Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 324 : The opponent's counterattack, ignore it!

It didn't feel good to watch the opponent directly win the next round with four serve, and Liliadent Krauser's morale was once again taken a big hit.

"Japanese tennis, is it such a strength?"

Liliadent Krauser, with long blond hair over her shoulders, whispered in Japanese with a weird accent.

He just watched the game without turning his eyes on, and the indifferent expression that he had at the beginning has long gone, and the whole person has a feverish aura.

"Is Rikkai High School, the representative of Japan's highest level of junior middle school tennis strength? It seems to be on the court right away?"

Liliadent Krauser's vision towards Rikkai's general direction was unobstructed, and he blatantly conveyed his fighting spirit.

Kirihaya, who watched the game from the players' stand but was very sensitive to the "provocative sight", immediately noticed the unidentified line of sight from the direction of the opponent's player's stand.

No matter who it was, Kirihaya glared back without hesitation.

However, Liliadent Krauser thought it was Kirihaya's response to his "nine-nine-nine-zero" fighting spirit.

[This black-haired and curly player is my opponent after me? Looking forward to a fight with him!]

Thinking of this, Zangmuza temporarily retracted his gaze from Rikkai's general direction, and focused on watching the game on the court.

The temperament of Mulan and Carloszes is still tenacious, and they have not lost their fighting spirit after being crushed in the first game.

The two of them glanced at each other without a trace, and reached a consensus.

Carlozes stood on the front court, and Mulan stood in the serve area ready to serve.

But their position changed during the movement just now.

"Standing in a straight line, is this a 1-line formation? Using the body of a teammate to block the opponent's line of sight, so that the opponent has no time to see the path of the tennis ball and score. This is a formation that requires a lot of tacit understanding of doubles."

Liu saw Mulan's intentions at a glance.

However, he did not give another message based on the data. It is highly possible that opponents will try to do that, but Liu believes that even if he doesn't say it, Nioh and he will understand!

This is also their tacit understanding as teammates.

Nioh couldn't see Mulan's movements, only Carlozes himself. He looked at his opponent with a smile, and didn't seem to care what effect the absence of a serveer in his sight would have on him.

When the opponents didn't know, Nioh used his ears carefully, trying to hear something in the voice.

The cheering outside the court and the whispers of the audience have become a burden to the use of listening, but excellent players have the ability to be undisturbed in a complex environment.

At the next moment, Nioh blinked and he heard it.


The sound of tennis, what a familiar sound

Modeling in your own mind, simulating the trajectory of tennis.

Liu reflexively used the data to calculate, so he stood still and didn't move, because in his data, although he can receive the ball, it is more suitable for Nioh to receive it.

When the tennis ball came to Nioh, it was less than two seconds from serve.

The tennis ball bounced and rushed into Nioh's left arm blankly.

[It seems that Nioh Masaharu can hold a pat with both hands, but he is left-handed, but try his left hand!]

The tennis world abroad, even at the junior high level, is not so gentle.

Think about the fact that even when Japan advanced to the semi-finals in the national competition, Shitenhouji, who is recognized as the most gentle player in the Kansai region, can beat Fudomine into two consecutive abstentions, and you know how dangerous tennis is. .

Internationally, bruises during matches and tennis hits on the body are just commonplace.

But truly capable players will not allow their precious athletes to get one or two tennis shots. They will beat the tennis back before they get injured.

Mulan saw that the tennis ball was about to rub Nioh's left arm, but suddenly he noticed an afterimage in his eyes.

Nioh tipped his left toe slightly, and the whole person withdrew to the rear right in time.

The evacuation distance is not too far, less than one meter.

Nioh's upper body was slightly tilted back, his left arm stretched back, and then he started shooting!


In the blink of an eye, the originally critical situation changed instantly!

Liu tacitly ran towards this side automatically. His intention was of course not to swing and catch the ball, but to cooperate with his teammates.

Liu Lianni, who is already over 1.8 meters tall in the third grade, is more than enough to cover Nioh, who is a few meters tall and thinner!

The tennis ball changed direction and flew towards Carlozes.

But unfortunately, whether it was Mulan or Carlozes, only had time to hear the sound of the ball, and the others didn't know anything!

Unexpectedly, after being countered, Mulan's face was a bit ugly, but he cleared his irritability for the first time, concentrated, and prepared to fight back as soon as he saw the tennis ball.

But this time the distance between the tennis ball and him is a bit far away.


The yellow tennis ball fell to Carlozes's side, and then bounced upward the moment he just looked back at the tennis ball!


Carlozes felt a gust of wind blowing on his face, followed by a tingling pain on his cheek

The calculated topspin bounced, wiping the face of Carloszes who had just looked back at the ball, and flew over, and then quickly drew an arc to the ground!

"15:0, Rikkai Da Nioh and Yoo score!

This small round of confrontation still ended in Liliadent Krauser's doubles two failure!

Bang bang bang!

With a series of tennis hits, the rhythm of the game is getting faster and faster.

Although Liliadent Krauser mastered the serve of this round, they couldn't control the rhythm of the game at all!

Liu's data tennis needs data, but that does not mean that he needs a lot of calculation time, it does not mean that he needs a lot of time to collect data.

Based on the accurate knowledge that maybe the only tennis match with the two opponents opposite, Liu did not collect their data too much, just instinctively "got" some. And he is already familiar with Nioh's basic statistics. After all, he has been with a person for almost three years, and he is enough to understand this person.

With the data of his teammates, plus Yanagi Renji's not-low strength, it is enough for him to perform repressively!

"The probability of a drop shot score is 79%.

Liu said, swinging his pat to score.

"2:0, Rikkai and Nioh are ahead!"

PS: It's not the result of the 2:0 Rikkai falling behind, so this time, the reaction to Kirihaya at the beginning is different~

PPS: (I can’t reply in the comment area. I’ve been commenting all the time. Let’s talk about it here.) About "homology": This is not the ordinary doubles realm 2.8, and it cannot appear casually. Nioh can be a single-man compulsory homology, he can synchronise his own partner, but is that interesting in this semi-final? What I want is Rikkai big double homology! You still remember

Is it possible? Masaharu's homology with Maori-senpai was inspired by the "separation of life and death". The relationship between Yanagyu and Nioh is really not enough. (Looking at the original book, both of them are not weak in mental power, so it is not the problem of too weak mental power, or the problem of relationship-in fact, there is also a part of the daily reason why I have fast-forwarded, and the running-in is not enough) In the plan, I also need to go to high school to be able to synchronize Of, and

At that time, Renji can play the singles' big move~ (Although I also admire the red team, but the story of Rikkai has a small high school scroll, I hope you have patience, please read me and write it slowly to high school! Liu's different dimension (yes, high school is to make Renji handsome!), I really did it!)

My friends bear with me for a day, and I will go home tomorrow night, so I can watch three changes! Good night~.

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