Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 342 : Void Blade Shadow, Black Aura

"If I'm not mistaken, at the moment Sanada waved the pat, I seemed to see a black knife!"

"That's it, it seems to be the shadow of the sword, breaking the rotation force displayed by the hand!

Shiraishi said seriously with some doubts.

His staff thought he was joking at first, but looked at Shiraishi's expression like this

"Does he know how to witchcraft?!!"

Kintarou Tooyama was the first to believe.

Toyama, who believed that Shiraishi was a poisonous hand under his bandage, easily trusted Shiraishi's words just now.

"But we haven't seen it!"

Oshitari and Chitose checked each other, and they found that only Shiro~shi saw that thing.

"The black knives are all out, Shiraishi, don't tell me this is because you have a "bad hand" and he has a black knives, and then the same way-the middle man feels sorry for each other!"

Chitose Senri-speaking incoherently.

How is this unscientific thing possible?!

Has there been a supernatural incident in the tennis match?!

Shitenhouji was surprised, and the hand on the court saw what Shiraishi had just seen.

And because he experienced it personally, he could see it more clearly.

The Shoujia is convinced that just now, the tennis ball has transformed into a black knife and stabbed it directly!

"Black aura, Tezuka, try if you can beat me!"

Sanada held the racquet in high spirits.

"Xianichiro has a lot of words today."

Yukimura sat on the coach's bench and exclaimed.

That is to say, when he meets the hand, Sanada will become frizzy at first, and then continue to provoke!

"It's rare to raise his eyebrows, and he is not allowed to express himself once?"

"He has been waiting for this situation. He has been waiting for a long time. Maybe he even dreams of playing with Tezuka."

Nioh twitched the corner of his mouth, jokingly half-truth.

Sanada's "black aura" at this time is very different from the one used in the main draw.

It's no longer just a superficial imposing state. In fact, there is no other initial state except to increase mental power, but it is not a style of catching black vigor to create airflow.

It looks a bit like the prototype of another dimension!

[No, it's not a rudimentary form, I can only say a seed. 】

Nioh turned to deny his opinion.

That kind of breath does have the meaning of different dimensions, but there is still a long way to go before the appearance of the real different dimension phantoms. But with the appearance of the sword shadow, it is already certain that Sanada has found his own way to another dimension!

Everyone in the world can have many different dimensional skills.

But the phantom of another dimension, this thing, each player has only his own one!

Nioh thought so, and when he raised his head, he met Yukimura's eyes.

In this look, there are confirmations and doubts.

What is the question?

Nioh froze at first, feeling puzzled.

But when he noticed the expressions of his teammates, he realized the problem.

[Can they not see the phantoms of different dimensions? This kind of thing has restrictions on the mental power and strength of the players?]

Although Sanada's Touying only flashed past, Nioh believed that his teammates could not express themselves if they saw it.

Looking at Yukimura, Nioh looked up at the audience.

He focused on the place where the former opponents were, until he saw a group of teenagers in the yellow-green team uniform, the young minister with brown hair showed a particularly obvious doubt.

"Shiraishi has to watch."

Nioh said suddenly.

The Minister of Rikkai immediately looked at the place where Nioh's eyes signaled, and he found Shiraishi who was still in confusion.

Sanada's Black Sword Blade only appeared once, so Shiraishi was not sure if he was dazzled, he could only continue to watch the game with his doubts.

The game was still so fierce. Although Sanada had reduced the number of times he used "Moving Like Thunder", the appearance of the "black aura" actually increased the intensity of the game.

Shoujia's face turned slightly ugly, he didn't expect Sanada's move to be so sharp!

Although it is vigorous, it is not soft, but sharp like a sword!

Seeing the blade shadow flashing past, he was not as confused as Shiraishi, because the hand believed in his own eyes.

[It turns out that Sanada's strength has reached this level? I was too careless

I can only continue to use the "Phantom of the Hand" to deal with it, but the difficulty of the "black aura" that came out for the first time is really beyond the expectations of the hand.


"5:4, Rikkai Dasanada leads!"

Sanada not only used this trick to catch up, but also occupied a huge advantage!

Win the next game and he will win!

"Come on! Shoujia!"

Sanada's eyes seemed to have a hint of blackness, with a sharp aura.

And in the eyes of Shiraishi in the hand's house and in the audience--

"Qian Ye! I saw it again!"

Shiraishi's pupils shrank, confirming that he was really right this time.

"Hey, there is nothing, Shiraishi, where is the knife?"

But none of his members found it.

Shiraishi couldn't answer at this time, he stared at Sanada.

"Draw a knife!"

call out!

In Yukimura's eyes, Sanada's ball was followed by the unsheathing of the phantom black sword!

A phantom flashed past, and many of the audience present didn't see anything at all.

But one-

"Sure enough, I should stay and watch the game before leaving."

Kite's spectacles flashed a little.

Nioh in the Rikkai player's seat looked at the minister in Higa and raised his mouth.

The cracking sound of the tennis ball appeared. The crackling sound of the tennis ball rubbing against the air is supposed to be accustomed to tennis players, but a few people have faintly heard the sound of metal!

And this time, perhaps because of Sanada's own will, the phantom has become more solidified, so...

………Look for flowers…

Fuji on the Seigaku bench frowned. The Seigaku genius, who is good at using the wind and naturally good at listening to the sound of the wind, seemed to have heard something, but he was not sure.

Shoujia had no curiosity anymore, and he held racquet with both hands.

This ball is too powerful!

The hand gritted his teeth against the tennis ball, but he could only stalemate with it for less than a second.

next moment--

Whoops! Whoops!

"Minister's racquet!"

The tennis player’s racquet net was cut through a big hole by the tennis ball.

The Minister of Seigaku was expressionless, but he knew how sore his arm was from the shock of the ball just now.

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!"

"Rikkai is big! Rikkai is big!"

Rikkai shouted loudly towards the audience.

"15:0, Rikkai Da Sanada scored!"

Sanada's body was shining with black light, and the black vigor surrounding the racquet, matched with the vigorous support of those mountains whirring and tsunami, was amazing.

Shoujia resisted the soreness in his arm, his face was expressionless, and he seemed not to care about his racquet string being cracked by the tennis ball.

"The position of the elbow has become a bit red and purple!!

"Shoujia can't go on even if it can hit zero style!"

Coach Ryūzaki was anxious on the Seigaku coaching bench.

"Sanada's knees should not be uncomfortable. After all, he used "Lei" many times before, but he didn't expect that he would have new skills afterwards!"

Fuji was also quite worried and said that he had a bad premonition for the outcome of this game.

In fact, everyone at Seigaku doesn’t need to worry about their opponent’s arm anymore.

"6:4, singles three, Rikkai Dasanada wins!"

The soreness of Shoujia’s left arm was actually deeper than coach Ryūzaki expected. Sanada's return of the ball with the shadow of a knife gave his arm a great impact, making his arm unable to come back at all in a half-and-a-half time.

For the last ball, the hand felt that he couldn't hold the racquet, and he did not catch the ball.

"how do you feel?"

Shaking hands with the hand in front of the net, Sanada asked.

"I never want to compete with you like this again."

Before the hand's answer, Sanada said immediately. He wanted to beat the player with all his heart, yes, but if it was such a player, Sanada raised his hand and pressed the brim of his hat and walked back to his own player's bench.

PS: The setting is that the different dimension must at least form a prototype before it can be seen by everyone! Sanada is just a flash (different dimension is not so easy to appear, even if it is a prototype), mental power and strength are not invisible to a certain extent ! Fuji is almost, Xiaojin will not be able to make a leaps and bounds until U17 (think of the original Yukimura's KO). As for Atobe, he is very good.

Unfortunately, he was still on the helicopter, because singles three played too fast this time, he didn't arrive! (I'm good to Shiraishi and Kite~ everyone can good night!)

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