Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 315 : Three games to advance to the semi-finals

After the quarterfinals advanced to the game, Rikkai's big opponent came from Nara's pocket.

And Seigaku’s opponent one-

"Hyotei again!"

Horio covered his ears with pain.

The opponent is Hyotei, so this game is undoubtedly a tough fight for Seigaku. In all aspects, whether it is a game or a support

Although this Seigaku VS Hyotei match is the second time, it is still worth watching, so--

"Sanada, Yanagi, Nioh, Yanagyu, a quick fight!"

At the scene of Rikkai Daitodou's game, Yukimura sat on the coach's bench and gave instructions to his staff.

After Rikkai's deputy minister, Sanada Genichiro got instructions from Yukimura, he made a quick swing as soon as he came on the court.


The tennis ball is stuck in the topspin of the barbed wire.

"15:0, Rikkai Da Sanada scored!"

Suffocating Sanada, this time he grabbed the position of Kirihaya's singles three. Naturally, he would not release water to his opponent. On the contrary, he let his opponent experience what is called "the emperor's anger"!

"Aggression is like fire"

Sanada yelled.

Looking at the flaming tennis ball flying over, if you don't care about sportsmanship 17 and don't want to humiliate your own school, Sanada's opponents want to abstain directly!

"It seems that the deputy minister is really angry, no wonder he robbed my singles three."

Kirihaya on the sidelines said innocently.

I had fun playing Kirihaya with five seniors before, and I couldn't empathize with Sanada's feelings of embarrassment so far.

That was a shame in front of the election of the other four famous tennis schools!

Although correspondingly, Sanada also saw the "ugliness" of those people, such as Atobe's distorted face, the image of his hand being completely gagged, and even Shiraishi's explosion.


There is no difference if there is no comparison.Compared with his other teammates standing outside the glass door and watching the drama leisurely, Sanada feels that he is too slack!

"Too lax!"

It was another invisible swing.

Sanada's opponent felt that he was about to be blind, and he couldn't see the swing speed at all. How could he catch the ball in this situation!

In this game, Sanada really didn't give the opponent a bit of face, and kept hitting and scoring points.

He had a stern face and a serious expression as if his opponent owed him money or the opponent stole Rikkai's big tennis ball. From beginning to end, regardless of the opponent's reaction, he kept using his skills.

Except for "moving like thunder" and "hard to know like yin", the remaining four tricks Sanada simply activated.

For the opponent, this is a "value" he doesn't want.

"As expected of Rikkai, he takes every game so seriously."

"Yes, especially their deputy minister, I heard that he has always been a serious person."

Some viewers who don't know the truth praised Sanada.

Sanada played so hard in the game, and it didn't take them in vain to come to watch the game.

"6:0, singles three, Rikkai Osanada Genichiro wins!"

Then there are Nioh and Liu's doubles.

"It's good to shout out, you can vent your emotions."

Nioh sighed, this seems to be the first time he has discovered this kind of advantage of Sanada.

"Yes, shouting out moves can also help to accumulate energy.

Liu Zai earnestly talked about the merits of Sanada's moves.

"Military officer, don't be so serious, right?"

Nioh settled loosely in the front court.

"It's better to be more serious on the court, and we can talk and laugh off the court."

Liu stood in the backcourt.

Their opponents watched Rikkai's big doubles stand up while chatting, feeling aggrieved and helpless inside.

In line with the principle of unfortunately losing to everyone in the tennis club, the doubles played hard. Their cooperation is also worth seeing. After all, they are also the teams that have scored in the national competition.

But it is a pity that their opponent is too strong.

This is not the first time that Nioh and Yoo have collaborated on doubles, and they even have the same experience, so even if their opponents dare not deal with it carelessly at the beginning, they can't resist Nioh's quick scoring.

So after fifteen minutes--

"6:0, doubles two, Rikkai and Nioh win!"

The doubles king will add data tennis, which is not a combination of ordinary doubles that can be resisted.

Nioh, who was on the front court, received all the tennis balls that suit him without making a single mistake.

On the backcourt, Liu did not let a tennis ball miss his defense. Junshi Liu treats every opponent very seriously. When he collects the opponent's data, it is time for the opponent's defeat.

The two of the two doubles in the pocket were selected and both smiled bitterly at the end.

They thought that their cooperation was already in a tacit understanding, but they discovered on court today that there are still so many loopholes that need to be corrected!

This is not the same thing as facing the opponent, it is already so miserable, should it be said that it is worthy of the previous champion, the king of Rikkai, who has been winning?

They were unlucky when they met Rikkai. I can't make the semifinals this year, I only hope that the next singles 2 will not be cut to zero.

So in the atmosphere of the opponent "swearing to get points", Yanagyu held the net racquet and played.

Yagyu is ranked in Rikkai University's internal rankings. To be honest, singles are not in the front. So there is hope for that player to score more points, and he even has a little desire to win.

But one-

"In this game, Yagyu himself volunteered to go to the singles. If you can't six to zero, then double your training."

Yukimura said while sitting on the coach's bench.

This time there was no game, Marui was very relaxed chewing bubble gum, and silently sent 983 blessings to Yanagi, hoping that he would not be too tired afterwards.

Yanagi on court didn't know what Yukimura said after he came on the court, but he did have the belief in winning.

[Am I just so offended?!]

Looking at his high-spirited opponent, Liu Sheng's depression became heavier and heavier.

It's just that he was scammed by his teammates before. He is indeed lacking in strength and he hasn't done a good job of precautions.

but now,

"Laser beam!"

Under Marui's surprised gaze, Yanagi yelled.

"Puff, the image of'gentleman' collapsed.

Nioh said insincerely.

"Sure enough, shouting on the court helps to express depression? Experienced.

Liu knowingly wrote down this precious data.

Kirihaya widened his eyes and looked at the figure of the singles on the court, confirming once again that he really wants to continue to train seriously.

[All the seniors are so strong, if I don’t continue to work hard, how can I become Rikkai's big trump card!]

So after the game, there were two people who needed additional training.

"6:2, singles two, Rikkai Dai Yagyu Hiroshi wins!"

In the end, the opponent scored two points. After the game, Liu Sheng, who learned that he needed additional training, pushed his glasses, and felt that his mood was even more gloomy. .

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