Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 277 : Reaching an agreement, what is honor

"Minister, actually I--"

Kirihaya leaned in front of Yukimura.

"No, Akaya, you can't go back!"

[Even if I go back, you must stay here!]

Yukimura directly rejected Kirihaya's proposal.

"As our successor to Rikkai, you must be eligible to play."

Yukimura's words sounded harsh, but he directly recognized Kirihaya's strength and status in front of everyone, making this Rikkai sophomore ace, who always wanted to prove himself in front of seniors, excited.

"But in case Marui-senpai will be defeated..

He was still a little unwilling~ muttering.

"What nonsense!"

Nioh directly took the younger generation's shoulders, leaned his weight on the younger generation, and rubbed it easily. Kirihaya's curled hair was very comfortable.

Nioh's height is over 1.7 meters, and there is no pressure on Kirihaya's body, but it is not very comfortable.

But Kirihaya was a little bit ashamed and turned into anger--

"Senior, don't do this!"

"You want to knead, just go and knead Senior Marui!"

[Obviously after I entered the second grade, I am no longer the shortest person in the tennis club, but Marui-senpai is a few centimeters shorter than me.

Kirihaya thought so, and said the above words without thinking about it.

As a result, before he escaped Nioh's suppression, he provoked Marui again.

"Kirihara Akaya, you kelp!"

Marui was so angry that he called his least favorite nickname.

"Don't call me that!"

Kirihaya became even more angry.

"Kirihaya! It's too lax to talk to seniors like this!"

Sanada was already quiet, but when he realized that his teammates were noisy here and attracted the attention of a group of people gathered at the entrance of the restaurant over there, he could no longer suppress his hot temper.

"It's not a gorgeous quarrel."

Atobe took the lead and walked ahead alone, with an ugly depression on his face.

He was in the mood because his school's tennis club was turned off, so he was naturally angry. And so many people arguing at the entrance of the restaurant has exhausted his patience. When I see Rikkai, I will have to fight again here. The tone is quite unpleasant.

A large group of people hulled up behind Atobe.

Almost all the players gathered here.

"Do you want them to go back?"

Atobe gave Yukimura a slightly mocking smile.

"What if you lose after going back?"

At any rate, it is the captain of the American West Coast Youth Team. Even if it is placed in the position of captain due to commercial hype, his strength is definitely not weak.

[The target is the kid Echizen Ryoma. It seems that the strength may be similar to him. 】

Because Hyotei has been upset, Atobe is now in a state of watching Rikkai's big show.

"We Rikkai have no dead ends."

Yukimura didn't seem to hear Atobe's intention to ask.

"Right, everyone?"

He kept smiling and asked gently.


Sanada called out first.

"Changsheng Rikkai big--"

He completely let go of his voice.

"There are no dead ends!"

Regardless of what Rikkai Taisho election thinks in their hearts, at this moment, everyone yelled with him.

[I feel so stupid, shouting slogans like this]

[Is Sanada so keen on chanting slogans? It's just a matter of shouting your own tricks during the game. It's your own business, but in the public, you always yell with us so loudly]

Nioh still had that unchanging look on the surface, but he was disgusted with it in his heart.

And he thinks that his teammates, except Kirihaya, including Yukimura, are unwilling to do this.

[What Yukimura said to Atobe, wasn't it to escape and then follow Sanada to shout slogans?]

No wonder Nioh speculates Yukimura's thoughts from this perspective, because this has happened too many times.

Every time Yukimura said it first, or took the initiative to make Sanada start, and then he smiled and watched everyone shout together

"Atobe, Rikkai has no dead ends.

The arc of Yukimura's mouth rose a little.

Everyone else's eyes looked at Rikkai's big eyes changed--

[So powerful aura]

They didn't know that most of the Rikkai Taisho elections were really disgusting when they shouted slogans (in the beginning they were very passionate, and then Sanada yelled too many times without moving, of course). At this time, they saw Rikkai director so calm and indifferent. In a word, then the Rikkai Taisho elections shouted together with such a strong aura, just feeling that at that moment, they were unconscious.

Holds his breath.


Echizen, carrying a tennis bag, lowered the brim of his hat.

He couldn't help being anxious now, he just wanted to go out and play a game of tennis with Kaibin. However, his minister does not allow himself to go out. Will the minister of Rikkai let his staff go back?

……………Please ask for flowers...

"God coach, I'm sorry, there are many people in Rikkai who have applied for withdrawal from training."

Yukimura said to the front regardless of other people's reactions.

Everyone who walked with Atobe turned their heads together--

"Good coach!"

Although they all come from different schools and are hostile to each other, they all respect the coaches very much.

"Think about it?"

Coach Sakura gestured to the players' foreheads, then walked to Yukimura to confirm with him.

Although it was a questioning tone, combined with his calm voice and cold expression, many people felt that Coach Sakura was suppressing anger.

Some players just saw such a scene, and they were frightened.

But Yukimura was unmoved.

"Think about it.

He smiled and replied.


Not only was he unaffected, but the teammates behind him also nodded.

Coach Sakura was silent for a few seconds.

"Do you know the importance of this Guandong youth election?"

Although it was somewhat compulsory at the beginning, the elimination system was adopted later. Being able to participate in this training camp, and staying, will leave a very important bonus in the player profile.

Now, more people think that Rikkai's side is not good, because they think Coach Sakura is questioning.

Atobe glanced at the people and snorted in his heart.

[The coach is not that kind of person. Now that Rikkai made this choice, maybe the coach will praise them in his heart. ]

"Naturally knows."

Yukimura naturally knows the importance of national exchange competitions, but

"Puff, we feel that if our resume has the honorary history of three consecutive hegemonies in the country, then adding this one will not be so important!"

Nioh suddenly added a sentence.

If it is really the American youth team, it is really important. But this is just a commercial team and it's not that important anymore

"Well, the person who wants to go back writes an application."

Coach Sakura's expression suddenly softened.

Although he did not explicitly say that Rikkai can leave, he has acquiesced in their application for retirement.

Indeed, coach Sakaki, just like Atobe thought, appreciates Rikkai's big candidates.

Honor, in the final analysis, is just a proof of strength.

If you have the strength, what honor will you lose?

PS, the timing of July 15th! (It's troublesome to pack things up, should I buy a carton or a woven bag?)

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