Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 291 : Unscrupulous, mental breakdown

【it was all your fault!]

[It's you! It's you that caused us to be banned!]

[Get out of our club! Get out!]

Bobby stood on the court in a daze, letting the tennis land, letting the ball pass by rubbing his knee, but he didn't react at all.

It seems that he has completely fallen into his spiritual world.

It's just that his spiritual world is absolutely full of malice, so that this big guy actually showed a few traces of dazed, overwhelmed grievances and sorrow.

"3:0, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!"

The referee's voice recalled his mind.

It's time to exchange venues.

"Bobby, what's the matter with you!"

Bega questioned him while taking advantage of this moment.

The tall Bobby Max looked like a well-behaved child in front of Richard Bega, listening to Bega's reprimand with his head down.

"Next show me a good performance!"

"You don't want to go back to the previous state, do you?"

It's really like the voice of a demon from hell.

The Griffith brothers on the American selection team, watching Bega's words, turned pale.

Bobby looked at Richard 973 pleadingly like a poor man who refused to let go of the last straw.

"Coach, I will definitely win!"

He said.

Bobby, who was standing on the court on that side again, changed his whole aura.

It was an aura of desperate, lasting fight, and many tennis teenagers felt it.


Atobe stroked the moles with tears, with complex emotions in his eyes.

"Too careless."

At the hand's side, the air pressure plummeted.

Kirihaya has a rare expressionless face, not knowing what he is thinking.

Only Nioh on the court, he still maintains the "phantom" and does not seem to have changed.

This time it was Bobby Max’s serve bureau.

Bobby faded away from the healing expression, his face was expressionless, only his eyes were still so fierce, as if he was about to poke a hole in Nioh's body.


His intention couldn't be more obvious.

Because tennis strength has been determined to be inferior to the opponent, the most "safe" and possibly the only way to win at present is to force the opponent to forcibly abstain!

Lao Ma said in Das Kapital that 50% of the profits are enough for capitalists to take risks; if the profits are 100%, the capitalists dare to trample on all the laws of the world; while the profits of 300%, the capitalists Dare to commit any crime, even dare to risk being stranded!

Richard and Bega know that in this world where tennis is popular, a star team can bring him huge profits.

Therefore, this time, he paid a lot and prepared for a long time, and finally planned out the exchange competition, absolutely not allowed to end in failure!

He looked at the court and smiled like a devil.

Kelvin, Smith looked at him behind his back, eyes erratic.

He left the player's bench, turned and walked out of the player's aisle, and walked out of the field.

So, after that, the audience saw a "most primitive performance".

It's like the kind of performance in the arena of the most ancient times, full of blood.

The two Bobbys on court had bruises and bruises on their bodies in just five minutes.

Two people are like tireless beasts, attacking each other's body with tennis balls.

In the audience, some soft-hearted girls couldn't bear to watch.

"Fuji, what's the matter?"

Why did the game suddenly become like this!

Kikumaru still remembers that a "Bobby" on court was actually Nioh's "Phantom", but because of this, he was amazed!

"Is Nioh not afraid of pain? Why doesn't he quit the phantom, or phantom into someone else?"

Isn't it intentional to find death when fighting against the opponent like this!

It's not that Kikumaru despise Nioh, it is. But looking at the figure of two (bhci) people, Nioh is really at a disadvantage.

"Eiji, do you think Nioh, is he really hurt?"

Fuji asked rhetorically.

"The defrauder will not be dragged into the quagmire of failure by such a minded person."

Fuji said.

"4:0, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!"

[The "Bobby" we see is just Nioh's "phantom". Those wounds are also mental illusions, right?]

The genius of Seigaku, with his eyes open, didn't worry about Nioh on the court seemingly falling into the quagmire of the opponent's attack. He patiently waited for the subsequent reversal.

Bobby smashed the tennis ball and listened to the referee.

He heard that he had scored, but he didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

His mood has always been as heavy as it was at the beginning...

Using a powerful force like venting, waving racquet, Bobby felt that not only did he not vent the heaviness of his mood, but instead felt that his mood became more and more depressed with the swing again and again.

He felt almost out of breath.

The only thing that supports him is the threat of Richard Bega.

If you can't prove your worth, you will be given up, and you will...


Bobby ran after him.

"5:0, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!"

But Bobby Max yelled out--

"I'm going to win, it's over!

The Marui three in the audience nodded clearly.

Kirihaya glanced at his head without a trace, and moved quietly to his senior Yoo.

Looking at Bobby on court, Atobe remembered his bad experience during the game not long ago.

"Puff, it's almost over indeed."

With this sentence, Nioh withdrew from the "phantom" state.

He also removed the mental power he had used to Bobby by the way.

Bobby widened his eyes with Nioh's movements--

"Do not!

He shouted.

With a groggy mind, he saw a score different from what he remembered.

He turned to look at his opponent again.

There was not a bruise that was hit by a tennis ball or a bruise on the silver-haired boy.

Bobby felt a sudden chill.

"no no!"

He collapsed and slammed racquet wildly.

Serve barely crossed the net, but even with Nioh's simple counterattack, he couldn't catch a ball in his current state.

"Singles three, 6:0, Nioh Masaharu wins!'

The Kanto Youth Selection Team of Japan won the next game again.

So far, all three games have been won, and the ending of this exchange match is set!.

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