relatively speechless.

"I didn't expect Rikkai to give us such a big surprise."

Coach Saito broke the calm.

"I'm really curious about how the second-year student of Rikkai University defeated Minister Seigaku."

He said this with a smile on his face.

"No wonder Kurobe you indicated that you want the'Kanto Youth Election". '

In fact, what you were focusing on at the beginning was Rikkai, but I didn't expect that my layout would collapse on the first day.

""Kanto Youth Selection"? This has become the "Rikkai large internal training base"!"

It's good to be one of a kind, but a hundred flowers blooming is what they want.

"Junior high school students still need training!

Kurobe ignored Saito's jokes and turned his attention to the screen.

The video of the game has been passed over, and the video of several games played at the same time, attracting all the attention of the three coaches.


"The training intensity of high school students will also be strengthened!"

After listening to Rikkai's "Great Contributions" on the first day of the Okanto Youth Election, and now seeing such a video of the game, Kurobe is currently looking at high school students unusually unpleasant.

"I will strengthen the training intensity for them."

Originally, I looked at the training of high school students as serious, so Tuo Zhi, who was more satisfied, is not satisfied anymore.

If there is no comparison, there will be no gap. Compared with the junior high school students in the video, the high school students will have no future at all if they do not train!

Even if most of the middle school students are still far behind the first army, even compared to the high school students of the first few courts, they are still a bit behind, but the top middle school students

"They are qualified to attack the first army!"

The game on the video actually does not fully demonstrate the strength of the players. For example, Yukimura has no one to challenge, Sanada obviously has plenty of energy, not to mention Nioh.

But at least the high level of his ability shown in the game video of the second-year student of Rikkai has already made Kurobe very much admired.


[It seems that the strength of other schools is not good, but the actual level of Rikkai is beyond expectation

It is indeed the "golden generation" praised by the outside world, and the overall level is very good.

However, "Moonlight and rare stars" were completely obscured by the big light of Rikkai

Is "Changsheng Rikkai big"? Since the strength is up to the standard, naturally I should give you this opportunity!"

Immediately, Kurobe made a call to the relevant person in charge of the network association.

PS, that's it! The overall level of middle school students is worthy of praise, but Rikkai is even more powerful! Masaharu himself can't let the coach's plan collapse, but Rikkai can!

Happy, finally finished this chapter, good night~

The next part should be the text part of the other players~ I will work hard to update it during the holidays!

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