Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 314 : Ending together, the ultimate winner

Kirihara Akaya stood in front of the rotisserie in a daze, watching the smoke billowing inside through the closed glass door, one after another familiar figures fell to the ground in various twisted poses. He swallowed deeply and spit, thankfully.

He was blocked by his seniors before, and he was about to taste the poisonous drink in the next second.


[Thanks to Higa! They are such a good group of people! I really misunderstood Kite before, I didn’t expect him to be so sacrificial!!!]

Higa, who has always been in the lead, is still not satisfied with his own advantage. Their minister "Assassin" Kite Eishirou quietly dispatched while the schools were busy filling their players with drinks.

Kite's goal was Hyotei Gakuen, who was ranked second at the time. He didn't actually do anything, just poured a cup of unknown liquid into Hyotei's barbecue sauce.

I just didn't expect that Atobe actually used the barbecue sauce to brush the sauce on the barbecue rack directly with the brush!

This is the evolutionary version of dry juice and willow juice mixed drink that will have the opportunity to be tasted in the next few rounds. Although the ingredients can be guaranteed to be absolutely nutritious and healthy, no one has ever tried this mixture.

But now Kirihaya knows the power of the mixture-even the peculiar Fuji Syusuke can't last for three seconds, struggling~ ran to the door and fell!

[Of course, there is also a factor in my seniors who are shutting the door firmly outside]

[But that’s not important! The important thing is that thanks to the quick response of the Minister and Senior Nioh, we can be safe and sound!]

Carefully glanced at Minister Yukimura, who was wearing a jacket that was selected for the suit, with a gentle look, and without a trace, glanced at Senior Nioh, who was holding his mobile phone but also raised the corner of his mouth, and then looked at his still remembering. With a gentle and elegant color of notes, Senior Willow, Kirihaya finally got to Marui Bunta's side.

"Senior Marui, shall we go in--"

Do you want to go in and carry out the Vice Minister and Senior Liu Sheng who are still inside?

Kirihaya had a lingering fear at the thick smoke of teeth and claws inside, but he still asked symbolically, adhering to the principle of being a good young man.

"Go in? Are you going in or me in?"

Marui interrupted him directly.

"Jack, do you want to go in?"

He turned to ask Kuwana again.

Kuwabara, the "honest person" recognized by Rikkai tennis club inside and outside of the big tennis club, completely abandoned his personality at this moment.

"It's still early, or let's go for a walk together."

[When they come back from the walk, those people should also be sober]

"Yes, let's go to the movies together."

Yukimura said crookedly with a smile, not at all sad for his fallen deputy minister and member of Yanagyu.

"Well, there is still money left.

Liu's words established financial support for their subsequent activities.

He still looks so elegant now, he didn't even see the "stone-hearted" who had just closed the glass door of the rotisserie with his teammates outside the door.

"To celebrate Rikkai's big victory in this barbecue contest!'

Yukimura said, and paused.

"The other schools have fallen, so we should have won Rikkai. Let's celebrate.

Yukimura said and looked at Nioh.

"I have asked Masaharu to check on my phone to see if there are movie tickets."

Yukimura indifferently revealed that he was prepared for the current scene.

And in order to consume funds, he doesn't mind going to the movies with his members.

"Unfortunately, there is no suitable time."

Nioh raised his head and spread his hands.

He lied.

In fact, there are still shows, but...

[I don’t want to go to a romance movie with Yukimura!]

The "fraudster" who did not lie to the minister once again won the trust of his minister and teammates.

Just like before, he used the excuse to help Rikkai teammates fill Kirihaya with a drink. As a result, he got the trust of Kikumaru Eiji. When he noticed that Higa was about to move, he and his teammates gathered in front of the door and prepared to run. After that, close the door so that the opponents are the same

"Then let's go play video games!"

Kirihaya thought for a while, and came up with an idea he thought was very good.

Just now, I was still worried about Sanada and Yanagyu's second-year juniors. At this time, he had completely forgotten his poor two seniors.

Maybe it’s because Yagyu has already fainted, and it’s okay to continue to faint; maybe it’s because Sanada has always been in good health, and it’s okay to faint; maybe it’s because it's worth sacrificing the two of them to let Rikkai win the final victory. ; Maybe it's because Kirihaya thought that his predecessors would definitely be willing to sacrifice for Rikkai.

………Please ask for flowers.

Anyway, the six people of Rikkai who are still full of energy and have a full meal no longer care about the teammates in the rotisserie.

"Then go!"

The five Rikkai juniors were selected to look at each other, and in Kirihaya's low cheers, they established their goal direction.

On the way to the game hall, Nioh pulled his braid a little bit annoyed--

[Strange, I really want to forget something]

But he thought about it for a little while before leaving the matter behind.

[It must be a minor matter, otherwise even if Yukimura has forgotten it, Liu will not forget it

He felt that since his ministers and military instructors were so calm, what he had forgotten would not be a big deal!

[Puff, spending money to play games is really a luxury. 】

So until the end, Nioh didn't remember what he had forgotten.

In other words, even Yukimura and Liu have forgotten about it together-once they went to the barbecue restaurant, they used to consume the money, and now the six of them have gone straight away, so the money is for the meal.

"A bunch of little bunnies with no conscience! Wake me up!"

While they were having fun in Nioh, there was a shout from Coach Seigaku Ryūzaki from the entrance of the rotisserie.

Coach Ryūzaki held the invoice that Mimi was handed to her by the owner of the rotisserie, clutching her chest for a while and couldn't breathe.

The Shitenhouji coach Watanabe Xiu, who was originally following, was very thankful that he had not rushed forward to greet Coach Ryūzaki. He put his hands in his pockets and left silently.

[Now, Shiraishi will come back with his staff. Believe that our perfect Minister Shitenhouji will solve the "small problems" afterwards!]

Coach Watanabe once again evaded the problem to Minister Shitenhouji who was still in a coma.

PS, gameover!

Read with me: Seiichi Yukimura is "God (Big) (Demon) Child (King)"! That kind of innate (black belly) aptitude, Akaya, even if you are still far behind, but you must Study hard! Halfway through, the next four consecutive tyrants will not be a problem at all!

Also, the fox is "older", it’s okay if he forgets something? Yes, it’s okay!

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