Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 347 : Seigaku desperate, storm is coming

The mood of Seigaku's people was linearly depressed because of their first-year amnesia, and they expressed their sincere dissatisfaction with those "clicks". But even if his face is cold, he is only Seigaku's minister, and he can't control the lively candidates of other schools.

And even if it is Atobe, who is the Minister of Hyotei, he is on Seigaku's side at this time, and he can't control the overactive members of his family!

#人生赢家 Yukimura Jun smiles and looks at you#

Momoshiro Takeshi explained to the amnesia Echizen Ryoma, but Echizen just looked at him timidly, and didn't seem to be able to restore his memory, so Seigaku's second grader felt that he had completely lost his patience as a senior.

"Since I can't remember anymore, that's okay! Echizen, let's play a game!"

Taocheng believes that Echizen Ryoma will never forget how to play tennis. As long as he plays a few more games, Echizen will definitely restore his memory!

The passionate second-year Seigaku students took their ignorant little pillars and walked out.

Inui Sadaharu was stunned for a moment, then followed after gritted teeth. He also walked Haitang hand in hand.

"Let's go, Oshitari.

"My uncle has helped people to the end!"

Atobe suddenly curled up the corners of his mouth, without even looking at Tezuka Oshitari at them, and walked towards the entrance of the passage in a stride of his own self.

Seigaku's passionate atmosphere is really easy to infect others.

Oshitari Yuushi himself was once infected by Momoshiro Takeshi's blood on the court. He gave up the protracted style of play and chose to fight hard. And now it's not so bad anymore!

Hyotei's genius followed his minister away.

"Shoujia, you go too, leave it to us here!"

Oishi took the initiative to say this, and he has to take on his responsibilities as the Deputy Minister of Seigaku.

"We will cheer Fuji!"

Kikumaru followed and nodded.

Today's situation, for Seigaku, is simply desperate!

Fuji has a very low win rate against Nioh, and Echizen has amnesia again

"I'll leave it to everyone here."

"Everyone, don't be careless!"

There was a trace of struggle in the eyes of the hand, but in the end there was only firmness left in his eyes.

He picked up his racquet and ran out of the passage.

The series of changes in Seigaku's player stand naturally cannot hide the two players who have already walked to the court.

Fuji Syusuke kept a smile on his face, but his true mood was suppressed to the extreme.

He is actually not worried about the sudden amnesia of his younger generations, but he really has no confidence in the current game!

Before the game, Seigaku also calculated Rikkai's big roster. At that time, they thought that the player could win Singles Three, and the pressure on Singles Two would not be so great afterwards.

But unexpectedly, the hand did not win. All the pressure was on Fuji Syusuke.

If Fuji can't win, even if Echizen recovers his memory, he can only play an "exhibition match" with Yukimura, because Rikkai has already won two games at this time, if he wins this one.

"We are going to win, Seigaku's Fuji-san.

Nioh stood in front of the net and said to Fuji.

"Rikkai's three in a row will be achieved soon."

With a smiling mask, Nioh looked at the chestnut-colored opponent opposite and said softly.

He originally thought that his memory of his previous life had long been unclear, but it wasn't until he stood here as the duo of singles from Rikkai and saw Fuji Syusuke that he realized that he had never forgotten this game. !

Just one step away, just one game away, Rikkai will complete an unprecedented three in a row!

But it was this step that was ruined in his own hands

Nioh doesn't blame Marui and Kuwabara, because they really did their best.

He also doesn't blame Yukimura, because Yukimura has endured too much pressure and pain.

In the face of the sudden "seamlessness" of the opponent, no one can do better than Yukimura. Although he lost the game in the end, he still persisted to the end, and his beliefs were completely denied and Rikkai could not be big. The minister fell on the court.

In the eyes of everyone in Rikkai, Seiichi Yukimura, did not lose!

If Sanada is to blame for the loss in the Kanto contest, then the national contest is definitely to blame!

If you can win

Nioh narrowed his eyes and showed a rather hypocritical smile.

"Are you ready to lose?"

"I am ready to win."

Nioh's eyes were getting colder while looking at the facing hand, but his own heart was getting hotter and hotter.

That year, the collapse of the throne had a very large part of his own responsibility;

Now that the establishment of the dynasty, he must do his best, and there must be no dead ends!

For today, he really has been preparing for too long!

He had worried that he was "Yi Meng Huang Liang" countless times before, for fear that when he opened his eyes tomorrow, he would see another familiar ending. But getting along with his teammates allowed Nioh to fully integrate into the current Rikkai, so he has no reason to lose!

……………Please ask for flowers……

Fuji looked at his opponent with an obvious smirk that he didn't want to hide at the first glance, and the anxiety in his heart became heavier and heavier.

Nioh seems to pay more attention to this game than he thought, so it is impossible to win a few rounds to gain the advantage while the opponent starts to release a little water.

What should I do? How should I fight?

Fuji's right hand slowly squeezed his racquet tightly.

"Do these two people have old hatred? They haven't started the game, it's like this!"

In the audience, Oshitari Ken also felt that he was about to smell the gunpowder on the court.

Nioh's hostility towards Fuji was too obvious, and Fuji maintained a smile in the face of Nioh, but also released his aura at the same time.

"It's normal, this is the most critical game!"


Shiraishi's own heart was very big, he waved his hand indifferently as he watched the confrontation between the two on court in front of the net.

"Anyway, we have all lost. It's their own business to see what they become, so let's take a look!"

Shitenhouji's minister is really broad-minded.

"There is also Xiaojin. If you want to find Echizen Ryoma, just go. Although his memory recovery should be of no use to the ending of the national competition, but how much can we look at the strength of Rikkai Chief Minister Yukimura-kun."

Shiraishi said, showing a bright smile to their first-year students.

Shiraishi, with a big heart, was still supporting Seigaku before, but seeing the current situation, he immediately changed the banner and supported Rikkai without hesitation.

And since he is here, he wants to see more, he also supports his first-year students to help Echizen Ryoma recover his memory. Because as long as Echizen recovers his memory in time, Yukimura will play no matter what!

Minister Rikkai, who has only played in the regional competitions this year, is a singles one. Today's tennis strength is a mystery to everyone. Shiraishi felt that in order to satisfy his curiosity, he also wanted to help Echizen. What's more, Echizen Ryoma also promised that they had lost the game and played a goal with Xiaojin!

"Yes, anyway, none of them wins is our business."

Shitenhouji, the other with a big heart, nodded in Chitose, and said.

Well, Rikkai beat Seigaku so badly, and it's very comfortable to watch!

PS: Good night, everyone goes to bed early and there is no update! (I will go out tomorrow, so I should still have time to update at night. I promise, after I finish this wave, I will definitely pay attention to update!)

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