Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 322 :Super spin smash, singles three abstentions

"Did you want me before?!"

Galaga felt like he was about to explode, holding the tennis ball, wishing to squeeze it as an opponent.

He had looked down on his opponent before, but he still didn't take it lightly. But now it seems that the person who has been looked down upon is himself!

Juvenile character, after all, couldn't help the anger in his heart, Galaga couldn't wait to defeat his opponent directly so that he would taunt him.


He shouted, with the help of the anger in his heart, he tried his best to serve his maximum level.

"Improved by nearly ten percent."

Yanagi Renji said flatly. But even when he saw Garaga perform superbly, he didn't have any emotional changes.

Because facing too many opponents beyond their own strength, a little bit of super level performance can be ignored!

"I look forward to Kuwana's new skills.

Liu then said so.

The tennis rushed towards Kuwanabara.

"Good job!"

Kuwabara did not rush, but shouted out loudly.

He knew he was a little headstrong before, deliberately dragging his opponent to play so slowly. Now, he wants to quickly end the game that should have ended in 987!

As Wei Wei on the right, Kuwabara quickly withdrew two steps on his toes.

The right hand that he shook at this moment was relaxed, obviously there was no tension in his heart, and his calmness was still there.

At the moment when the tennis ball was about to come in front of him, Kuwabara's upper body quickly leaned back, and then when he got up, taking advantage of the inertia at this moment, the power of his right arm was exerted to the extreme!

He used his right wrist and fingers together, and with a wave of his forearm, the tennis ball contacted the racquet with an explosive sound!

"Super spin smash!

The wrist and fingers exert different strengths to add power to the tennis ball beyond ordinary rotation.

Galaga only had time to hear an explosion, and he watched the tennis ball fly in.

His pupils shrank suddenly, because in his eyes, the tennis ball he saw was no longer the small one, but gradually bigger!

It's almost like a big mountain flying over!

At that moment Galaga even forgot that he was on the court. He only had the tennis ball flying in front of him with all his heart.

Strings of cold sweat broke out on his forehead (bhci), and Galaga gritted his teeth and clenched racquet with both hands.

He finally remembered that he was just playing in the national competition. A tennis ball, what are you afraid of!

Gritting his teeth, Garaga greeted him with a pat in both hands.

The moment racquet received the tennis ball, Garaga's face instantly became extremely hideous!



With a scream, Garaga was rushed into the air behind him by the huge momentum of the tennis ball by racquet, and then fell to the ground due to his own gravity.

"How is it possible, how can it be so heavy!"

Galaga felt that his hands were so numb, I am afraid that he can no longer hold racquet with his arms in this state!

"Absorbed my original frontal defensive experience, got the prototype from the gun rat, and finally developed the game based on my own advantages and added the super spin that ordinary people can't bear.

"Sure enough, when the ordinary accumulates to the extreme, it will become "rare", and the qualitative change resulting from the quantitative change?"

Liu thought about the data of that ball and kept recording it in his notebook.

"This is Jack's stunt! Genius, right? But, I think it's because he usually exercises with his bare hands."

Marui first talked with Yurongyan, and then jokingly said.

"Fishing with bare hands?

Liu Xiang took it seriously.

"Unarmed fishing does have extremely high restrictions on all aspects of the fisherman to succeed. If this method can exercise eyesight, explosive power, and the extremely strong wrist strength and delicate cooperation between the fingers at that moment...

Liu Junshi of Rikkai seems to be thinking about whether to try this item in the training menu of the tennis club.

"Uh, this is not necessary, Senior Liu!"

Kirihaya totally rejected this kind of training.

What a joke!

If you say that, you can exercise your reaction ability by "catching goldfish" and claw catching machines! If there are several claw catching machines next to the serve machine in the tennis department, Kirihaya can't help but shiver as long as he thinks about it. .

And the dignified tennis club, where goldfish are raised

No matter how he thought about it, Kirihaya felt that something was wrong all over his body.

[We must prevent Yoo-senpai's terrible idea from becoming a reality!]

Otherwise, waiting for people from other schools to come to Rikkai for a freshman, wouldn't it be laughable!

Kirihaya looked at Nioh and Marui eagerly, trying to send his distress signal.

"Akaya, you won't take it seriously?"

Marui, who started talking about strength enhancement and "bare-handed fishing", wanted to laugh, but was suffocated by the younger generation's face.

"Akaya has gotten too close with Sanada recently!"

Nioh raised the corners of his mouth directly, feeling that his younger generation's EQ is really a bit low, and even Liu jokingly did not hear what he said.

"You are so relaxed!"

Sanada couldn't help but shouted.

After Liu got on Marui's topic, he couldn't help but the blue veins appeared on his forehead. Later, he just saw Kirihaya preemptively refute it, so he forcibly suppressed the objection.

Seeing that Nioh was about to start a new round of "extremely lax" dialogue, he couldn't help but forcefully terminate the topic.

"Be serious about preparing for the next game!"

Rikkai's deputy minister said loudly.

He provoked everyone who had seen the facts and nodded their heads one by one.

"It's time to prepare for the next game, Rikkai is really strong!

"Seriously, Deputy Minister Rikkai!"

"It is very likely that Rikkai will win the championship this year. People's goal is to win three consecutive championships. Naturally, they won't let up for a moment!"

Garaga was ashamed and annoyed when listening to Sanada's shout.

His face changed and changed, but in the end he said the words dry and dark--

"Referee, I abstain!"

Although Garaga was very unwilling in his heart, he couldn't continue to fight at this time.

With his sore arms that were so numb, it was a bit difficult to even pick up the racquet, let alone continue to play the game!

"Liliadent Krauser Garaga abstained!"

"Three singles, Rikkai Okuwabara wins!"

With the power of one goal, the opponent had to abstain from voting. The strength of Rikkai Taisho election was once again shown in this singles game!

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