Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 343 : Second doubles, sophomore ace

The game time between Sanada and Tejia was not short, but it was not too long. After all, Liu and Kirihaya, who had already been ready to warm up, waited too long.

Gan glanced at the sky worriedly before going on the court.

Without the presence of a helicopter, Echizen didn't know if he could get to the stadium smoothly and in time with the help of Atobe.

"Let's go, Haitang. Our opponent should have been prepared long ago."

The second doubles, this will be a future duel between data tennis and the two schools.

After finally calming down, Shiraishi looked at the players coming out of the two passages and thought as above.

The ministers of Rikkai Yama and Seigaku are both in the third grade, so the tennis departments of the two schools will definitely have new ministers and new leaders next year.

Yukimura and Shoujia both chose the second-year formal selection in their team.

"Kirihaya-kun and Haitang-kun, the two second-year "Nine-Nine-Seven" duel is really worth looking forward to."

"Such a game, you must watch it carefully before Cai Qian.

Shiraishi, who is extremely strong inside, put his chin up and said with interest after he stabilized his emotions.

"Wait, Shiraishi, these are doubles!"

Oshitari Ken also protested.

"But isn't Cai Qian also playing doubles before? It can also learn from experience!"

Shiraishi said indifferently, and didn't even consider that his future minister was playing doubles before. Yes, but he couldn't get involved in the duel with his partner's predecessors and opponents!

Cai Qian glanced at Shiraishi and then at Chitose, without making any comments.

But when he saw Rikkai Yama and Seigaku's doubles second game, Shitenhouji's second year held his breath secretly.

Look at their seniors!

The predecessors of others are helping the younger generations to exert their strength, but my own predecessors are robbing me of the game!

Hikaru Zaizen squeezed his fist blankly.

In this game, the serve game is Seigaku, and the serve is Inui Sadaharu.

Gan still glanced at Liu with complicated eyes through his glasses, and then began to serve.

As Yoo's partner, Kirihaya felt the sadness from his opponent, but Yanagi Renji remained unmoved. Not only that, he also gave full play to the power of his data tennis, without any mercy.

"The probability of sending the tennis ball to the right is that the spot will be on."

Boom! Boom!

"1:0, Rikkai Oyanagi and Kirihaya lead!

Simply and neatly, Liu directed Kirihaya to break his opponent's serve game.

"Short snake ball, this kind of game is outdated!"

After Kirihaya hit Haitang's snake ball back, he was very arrogant.

But I have to admit that he does have the capital of greatness.

Haitang saw that his ball was hit back by Kirihaya. He glared at Kirihaya without making a sound.

In the same second grade, even if Haitang didn't care about it, he would hear some "comparative" sounds from time to time. What's more, both he and Kirihaya are the future ministers of the tennis departments of the two schools.

If Rikkai has suppressed the nightmare of all schools, then one-

Kirihara Akaya, the second year of Rikkai University, is simply a mountain that weighs on all the second-year members of the tennis club!

When it comes to the second grade, Kirihara Akaya can hardly get around.

Whether you like it or not, Haitang, who has been compared with Kirihaya many times in all aspects, has a hidden hatred of Kirihaya.

In addition, many tennis magazines have been shamelessly distorted in order to sell, and have created a lot of extremely hateful news.

For example, they used to say so--

"Kirihara Akaya, the second-year student of Rikkai University, once said that he is the second-year trump card! It is not our fabric. The meaning is obvious. Kirihaya-kun himself said it. He himself is the ace of the second-year students. "The status! In other words, Mr. Kirihaya, he is a veritable number one in the second grade!"

To be honest, with Kirihaya's consistent attitude, many people actually believe the above statement.

As a junior, Haitang naturally knows that Kirihaya has no such meaning at all. But Kirihara Akaya's original meaning irritated him even more!

He said that he is Rikkai's second-year ace, and his goal has always been his predecessors. So, other second-year students don't exist in your Kirihara Akaya's eyes?!

Kaitang glared at Kirihaya, and squeezed the racquet in his hand.

Seigaku's second grade didn't need the encouragement of his seniors, and his fighting spirit burned to the top.

"Spin the snake ball!

Haitang waved his arm, and a more complicated snake ball appeared.

After unremitting efforts, his snake ball has been faster and has a more tortuous path, but for Kirihaya--

"You only have this ability, so weak!"

Kirihaya rushed to the tennis ball's landing point in a few steps. When he said this, he hit the tennis back like a smooth swing.

It looks like he hasn't even entered the state of the game, just swipes so easily!


Haitang only feels that he has never been so angry, but the tennis ball in front of him proves that his tennis really can't beat Kirihaya.

Taste! Whoosh!

The long-lost knuckle serve, Kirihaya smiled at the corner of his mouth and shot the ball that made the second-year Seigaku on the opposite side open his eyes.

This ball is like a snake ball, but Haitang knows that this is not a snake ball at all!


"2:0, Rikkai Oyanagi and Kirihaya are ahead!"

He frowned, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes under the thick glasses.

Haitang and Kirihaya faced off, which was basically the result of being crushed by the strength of tennis, but in order to collect data, he had to let his juniors to test the strength of Kirihaya and Yoo.

Enduring the worries and worries in his heart, Inui Sadaharu devoted himself wholeheartedly to collecting the opponent's data. The fact that the singles lost to Liu before is no longer a fact, but if he can beat Liu in this doubles, then he can also make up for his own regrets!

"The probability of a tennis ball falling on the front court is 87.8%.

According to the data, Liu swung the ball step by step.

He knows that his childhood training has started again. "First lose a few games to obtain data, and then continue to fight back 2.8 lines to counterattack" the script.

Qianhe Haitang’s doubles combination used to kill many opponents with this routine, but it is a pity that they will understand today how wrong it is to let go of the previous games to collect data!

After a long time of careful study, even Kirihaya, who didn't know anything about doubles at the beginning, can now make good doubles cooperation.

Beautiful exchange place, completely out of the expected cooperation before doing it.

"Sadaji, facing an opponent like ours, the number of games you missed will never get back!"

Liu raised his hand and waved.

The tennis ball crossed a half arc and then landed in the center of the opponent's front court.


"3:0, Rikkai Oyanagi and Kirihaya are leading!

In less than ten minutes, Rikkai's doubles two won three consecutive games!.

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