Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 353 : Continue to suppress, make a kick

Phantom became Shiraishi's Nioh played in the familiar style of Fuji. His movements are extremely simple, but with such a simple swing, it once again broke the barrier of "Guardian of the Hundred-armed Giant".


Passing the net as if nothing, the tennis ball hit the ground.

"30:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

Fuji suddenly found that the palm of his hand holding the racket was full of sweat, and for the first time when he landed on the tennis ball, he looked squarely at his inner tension in this game.

I have been avoiding the game with the hand before, but if it is really a match, it will be me who loses, right?

Fuji thought absently.

He now seemed to have separated his soul from his body. The body is running and swinging as hard as possible, but the soul has not been on the field.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he can't "zero zero three" not to admit it now. Facing the hand, even the hand of Nioh Phantom, he was really nervous. When "Shiraishi" appeared, Fuji was really relieved.

But after breathing a sigh of relief, Seigaku's Tena did not forget what kind of situation he was facing.

This is probably the biggest crisis he has faced since he learned to play tennis!


The tennis ball has landed again.

"40:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

The emotion in the ice-blue eyes was like a pool of stagnant water, and Fuji felt like he had never been powerless.

"elder brother!"

He heard the voice of his brother Yuta.


[I want to let Yuta disappoint you, my brother is really not that strong. 】

People have always been called a "genius" since childhood. After a long time, Fuji really thought he was a "genius".

However, Fuji has only now discovered that he, who is called a "genius" by his teammates, is actually not as powerful as he imagined!

I haven't realized this problem in the past two years, but this year, Fuji has realized that there are too many leading people ahead of him!

How many times has he lost since playing tennis?

In fact, it's not too much, so Fuji silently accepted these results before.

It wasn't until Kanto Youth's inability to face Kirihaya that he began to prepare to evolve his old moves and develop his own new moves; then he was unwilling to face Shiraishi's hard work or miss the opponent, which made him perfect. Five counterattacks and the idea of ​​a sixth counterattack..

But now Fuji feels that he is not just a problem of powerlessness and unwillingness, but a thought in his heart that "the opponent is so strong, I can drag it to the first game"!

I didn’t actually have any idea about the victory at the beginning, after all, the person who was originally scheduled to win the game was the hand.

When Fuji thought this way, his heart became more and more serious.

The semi-final match against Shiraishi really made his strength further, but it was because of this that he could see more clearly the unfathomable strength of Nioh's tennis.

Never know what your opponent's next move is, this feeling is really terrifying!

Fuji's mood index plummeted, but at this time, Nioh's mood finally returned to the level line.

Seeing the entangled expression of his opponent, Nioh, who recovered his mood, "kindly" did not change another phantom object.

He continued to use the image of "Shiraishi".

Racquet turned lightly, like an arm swing.

Nioh, no matter what the Minister Shitenhouji and his staff in the audience would think, he himself was going to win the game 6:0 anyway. What if you accidentally lose a point to perfect Shiraishi at this time in COSs?

Nioh had made up his mind and wanted to miss a goal. In fact, he showed a strength that surpassed Shiraishi's deity, which made Fuji Syusuke unable to start.

However, his tennis is not leaking, and his strength is also very stable.

Although he was in a particularly good mood, Nioh managed to control his level of strength.

What he wants is to suppress Fuji Syusuke beyond the limit to hit the sixth counter-attack "Star Fireworks" through his current strength over Fuji, instead of directly hitting Fuji with too strong strength and completely losing his on-the-spot evolution. possibility!

Nioh looked at Fuji's state with the mental power of "Shiraishi". Although his mood recovered, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

Was the strength played too much before?

Why does Fuji Syusuke look so depressed!

In general, the mood is very good, but Nioh who is just a little careful said that he doesn't mind that Fuji is depressed. It's just one-if you want to be depressed, you should type "Star Fireworks" first! Just type it out soon. ?!

"Fuji really can't beat me!"

Minister Shitenhouji in the audience chuckled

However, Tachibana Jiping, who was paying attention to his good brother Chitose, saw this scene but "gawked" in his heart.

The Minister of Fudomine gave Shiraishi a complicated look from a distance.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, are you the devil?!

The atmosphere on the court is so depressing, Fuji's low pressure is about to burst, and you can still laugh!

Tachibana exhaled slowly, and he felt that he still shouldn't pay attention to Shitenhouji. People from Kansai are actually a bunch of guys with big hearts, right?!

Although it was from Kyushu, Tachibana, who has already settled in Tokyo, said that he should stay in Kanto and cultivate his younger generations! The defeat of Shitenhouji this year does not mean that they can't beat Shitenhouji after Fudomine!

Tachibana Jiping, who had made up his mind, silently withdrew his gaze and watched the game on court intently again.

"4:0, Rikkai and Nioh lead!'

The game is still a situation where one side completely suppresses the other side.

Rikkai's Nioh completely suppressed Seigaku's Fuji!

Jiping Tachibana rubbed the corner of his forehead and glanced at the auditorium. There is almost one camera at a distance. There are many people from the tennis clubs of various schools to watch the game, and reporters from 2.9 are swarming.

The king of Rikkai's three consecutive hegemony will be achieved today. Based on this, no one wants to miss today's game!

But correspondingly, no tennis club or any player wants to be the background board for others to achieve unprecedented goals. Tachibana himself is naturally the same.


"Fuji, we rely on you! Hold on!"

Although knowing that the hope is very slim, Seigaku has really played a lot of unexpected results along the way.

Tachibana slowly clenched his fists, hoping from the bottom of his heart that Fuji could break through and win this game.

Otherwise, if Nioh wins, Rikkai can already declare that he has established the "Rikkai Dynasty"!

PS: Ecstasy! Do you feel everyone's support for you? Break through, Fuji!.

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