Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 323 : The second doubles, Nioh's serve

"Just won a game, don't be too proud."

Carlozes, who is the second doubles player of Liliadent Krauser, said coldly.

"In this second doubles, we will defeat Rikkai!"

His partner Mulan said immediately.

Although the two people have different nationalities, they seem to have a tacit understanding by accident.

They only have a few months to practice the doubles, but according to Nioh's observation, there is an invisible aura between the two men's gestures that others cannot intervene.

【Natural tacit understanding? It is really lucky that you can form a group of doubles in such a short time. 】

Even Nioh can't help but sigh Liliadent Krauser's luck.

The composition of the doubles combination can be said to be entirely based on God's will at the beginning! Some people feel very in agreement when they meet, and they can achieve basic cooperation from the beginning; but some people practice together for a long time, but they can only be worthy of ~ Do not hold back each other.

Liliadent Krauser's Carloszes and Mulan are the former situation-their natural auras are the same.

The second position of Rikkai's doubles this time is different from the position of the previous match. Nioh automatically chose to stand on the backcourt, and Liu consciously stood on the frontcourt after a pause.

The two of Liliadent Krauser are currently choosing to adjust their positions, ready to wait.

Nioh stood at the baseline, observing the opponent's position while playing the tennis ball with his hands.

The tennis ball bounced again and again.

In fact, this is also a way of imposing psychological pressure on the opponent invisibly. Obviously, Rikkai took advantage of the first singles' big win. In line with Nioh's approach at this time, both opponents were affected a bit and became more tense.

Nioh looked at his opponents, the standing position was the one that was well-regulated, but it also meant mediocrity. Although he does not expect this doubles combination that has been formed for no more than a year to have any amazing tacit understanding, he also expects that the two opponents who have zero presence in his impression can come up with something that will make him shine.

"Try it out first.

Nioh said to himself.

"Come and try to catch it the first time."

Nioh then spoke to his opponents.

Then he himself came to the far left of the venue, ready to serve.

Throw the ball, take off, swing, and land.

Serve's series of actions are completed in one go, as if they have been trained thousands of times.

But in the eyes of their opponents, they are not paying attention to how skillful Nioh's serve action is. They only have the tennis ball in their eyes.

Mullan estimated the power of tennis, he didn't want to abstain from the game like his previous teammate Garaga did.

"Huh, it's just an ordinary serve, pretending to be a fool!"

Mulan doesn't believe in the words of Rikkai, the so-called "fraudster on court", he only believes in his own eyes.

Assuming that the ball was just at a good speed, Mulan naturally thought that Nioh wanted to use words to shake his determination to catch the ball.

"Do you want to confuse me with words? You are too underestimating me!"

As he said, he ran to catch the ball.

Seeing that the tennis ball had come before him, Mulan's eyes lit up and he was about to swing.

But at that moment--

"What about tennis?!"

Surprised, Mulan suddenly lost sight of the tennis ball!

If you can't see the tennis ball, you can't judge the course, let alone swing the ball back.

Just when Mulan was startled, he heard the sound of a tennis ball landing.


"15:0, Rikkai, Nioh and Yoo score!"

Nioh's serve ACE successfully scored once!

"Moulin, what's the matter with you?"

Mulan's partner Carlozes said dissatisfiedly.

He didn't know that the tennis ball disappeared from Mullan's eyes at that moment. The opponent scored a point.

"Carlosses, the tennis just disappeared!"

Mulan frowned and explained to his partner.

It's not that he refuses to swing the racket, it's that he just couldn't find where the tennis ball is!

"This is' Disappearing Serve. As a reminder, the probability that the next ball will still be this one is 84%!"

Liu spoke to them, not worrying that his words would reveal the information that his opponents had a chance to score.

"What a madness!

Mulan sneered.

[Isn’t it just the applied rotation? I grabbed my momentary blind spot and caused the tennis ball to disappear.

Show it off and watch us hit it back next time!

But then he was beaten in the face.

Nioh's serve posture is the same as before, the tennis ball is launched from the low position as soon as the finger is turned.

Following the arc of the ball path, the tennis ball quickly fisted up, flew over the net, and then bounced back on the ground.

The moment the tennis rebounds, the tennis disappears again as before!

"Huh, right."

Carlozes had exchanged information with Mulan before, thinking that he had seen through the other party's tricks.

But he still swept away racquet with confidence!


Carlozes's complexion stiffened when he felt that there was no contact with racquet except the air.

He slowly turned his head and watched the tennis ball accurately press on the baseline.

...For flowers...

"30:0, Rikkai, Nioh and Yoo score!"

If it was the past, he would be happy to compliment Nioh for his ball-handling ability, but at this time, he felt terrified.

"Isn't it the right? It looks like the same serve posture, why is the angle and place where the tennis ball appears so different!"

Carlozes opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"Look at that Rikkai Taisho elected."

"Do it again, we will definitely be able to call back!"

Mulan gritted his teeth and said.

"Sorry, according to my data, the probability that Nioh will issue "Disappearing Serve" in the next ball is only 2 or 3%. "

"Because my current partner is always tired of playing a game. He is most "loving the new and disgusting the old".

Standing on the front court, Liu spoke to his opponents about Nioh's character, not caring about the suspicion that he was "smearing" the image of his teammates.


"Hey, Liu, don't say that."

Nioh responded to Liu with a dissatisfied voice, but his hands kept moving.

He separated his legs naturally, leaned forward slightly, and moved racquet to his right hand, holding racquet's arm swinging back.

Throw the tennis ball, and before the tennis ball reaches the highest point, he takes the first step!

"One ball into the soul!"

Using your left foot as the axis, quickly flat swing!

Carlozes and Mulan only had time to watch the tennis ball change from a small ball to a line of sight.

They can clearly see the trajectory of the ball, but they have no time to react to the ball!

"40:0, Rikkai, Nioh and Yoo score!"

It's another ACE.

Before I could not see the tennis ball, now I can only see the afterimage of the tennis ball.

"From Hyotei is choosing Otori Cyotaroh's skills.

"By the way, he is also a doubles player, but it's a pity that his school didn't make it to the semifinals."

Liu said lightly in a reminding tone.

To him, Liliadent Krauser is just a little lucky.

There are many famous tennis schools in Japan in the upper half, Seigaku, Hyotei, Shitenhouji, even if this year’s "dark horse" Fudomine is not mentioned, each of the remaining three schools is enough to eliminate Liliadent Krauser early!

"Luck is part of strength, but it's only part of it!

With the help of luck, you can reach the top four, Liliadent Krauser, you should also be satisfied

As soon as Liu's voice fell, there was another sound of a tennis ball landing from the opposite half.

"1:0, Rikkai, Nioh and Yoo are ahead!"

Rikkai Taisho chose Nioh Masaharu and successfully won the serve round with four ACEs!

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