Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 325 : Air ball hitting the wrist, Gemini play

"We underestimated them too much before. Rikkai's group of doubles is so powerful, and Mulan and Carlozes were completely suppressed.

And from the previous two games, they are almost hopeless.

Liliadent Krauser’s Foreign Minister Mikhailov had a serious look, and his eyes looked at Seiichi Yukimura, who was smiling and sitting on the coach’s bench, with a strong look of dread.

"Prepare for the worst, let's be prepared to lose this round, Liliadent Krauser, your singles two must win! No matter who is on the court next to Rikkai, don't despise your opponent. You have to finish the game seriously until you finally win!"

In desperation, Mikhailov gave birth to a death order in response to their indifferent first-year communication.

"That's for sure, I will win naturally. I will crucify my opponent."

The blond Liliadent Krauser's eyes were full of indifference.

At such a young age, he has become the school's trump card, and Liliadent Krauser's tennis prowess is self-evident. He has beaten quite a few third-grade players in the matches along the way. Even if he is an opponent in the tennis club of the 17th school, he has hit the opponent on the fence of the court.

At this time, seeing the strength of Rikkai's positive candidates, I was naturally unwilling to bow my head and give in. Until the Yellow River does not give up, before he loses the game, Liliadent Krauser will never think that he will lose.

"Don't put too much pressure, in fact, we may not lose in this doubles two-what is this?! WHAT!"

Libera was trying to ease the nervousness of his teammates, but he was shocked midway.

The scene he saw in his eyes couldn't help but be surprised.

Seeing that his teammates on the court were about to hit the tennis ball with a swing, and then scored; but just like seeing a ghost, swinging the racket halfway, the arm stopped the action abruptly, letting the tennis land the opponent to score.

"What are they doing Carlozes?!"

Galaga was dissatisfied with his grumpy temper.

"It looks like something just hit his wrist."

Liliadent Krauser blinked his long eyelashes because of the strange scene just now.

He watched the game attentively, and finally, the next time Carlozes swung his pat, he found that his wrist was shaking, and it seemed that he had been hit by something.


This time, Mulan was recruited.

Seeing that the tennis ball was within the swing range of racquet, Mulan was going to catch the ball, but when he was swinging, his wrist hurt and he didn't hold the racquet firmly. Landed directly.

"3:0, Rikkai, Nioh and Yoo are ahead!"

"What kind of game is this? Damn it, it always hits my wrist and interferes with my movement to catch the ball!"

Carlozes watched his partner's racquet land and followed the tennis ball to the ground without any hindrance. The resentment in his heart could no longer be suppressed. Obviously they didn't see anything, and the tennis ball didn't touch their bodies or wrists. Why do you feel that something like a tennis ball hits their wrists?

"Calm down, Carlozes. That should be an air mass."

Although Mulan was also angry in his heart, he was a bit more calm and thinking than his partner, so he felt the true identity of that mysterious thing.

Although I paid too much attention to the tennis for a while and didn't notice it, if I feel it carefully, I can still find that it is a spherical air mass close to a transparent object.

"Puff, you guessed it right, it's just an air mass."

"Want to get rid of this trick? Then hit them all back!"

Nioh did not shy away from saying the key to breaking the move.

At the moment of his swing, he deliberately condensed an extra air mass, and then hit it twice in a row with the help of a fast swing speed. Counting a good ball path, when the opponent swings to catch the ball, the air ball will just hit the opponent's wrist!

This style of play is very clever, but breaking moves is also easy to say.

Without him, just use force to break the clever!

However, although they were told how to do it, it is hard to say whether they can do it!


The tennis ball was hit by racquet under Carlozes's resentment and made a loud noise.

It flew quickly in the air, and even hit a black mark when it hit the ground, which shows the strength of the ball. If you accidentally catch the ball, you might hurt your wrist.

The ball's landing point was close to Liu's position.

Although Carloszes was angry, he still had the brain. He knew to avoid Nioh, who was labelled the "most dangerous" in his mind, and instead dealt with Willow, who seemed easier to break the defense and score.

"If you want to open the situation from me, the probability of scoring is 95%. But why do you think I'm easy to deal with?

Liu Chipai's wrist lightly turned half a circle to offset the powerful momentum of the ball.

The tennis ball was rolling on the racquet, Liu Jing gave his opponents a glance and waved his big arm.


Mulan's figure has appeared on the ball drop point.

Their doubles cooperation is still qualified, but it is only qualified.

Nioh's topaz eyes focused on the tennis ball and the opponents' positions. His brain quickly reflected the action plan of the two men afterwards, predicting their movements.

Without communicating with Liu, Nioh and Liu ran a few steps separately, and the two passed by.

The respective doubles experience, the tacit understanding of the teammates, and their own judgment of the situation on the court made the exchange between Liu and Nioh extremely smooth.

"Gap, found it!"

He didn't even use the "Gemini" style of play that caused Mulan to lose a lot, and Nioh directly hit the ball with a 990 slap.


The stern sound of breaking through the air sounded again, followed by the very bad faces of Carlozes and Mulan.


"15:0, Rikkai Dai Nioh and Yoo are ahead!"

On the court between the two, the tennis ball landed when the racquet was still more than ten centimeters away.

"Senior Nioh and Senior Liu cooperate very well.

Kirihaya looked enviously.

"Now you know the charm of doubles, Akaya."

Marui said with a smile, not letting go of a chance like the junior Amway doubles.

"Forget it, Marui-senpai. I'm more curious about the air mass that Nioh-senpai just hit. I don't know if Senpai will use it more times."

Kirihaya waved his hand quickly. Although doubles is not his loophole now, he still prefers singles. But his words are not purely to change the subject.

"Since Nioh-senpai can play an air ball to match tennis, can I play more air ball?,

Kirihaya said, becoming more curious. He can't wait to see that his ideas are verified now.

PS: It's not a comprehensive comic, only the net king, playing tennis from start to finish. I was tired from the car all the way home. I was so tired that I didn't want to move. Let me wake up and update after a while!

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