Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 273 : Evening news, different thoughts

The Guandong Youth Selection Training is an official training, and it is naturally very formal.

So even on the first day, even at night, there are training arrangements.

However, it is the training content arranged by the middle school coach, Rikkai University has no pressure on such training intensity.

Although the qualifying match had just finished in the afternoon, there were some disputes between the tennis departments of various schools, but when they were training together, they were almost the same.

[I just don’t know if it has completely disappeared, or is it hidden in my heart?]

Nioh was doing basic pace training next to Oshitari, and he was thinking about it leisurely.

The content of the training is boring, but soon a news announced by the coach Sakaki stimulated some people.

"After discussion, now announce the rules of tomorrow's challenge!"

Coach Sakura stood on the platform "Nine Six Zero" on the second floor, looking down at the candidates and said.

"Due to the previous misconsideration, there was an unexpected result of the qualifying match, so tomorrow's challenge will be announced by our coach for the candidates for the qualifying match."

His words stirred up thousands of waves.

First, Atobe frowned.

[In this case, can't my uncle be able to choose his opponent by himself?!]

Then other players also talked about it. They felt that the free choice of opponents can increase the winning rate of the game, if it is arranged by the coach.

But there is one important news that has not been announced--

"After a decision, Seiichi Yukimura, Sanada Genichiro, Kirihara Akaya, Nioh Masaharu, Yanagi Renji, five people were successfully selected for the roster of this exchange competition!"

It's really fried this time

"This is the first day!"

"Why was it decided on the first day? This is just a qualifying round!"



Coach Sakura looked at the middle school students who had gone from noisy to quiet.

"The purpose of this Kanto Youth Election is to select the strongest players in the Kanto country to represent the country!"

"The strength of the five of them has been proven today, as for you one-"

"If you want a spot, just hit it!"

One by one, they only care about noisy, but don't want to talk about their strength, whether they are qualified

"If you are not convinced, you can launch a training camp at any time!"

Coach Sakaki glanced at Rikkai's general direction and announced forcefully.

This is an officially organized training camp. It is a recognition and an honor for these players to be able to participate, and it is also a bonus for the school. In the junior high school resume, it can undoubtedly leave a very glorious stroke, after all, there are so many players in the entire Kanto

When Coach Sakura said so, some murmurs stopped completely.

It's just that some people's eyes are still unwilling, but as Hyotei supervises more than 200 people, Coach Sakura doesn't care about everyone's ideas. In Hyotei, he adopted the method of selecting the first army based on strength and selecting the right selection.

"Now continue training!"

Seeing that the players understood the decision, he let the players continue training.

However, after learning such a big news all at once, who still has mental training?

"Our Rikkai is really the best!"

Kirihaya said happily.

The candidates in Rokkaku who were training next to him glanced at each other and were silent.

"Isn't it my problem for the future challenges? I haven't played a game yet.

Yukimura smiled, it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

"Rikkai has no dead ends!"

Sanada stared at Atobe directly.

"It's really not a gorgeous challenge!"

Atobe snorted and continued training.

[The coach will not pit us Hyotei, right? Although I know that you are selfless, but at any rate consider your members!]

Oshitari was annoyed while swinging.

Today's game really exceeded many people's expectations. Atobe saw that more than half of Rikkai's people got the spot on the first day, and his heart must be sulking. By then, it will be Hyotei's positive candidates.

"Wen Tai, you have to cheer, but now it depends on your face and luck!"

Although the "danger" cannot be completely eliminated, at least the phenomenon of Rikkai being under siege has been eliminated.

If you are lucky, maybe you can get to the last few rounds.

Nioh pondered this newly released challenge and felt that although Marui and the others are unlikely to reach the end, the possibility of reaching the last two or three rounds is still quite high.

And one-

"Riu Sheng, don't you blame me now, right?"

Nioh carried racquet and walked to the side of Yanagi who was training silently, and asked with a smile.

"What's your business, Nioh-san.

But it did reduce a bit-the hatred he carried.

Yanagi stopped training and pushed down his glasses.

"Even with such a rule, there are only three places left, which is not good."

Because you also have the Minister of Hyotei and the Minister of Seigaku.

When you encounter any one, you can declare the end of the game.

"Don't speak so aggressively, what are you thinking?"

"Why do I always feel that after I finished the game with Atobe, your eyes were a bit wrong?"

[It’s like watching an enemy!]

"Even if I give you hatred, you can't do that!"

Without saying a word, I went to indifferent training. Those who didn't know thought we were not teammates.

Nioh has no idea about something.

"You still know what you do, Nioh-san!"

When Liu Sheng saw Nioh mentioned that he had believed it and didn't know how he repented, he immediately became angry.

"Sorry, my mental capacity is too bad, so I want to stay away from you."

As I watched, Nioh watched Yanagi and Seigaku's doubles golden partner chat.

"What's wrong?"


He couldn't believe it.

[Did Liu Sheng take the wrong medicine today? This temper

"Masaharu, train well~"

Yukimura walked up with a smile and patted Nioh on the shoulder.

Liu suppressed a smile, but stopped talking.

And Sanada--

"Nioh Masaharu, you are too lax!"

When I arrived here, I still had a conflict with Liu Sheng, and it was too loose and loose!

Sanada firmly believes that everything is Nioh's fault, but this time he is really innocent

The head of Rikkai University raised his lips and had a pleasant intercollegiate exchange with the head of Seigaku.

"Son of God" who is good at mental power tennis is also very good at using "mental power attack" in daily teaching staff.

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