Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 349 : Shiraishi deliberately slow, lying down the gun

"He also said that I am too obsessed with the hand, and I think he is too obsessed with the hand and even Fuji!"

In the Rikkai contestant's seat, Sanada was very dissatisfied with Nioh on court with a black face.

He had a bad premonition since he saw Nioh Phantom. It was okay after the appearance of "Kunimitsu", but when Fuji’s serve bureau, Nioh really regarded himself as a "Handsman" and fought with Fuji. His face was completely black.

Didn't you say you want to win by a big score?!

If Nioh Masaharu continues to fight like this, maybe he accidentally loses!

Rikkai's deputy minister was angry.

"I believe Masaharu has a sense of measure. And, isn't that a'hand'? Kendichiro, don't you think Tezuka can't beat Fuji?"

Yukimura said this, he believed that his members would never care about the collective "Rikkai".

"But he fights like this--"

"This is not what it is to release water!"

Crosses popped out of Sanada's forehead.

Nioh phantoms into "handman Kunimitsu" and he is not angry, but now that he is phantom, what about the handman's moves?

Except for the zero serve in the first game of 17, where are the Shoujia Realm and the Shoujia Phantom?

Sanada glared at Nioh on court.

This kind of "phantom" who does not work hard, in Sanada's view, it is clearly that Nioh himself is too lax!

And correspondingly, Seigaku's side--

"Hahaha, it’s okay! It’s okay! It’s okay if there is no "Handsman Realm" and "Tezuka Phantom"!"

"It's best not to use zero style afterwards!"

"Yes! Fuji should be able to smash, right?"

"But Nioh wouldn't fail to think of Fuji's trick?"

While Seigaku's staff breathed a sigh of relief, they became slightly nervous again.

Nioh Masaharu will use the "Bear Drop" (ie "Brown Bear"), and he could not have expected this skill of Lob to hit back the smash.

This is one of Fuji's long-held triple counter-attack skills.

So, when he hits a smash at this time, is he already ready to fight back?

The members of Seigaku looked at the court nervously.

Facing the smash ball, Fuji did not hesitate to pose in a gesture that everyone was familiar with but with a somewhat inexplicable sense of strangeness. With his arms stretched out, Fuji squatted down with his back to the net--

"One of the triple counterattack-"

The ice-blue eyes blinked. This is an evolved game.

Even if Nioh wants to pick it up, he still has to work hard. Then, he will

"Qilin Drop!"

The tennis ball stopped in the center of his racquet and then flew towards the inbound.

The triple counterattack after evolution really made Fuji's strength further. Although this ball is called "counterattack", it seems to be no worse than proactive attacking skills.

Nioh maintained the stern look of his hand and swung the pat quickly and decisively.

He hit the ball back, not beyond the expectations of Fuji and others.


"Is it really unnecessary to use "Hands" and "Tezuka Phantom"?"

Kikumaru blinked, feeling a little grateful but at the same time feeling puzzled.

He doesn't think that Nioh will not be able to use the moves of the hand, but since he will use those moves, Nioh, who has been phantom into the "hands", why not use it?

"Is it to protect my arms? To reduce consumption?"

Kikumaru tentatively put forward his own guess.

Then he heard Coach Ryūzaki's increasingly worried voice--

"I'm afraid it was to defeat Fuji mentally!"

With the winning ticket in hand, people often hope to get a more fun victory.

Coach Ryūzaki understands that if Nioh really thinks this way, Seigaku will have room for a comeback. However, Nioh's attitude is really a huge test for Fuji.

Because, Kunimitsu, he has always been a rigorous and serious person, a tennis player who "will not carelessly" face the game!

"Nioh Masaharu!"

Fuji gritted his teeth and recited his opponent's name.

His original composure regained his composure again, and his eyes looked at Nioh, wishing to pull off the appearance of his "Phantom Hand House".

How can he play like this with the appearance of his hand!

I knew in my heart that only in this way could he and Seigaku have a chance to win, but Fuji really didn't want to see such a situation.

Because even if the hand is enduring the pain, he will go all out to play!

Shoujia and Nioh are absolutely different!

How can the "phantom" on the outside restore that spirit, so I must defeat him!

With this feeling, Fuji flipped his wrist and applied a nearly doubled rotational force on the tennis ball.

The tennis ball made a subtle arc in the air, and then disappeared into Nioh's line of sight.

Nioh was not surprised when faced with such a result. In other words, he deliberately caused Fuji to have that kind of emotion.

"It's too fancy, Fuji.

"You are still too careless!"

While speaking, Nioh stepped back and stretched his left hand to his side.

The moment racquet received the Let's ball, he immediately completed his swing.


The tennis was beaten back by Nioh.

"15:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

Nioh sighed slowly.

"I thought you would understand after the game against Shiraishi, Fuji."

"Shoujia" said so.

Fuji, who was cold-faced because of Nioh's "slowness", was taken aback, and then his mood became worse again.

And in the audience--

"Shiraishi, congratulations, the gun is lying down!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations! I didn't expect your name to appear in this singles game between the hand and Fuji!"

"Minister, although you didn't appear in the national competition, you are still uncovered!

The members of Shitenhouji were noisy.

Although Fuji's match was indeed lost, Shiraishi didn't win that easily. In the end, it was irritated and almost turned over!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke showed a wry smile 000, and then he showed his aura as a minister--

"Shut up! If you want your name to appear in everyone's mouth, as a minister, I will spare no effort to provide-provide-help-help!"

Shiraishi grinned and showed her big white teeth.

With a brilliant smile, Minister Shitenhouji looks extraordinarily handsome in the eyes of other people who don't know the inside story, but in the eyes of the Shitenhouji members, it is extremely dangerous. Even the Chitose who just joined the ministry this year is unwilling to tease Shiraishi in such a state.

"Haha, Shiraishi what are you talking about?!"

"We don't understand!"

"Yes, come and watch the game! The game is so exciting!"

Everyone quickly changed the subject.

Chitose and Kenya still have the strange and inexplicable taste of "drink" in their mouths, and no one wants to be the next dead soul under this "perfect bible".

Under the handsome appearance, Shitenhouji's minister has an unknown side besides being good at funny. His staff swear, on that side, it's extra dark!

PS: No one stipulates that "handsman must use" "handsman field"? Then no need!

The next game process seems to be a bit long, because it will be interspersed with the reactions of various schools, as well as the reactions of a group of young Ryoma and Rikkai who are choosing to help amnesia and so on.

PPS: Let's start with a timing on the 14th. I have officially notified that I want to remind my friends. Before I go out again this Saturday, you can remind me! As for Saturday, I don't know if I can come back the same day and have the strength to update!.

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