Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 274 : New competition, winning or losing

Since the coach announced the new qualifying rules and began to implement them, many people have been aroused to fight, and some have chosen to be afraid to give up.

Rikkai's remaining three candidates will naturally not be decadent, but the list of qualifying is not determined by them.

The first to be brushed down is Marui Bunta.

Marui unfortunately defeated Rokkaku Middle-School's Amane Mitsu, and then met Seigaku's minister Kunimitsu.

Shoujia always carelessly face a tennis match.

Before losing to Kirihaya due to his own psychological problems, he has already blamed himself, but now facing Rikkai's big Marui, he naturally refuses to keep his hands.

With his arms intact and no damage to his shoulders, he used the zero chop and zero serve without hesitation. During the period, he added his "handsman field", and he was always hitting Marui.

Marui originally thought about whether to fight for a few rounds, but when he saw that the hand did not let the water out, he quietly dismissed his original plan.

Therefore, in front of his little fans, he chose to play a volley battle with Shoujia!


Looking at the ball, it was finally not in Tezuka's field. Marui didn't want to let himself be zeroed. He used his right foot to make a light leap backward.

In mid-air, he saw the tennis ball bounce and then swung his racket at the tennis ball.


The tennis ball rolled more than ten centimeters on the net under the eyes of everyone.

"Look at the skill of this genius~"

It was not easy to finally win a round.

"4:1, Kunimitsu is leading!

Although still at a disadvantage, it is not very embarrassing love anyhow.

"Marui-kun, that's great!"

Akutagawa applauded his face.

He encountered Seigaku's genius Fuji Syusuke in the first game, and then there was no more!

Although Marui seems to be losing now, think about their Hyotei's Atobe and Oshitari!

"Marui-kun is amazing, Marui-kun is the most genius!"

In front of Seigaku's genius, Akutagawa cheered Marui like this.

Marui, who is still being worshipped, is actually smiling bitterly in his heart.

[I will lose Cilang, okay? "Walking a tightrope" can only be used as a strange trick, I'm afraid it will be broken if I try it again!]

[But even if it is used]

[Forget it, if you lose, you will lose! Anyway, I also won a round, as it is to temper my pre-net volley skills, anyway, they all regard me as a doubles player? Although I am also a genuine doubles select

The police saw a lot of people breathed a sigh of relief at his game, and Marui himself was very depressed.

[Do you really want our Rikkai members to be selected? I was relieved to see that I was about to lose


"15:0, Kunimitsu scored!"

[It's the "hands' field" again! Are you so tired from the hands? No wonder the arm injury has dragged on for so long. 】

When Marui felt the unbreakable spin on the tennis ball, he had no time to adjust.

I can only watch the tennis ball go around in a semicircle around Shou's house and then meet Shou's racquet.

"Marui played well."

Nioh is not at all sad about the disadvantaged situation of his teammates.

[Did you choose to hone yourself when you knew that your winning percentage was almost insignificant? It's really a smart choice. 】

Looking at the wrist guards of the teammates on the court, and the ankles covered by the sweatpants, Nioh walked towards his other goal.


He watched his partner, Yanagyu's opponent pull out a hat from his pocket like magic!

Then he snapped his fingers!

"Why my first reaction was to think of Atobe?"

Oshitari looked at Wakahihiro on court and said to Mukahi Gakuto in surprise.

"Yu Shi, how do you want to die, just say it!"

Xiang Ri pulled out a smile, and was too lazy to bother about his teammates' daily life.

[Fortunately, Atobe still has competitions now, otherwise)

"Yiu Sheng, how are you!"

When they walked to Oshitari and the others, Nioh directly greeted Yanagyu in the game on court, and he was not afraid of his partner making a mistake in catching the ball during the game.

Yanagyu's opponent in this game is a Chengcheng Shonan player who is said to be very good at imitating. His name is Wakatohiro, but Nioh and even the members of Rikkai don't know this person.

If Renhong looks handsome, and usually has a fan group in school, his manners are um, his manners are far worse than that of Atobe!

His strength is not the lowest-end, and he has some talent for imitation, but unfortunately, his opponent is Rikkai's Yagyu Hiroshi.

As a doubles player with a partner who is good at "Phantom", Liu Sheng is actually good at singles.

Especially when there is still depression in the heart, and seeing an opponent whose style seems to be somewhat similar to someone, the interest in the game becomes a little bit more.


[Is this level of imitation? This is a master, the frog at the bottom of the well

In his heart, Liu Sheng was a little disappointed.

"Good morning, Nioh-san."

He answered his partner's greetings politely, and Liu Sheng was still thinking about measuring the opponent's swing.

He didn't even look at how his opponent was "imitating", he just paid attention to the tennis ball.

[No matter how you "imitate", it's yourself. I just have to hit the tennis back!]


"1:0, Yagyu Hiroshi leads!"


To win a game swiftly, it is not a ruin, but it also made the opponent unable to fight back.

"Please be serious, if Renjun, let's end the game quickly."

Ignoring the shocked and unbelievable look at the face, Liu Sheng pushed his glasses and took a pose.


"It doesn't work. Have you forgotten who my teammate is?"

Wakatohiro changed another imitation object, but the tennis ball was beaten back accurately.

His changeable playing style did not hinder Yanagyu in the slightest, and "imitation" could not give him any psychological pressure.

[Nioh Masaharu? The perfect work that Coach Hwacheon expects is like that]

With a sullen face, Ruo Renhong felt a little uncomfortable.

He was discovered from the crowd by Huacun Coach because of his own talent for imitation, and he became the right choice for everyone to follow. I thought my talent was good enough, but I didn't expect there to be more outstanding talents of the same type.

And it doesn't matter if he can't beat Nioh, after all, didn't that Atobe also lose to that guy?

However, Yagyu Hiroshi, who should not be the top pick in the Rikkai rankings, can't he also beat it?

Holding the racquet, Ruo Renhong's eyes sank.

PS, the timing of July 14.

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