Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 278 : The soldiers are divided into two lines, two lines are carried out

"Train well after you go back, Yanagyu."

Nioh leaned on the door of Liu Sheng's dormitory, watching him pack his luggage.

"Of course I won't forget the training."

"Nioh-kun also asks you not to relax in the training camp, otherwise you will lose accidentally. Rikkai will be very difficult to handle.

After all, it took up five places at the beginning, and it's a good idea to win.

If you lose

After losing, even if others don't pursue it, the outside fishing boat will crush Rikkai!

[Although it is impossible to lose, but I still have to warn. 】

After all, on the surface, Yanagi was very good with Nioh, although Nioh didn't know why Yanagyu suddenly broke up with him until now.

"Be confident in me, I beat Atobe anyway."

"You don't have confidence in me like this, don't you have less confidence in Atobe? Atobe will be very sad. Well, yes, and Oshitari, Oshitari will be even more sad. "Nine-Six-Three".

In front of the Seigaku doubles golden partner who looked at each other and Inui Sadaharu, who was flashing the lens in his hands, remembering the data, Nioh didn't mean to hide it at all.

After all, he did defeat Oshitari and Atobe, didn't he?

"Maybe you can still play against the American player before us."

Nioh sighed.

I thought my tennis club could only be selected for five, and the other three could not play the game.

But it looks like--

[Rikkai University VS US West Coast Youth Tennis Team

[Who said it's a pity to go back? After Wentai and the others go back, they may get the treatment that the players who stayed in the training camp can't get. 】

[Anyway, I'm here for the game, isn't it? It's not bad to compete in private. 】

"Nioh-san, I thought you came here to help me carry my luggage."

Looking at Nioh, who was obviously distracted, Yanagi said lightly.

He packed his luggage, but he didn't mean to mention it at all. He just carried a tennis bag on his back.

"Bilishi, won't you do it yourself?"

Nioh's eyes widened.

"I will train here in the afternoon. What if I'm tired?"

He opened his eyes and started talking nonsense.

Yagyu originally thought that Nioh would constrain in front of the three of Seigaku, but he didn't expect--

[Sure enough, a willful and bad-tempered guy!]

[How did I get acquainted with this bad friend when I was National One?!]

He thought, carrying a tennis bag, pulling a suitcase, and walking towards the door of the dormitory.

When passing by the door, I slid the handle of the suitcase directly into someone's hand.

"Hurry up, Wentai and the others probably have already packed up."

Without looking back, Liu Sheng stepped his legs and walked fast.


Unconsciously blurted out.

"See you in the afternoon, everyone, take a good lunch break."


Nioh pulled the suitcase and closed the door, blocking the three of Seigaku who were stunned inside the door.

"It turns out that Rikkai's first doubles relationship is like this!"

Inui Sadaharu's spectacles were shining, he was holding his notebook, and he kept writing.

This is Rikkai's first doubles data!

It is the data of Rikkai Taisho Election Nioh Masaharu who defeated Atobe Keigo, Minister of Hyotei!

It must be written down!

"What if you remember these data is useless for the game? What is the relationship between the players of Rikkai and Seigaku? If they quarrel, we should also dissuade them, not gloating.

Oishi tried to persuade.

"But how did they achieve the tacit understanding of doubles like this?!"

Kikumaru was lost.

He himself had a fight with Oishi, and it turned out that the tennis level of both sides plummeted and it was not in the state, but why Nioh and Yanagyu...

"Do not!"

Inui Sadaharu raised his head excitedly.

"Think about Haitang and Taocheng. The person who knows himself best is not himself, but the enemy!"

"So Rikkai's first doubles is made up of two people who are hostile to each other? Then, Eiji and I should try it

Oishi was a little tangled.

"No, don't stop meow!"

Kikumaru quickly blocked his partner's brain.

Rikkai's way of getting along with the doubles, he felt that he and Oishi couldn't be imitated, but Haitang and Taocheng might try it.

"Look at the doubles of Marui and Kuwabara! This is the right way to get along with doubles!

Kikumaru said bitterly.

"We have to learn from them!"

He said solemnly to Oishi.

"Yes, Oishi, you can keep the status quo with Eiji. You are very good now. If you move closer to Yanagyu and Nioh, it is estimated that our probability of winning the championship will drop by one percentage point!"

"By the way, based on current data, Seigaku's chance of winning is only 35, 22%.

"The probability of being occupied by hands is 26, 13%, and the remaining 8,09% are Fuji.

Help Kikumaru persuade.

However, his words made Oishi even lower.

"Is Eiji and I only have one percent win rate?"

Although it is so low, we still have to do our best...

As the deputy minister of Seigaku, and one of the members of Seigaku's gold doubles, Oishi's mood is still so depressed and heartbroken.


Following Yanagi to the gate of the training camp, he heard Akutakawa Jirou's sorrowful cry.

Finally, I was able to get along with the idol in the dormitory, but I stayed for one day and the idol was about to leave.

Akutagawa just felt that he didn't want to sleep anymore.

"Cilang stay here and train well.

Marui waved his hand very well.

"Seniors have gone all the way well, come and watch my game at that time!"

Kirihaya didn't have the slightest parting sadness.

In other words, he did not realize that this was "parting".

And others--

"Don't relax."

[Since I have returned, if someone is challenged, I must defeat the opponent!]

Sanada was not the kind of "good old man" who watched his school being provoked and swallowed his voice. He told his teammates in a deep voice.

"I look forward to your 2.8 victory.

Yukimura was already expecting a victory for the provocateur after three of his members returned.

"Remember to send me the data.

Liu didn't mean to worry at all, he was more concerned about the data obtained from it.

"The car is coming."

Liu Sheng and Nioh walked over and interrupted their communication.

"Then everyone will be divided into two groups, Wentai, don't you lose first."

Nioh means something.

The Kempin will definitely go to Rikkai to provoke him, and Marui and the others will definitely fight him before them in these people who stayed in the training camp.

[I just don’t know if he is going alone or with his teammates?]

[If we haven't started the exchange game, we will lose a lot in Rikkai first, then it will be interesting!]

Handing the suitcase to Yanagyu, Nioh watched his three teammates get into the car.

PS, the timing of July 15.

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