Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 290 : Harm others and harm yourself, mirror reflection

A haze flashed in Bobby Max's eyes.

He still did not speak, not only because he was forcibly banned before the game, but also because the anger in his heart had accumulated to the climax.

He was kicked out by basketball, football and other clubs because of violence. Although Bobby has excellent athletic talent, he ruined a lot of his career because of his bad temper.

Tennis can be said to be his only way out now.

So he can't go against Richard Bega's wishes.

Because if he is useless, he will be ruthlessly abandoned and become a real person who has lost everything!

Thinking of what Bega said to him before the game, Bobby let go of the growing tyrannical mood in his heart

[Tennis performance is not only the way of gorgeous and elegant. ]

[Mankind’s pursuit of bloody performances has never changed for thousands of years..]

[If it can't become a repertoire in the theater, then it will simply become a fight in the arena!]

Richard's words rang in his ears, and Bobby stared at Nioh violently with his wide eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Throw the ball, take off, and swing the racket.

This time Nioh serve seems to have given up the "phantom" and gave up the tricks.

The tennis ball and the racquet face each other, and a huge momentum exploded in an instant.

Bobby moved his wrist flexibly at that moment.


If you ignore the power and speed of tennis, the course looks like an ordinary parabola.

But at a certain moment, the ball changed


In an instant, the tennis ball hit Nioh's ankle!

"Unsure of winning Nioh-san, do you want to use this method?"

Liu Sheng didn't even change his eyes.

"This level of tennis, no matter how powerful it is, how can it hurt Nioh."

Marui continued to put a bite of cake in his mouth.

If you want to talk about irregular tennis, Kirihara Akaya is the genius.

Bobby Max wanted to use the spin to create an irregular ball path, induce Nioh to judge the ball path error and then make the tennis ball hit his body, so as to disrupt Nioh's game rhythm and interfere with his competitive level.



Racquet swept past, and the tennis ball fell directly into Bobby's half court with a drop shot.

"30:0, Nioh Masaharu scored"!

Nioh glanced at his opponent carelessly, as if the ball just had no effect on him.

Bobby squeezed his fist, if it hadn't been for Bega to wink him from behind, he might have rushed over and wanted to punch someone.

Continue to serve, Nioh looked up at the sky.

The sun was still so bright, and the extra enthusiasm of the sun at noon made him feel a little irritable.

He roughly spread his mental power.

Because his opponent has almost no resistance to mental power, all the talent points seem to be on the body, so Nioh is very casual when using mental power.

This usage

So much so that it caused a lot of people's dissatisfaction.

"He has affected my uncle!"

Atobe is extremely sensitive to mental power.

Such sensitivity is a double-edged sword. When it makes it easy for him to see through mental power tricks, it is also very easy to be "troubled" by mental power.

With an annoying frown, Atobe felt that impetuous mood reappeared.

"It will be over soon, bear with me."

Yukimura naturally felt Nioh's powerful mental power net that even the players' seats were shrouded in, but he understood that when Nioh released such a huge mental power, it was generally because he wanted to simply end the game and want to "have a lot of fun." "when.

Bobby's expression became more and more ferocious, and his inner tyranny appeared on his expression.

With a roar, he grinned and swung his pat.

The racquet held in his hand is no longer a mere net racquet at this moment, it is more like a deliberately hurting tool.

Nioh's mental power seduce the demon inside him.

The "fraudster" who didn't want to continue to circle with this malicious opponent, directly coaxed the opponent to directly follow the inner thoughts and the arrangement of the Bega coach..

The second after the tennis was struck out, Bobby's racquet also let go.

With excellent dynamic vision, Nioh saw the shadow of a tennis ball coming from a burst.

The mental power he had prepared for a long time allowed him to capture the trajectory of tennis and the racquet that followed.


He said.

In contrast to the tall and strong figure of his opponent, the young boy who appeared to be very slender instantly transformed into his opponent's appearance. Then he raised his hand, grinned, and waved racquet fiercely.


Successfully hit back the tennis ball.

In the face of tremendous power, the tennis pitifully turned into an oval yellow sphere.


The tennis ball hit back by the swing was hit by Bobby's racquet.

Because of the strong momentum of racquet, it is almost the same way back.


Bobby screamed and net racquet hit his forehead!


The audience didn't care about Bobby's situation, and watched in amazement as the tennis ball that Nioh hit back was spinning on the wire fence, and then broke through the wire fence, which is definitely a qualified product!

Before the referee had time to judge the score, the audience boiled over.

They screamed loudly.

Because at this moment, in addition to screaming, it is impossible to express the pleasure of using the brain from the heart caused by the soaring adrenal hormones at that moment!

"40:0, Nioh Masaharu scored!

Bobby (Nuo Zhao's) who was hit by his own racquet, did not think that he would be fainted like some people thought.

This is due to his extraordinary physique and his early experience of fighting after being impulsive and tempered.

But he didn't faint. For Bobby, it was obviously a cruel thing.

He looked at his opponent and picked up Racquet's hand again, shaking unconsciously.


The tennis ball is coming, and Bobby rushes to catch the ball.


He waved his racquet lungs grimly.

Then he saw a scene that shocked him--

The silver-haired and thin opponent is now "phantom" into his own face

The look is hideous, like an evil spirit, which makes the heart fearful and disgusting at the same time.

At that moment, Bobby seemed to hear the constant scolding of many familiar voices coming from his ears. .

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