Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 348 : As expected, Nioh Phantom

Chitose spoke with his teammates in a relaxed tone, but when he turned his head and turned his gaze to the court again, the face of Shitenhouji, who was laughing and joking, was instantly stiffened--

"The limit of hard work! Handyman!"

Blurred, Chitose saw Kunimitsu's figure on court.

Seigaku Minister Seigaku's hand Kunimitsu who once used "the limit of tempering" to defeat him!

Chitose, the absolute supporter of "Selfless State", just looked at the figure surrounded by white vigor on the court, and his face was not so good.

"Yes, that is indeed the "handsman Kunimitsu," but the'handsmanship from Nioh's phantom. Chitose, relax, you haven't seen Nioh's "phantom".

Oshitari Ken also patted his teammate's shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, Chitose, if you feel uncomfortable, then think about Fuji on court now! This way, you can accept it! "Zero Zero Zero"

Shiraishi said this, but his eyes on the court were uncontrollable and shocked.

"Nioh Phantom", no matter how many times I have seen it, I will be shocked


When Shitenhouji was choosing people to speak, Nioh had already started his serve.

With the mental shell of "Handy Kunimitsu", Nioh naturally chose to use handy's iconic zero serve.

Throw the ball, bend your knees, and swing!

The tennis ball, in full view, traversed an arc in the air, then landed, did not bounce, and rolled in the direction of the net.

Zero serve is so terrible, for ordinary tennis players, it is completely unsolvable.

"15:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

An ACE is a good momentum blow for the opponent.

But Seigaku's remaining players on the bench are not worried about the gain or loss of the ball, but the mental state of Fuji Syusuke, who is now standing on the court.

Oishi, Kikumaru, and coach Ryūzaki are all people who watched from the very beginning that Shoujia and Fuji step by step from the most ordinary freshman club to their current status in the Seigaku Tennis Club.

They all know what kind of existence is for Fuji.

Not only the minister, but also not only teammates, but the kind of person who has always wanted to fight against one, is the most wanted opponent!

"Sure enough, it's a hand, although the speculation about the opening of this singles second game is correct, but I really hope that the original speculation was wrong!"

Coach Ryūzaki expressed concern with a serious face.

He knows more than Oishi and Kikumaru. Before Shoujia's arm was injured, Shoujia agreed to play a game with Fuji!

In the end, the game was over, but the injured player was defeated by Fuji, and Fuji has always treated this as a thorn, stuck in the bottom of his heart, and never mentioned the matter of playing against the player again.

The influence of the hand family on Fuji is too great.

Coach Ryūzaki only hopes that Fuji can see through this game. Bi Jingshou does not want to suppress or negatively affect Fuji's strength because of his existence.

The teammates outside the court were worried, but Fuji Syusuke on the court was relieved after seeing his opponent complete the "Phantom" and then burned completely.

Before going on the field, Fuji was really worried about whether he could beat the "Handy Kunimitsu", but Fuji Syusuke, who was already on the court, had only one thought in his mind, and that was to defeat the "Handyman" anyway!

"Nioh, you still chose the'phantom' hand house!"

The arc of Fuji's mouth was obviously reduced by a few degrees, which made Seigaku's gentle-looking genius look a little colder.

"Although I have been prepared for a long time, although I had expected it, I still don't like your'phantom'!"

As Fuji said, his right hand gripped the racket a little bit stronger.

He originally wanted to play a tennis match with his hand, but after that, he put this idea on hold. It can even be said that after that, Fuji completely abandoned the idea of ​​"playing with the hand."

But when he is facing the "Handy Kunimitsu" from Nioh's "Phantom", he can't control his always gentle temper, and can't control the smile that the corners of his mouth keep bends and disappears!

Hidden under the appearance of "Phantom", Nioh concealed the corners of his mouth as he watched his opponent's visibly fluctuating emotions.

The man with short dark brown hair looked at Fuji with Dan Feng's eyes under his gold-framed glasses, just as he always treated any of his opponents.

He once again played a zero serve--

"Fuji, I want to continue serving.

He spoke in the usual tone of his hand.


"30:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

Slap! slap!

"1:0, Rikkai and Nioh lead!"

With four consecutive zero-serve ACEs, can Nioh's arm support it? Or, does he want to complete the game "straightforwardly"?

Fuji opened his ice blue eyes. He watched the tennis ball roll towards the net, and his anger rose even higher.

"Unexpectedly, I would confront you again in this way."


Suddenly, Fuji, who had become increasingly tense, chuckled lightly.

He knew that with Nioh's strength, the "Phantom" came from the "Handsman" is actually not bad for the handicraft deity. But in the end, people are emotional and eccentric. Fuji is a genius and can't escape this old-fashioned law.

He naturally understands that his opponent's real tennis strength is very high, so high that even his teammates are actually ready to give up the game before the game. But at this point, whether it is Seigaku or Fuji, there is no way out!

Do you want the "Phantom" hand to defeat me? That's right, let me defeat you like this!

As long as you have the heart to fight a protracted battle with me, then it is not necessarily who you win!

And Nioh Masaharu, based on Fuji's understanding of him and the obvious hostility of this man to him after he came on the field, he will definitely not end the game so easily!

As long as this is the case, there will be a chance to win!

After Fuji figured it out, he returned to his previous look and smiled and typed his serve.

Raise the pat with your right hand and cut it!

This is the "invisible serve" commonly used by Fuji Syusuke.


2.9 Without the slightest surprise, Fuji watched the opponent hit the ball back. He held the racquet well and was ready to strike back.

The sky today is very blue, and the white clouds are actually very beautiful.

But in Fuji's feeling, only the wind is so gentle, and with the murderous intent of the thread!

"One of the triple counterattack-"

Finally waited until the wind started...

"White Dragon!

The tennis ball rises in the wind like a leaf.

This is a very beautiful game. With the help of the force of the wind, plus the strength and rotation exerted on the tennis ball, the tennis ball can fly to a very high place.

But when the tennis really wanted to fly high, a racquet stopped it.

Like a completely tamed pet, the tennis ball that originally went straight into the sky is spinning obediently on Nioh's racquet.


It was useless at all, Nioh leaped high and raised his left arm, smashing with a smash. .

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