Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 354 : The ultimate faith, the starlight of the day

And there was a dispute on the Rikkai player's bench at this time--

"This game is about to end, so you must warm up immediately!"

"Nioh won't just end the game like this, he must be waiting for something, it's not too late to finish watching!"

Marui Bunta really played supernormally in order to watch the most exciting period of the game in his mind. He himself confronted Sanada's will and refused to leave the Rikkai player seat immediately.

Rikkai's deputy minister frowned. He didn't think there would be anything interesting about the next game between Nioh and Fuji. Nioh is determined to win. This is a fact that Fuji and Seigaku cannot change.

"It's better to wait a while, I think Seigaku's Fuji-kun also wants to show us his ability."

Liu unexpectedly spoke up.

Rikkai's strategist can see that Nioh is restraining his strength. After all, Nioh's previous two matches against Atobe were so swiftly and neatly that they defeated each other, but at this time it took a long time to face Fuji.

Seigaku is not an underdog, and Fuji is not an underdog.

Nioh can completely phantom into a "handsman", and then use those skills of the handicraft Kunimitsu to directly crush Fuji. But he didn't, so

"Wait, wait for a game.

Feeling the fluctuation of mental power on the court, Yukimura smiled.

This round will be clear!

The sky is still blue, and the sun is still intoxicating.

After all, Fuji is a 17 tennis player with strong willpower, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

You can't lose, you can't lose, you can't lose anyway!

Even if it is a tie, you can't lose this game!

Fuji worked hard to get rid of Nioh's terrifying and terrifying power. He thought about the games he and Seigaku had played all the way this year, and recalled the tennis insights he gained from them.

Trying to divert his attention, Fuji barely stabilized his mind.

Adversity can indeed stimulate people's hidden potential.

It is not unreasonable that Fuji is called a "genius" by everyone.

Fuji, who had already anticipated his sixth counterattack, and was about to complete, had concentrated all his mind on it at this moment.

He thought, his current opponent is really strong, and he can only rely on "a miracle happened" if he wants to defeat the opponent.

It's like the probability of a meteorite falling from the sky and hitting the opponent and hitting the Rikkai player's seat.

This is his Fuji Syusuke's winning percentage in this match!

But even if he had anticipated this situation, Fuji was unwilling to admit defeat.

He knew that the probability of a "miracle" was very low, approaching zero.

But that probability is not "zero percent", is it?

Whenever possible, it will do!

Constantly motivating himself, Seigaku's genius will become more and more condensed.

The mental energy drifted away, and slowly formed an oscillation amplitude of the same frequency as the breeze in the air.

Fuji's perception of wind has always been beyond ordinary people, this is a talent that ordinary people don't have!


"15:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

Another ball was missed.

But at this time, Fuji Syusuke, who perceives the rhythm of the wind and listens attentively to the sound of the wind, has no time to be depressed. He is completely immersed in the wind.

Fuji is convinced that his only hope for a comeback is today's wind, the sixth counterattack that has never appeared before!

Nioh looked at such an opponent, his eyes getting brighter and colder at the same time.

The corners of his mouth made a cold arc in secret.

Oh, it's windy

The mental energy spread out slowly without a trace, and mixed into the wind.

Nioh felt that his opponent's mental power resonated with the wind!

It's really Jiang Mu's talent.

Nioh thought this way, and without hesitation, mixed his mental power change frequency into the opponent's mental power.

Nioh, who didn't want to be taken a game by his opponent due to his negligence, was extremely cautious. Even if he was sure to fight back, he didn't dare to loosen the "sand" in the opponent's mental power.

Rikkai's three-tiered hegemony will be established under his racquet. The idea that this is about to become a reality just came up in Nioh's mind and he was so excited that he didn't know why.

So in the last short period of time, you can't be too careful!


Ding Zi's brown-haired teenager quickly appeared before the tennis ball, waving racquet with his bandaged arm.

"30:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!

That's it, proceed step by step, and then wait for the opponent's belief to climb to the top

Finally crush their thoughts!

Although he was impatient before, Nioh almost couldn't control himself. But now looking at his opponent, Nioh felt that his state of mind was unprecedentedly calm, as calm as the surface of the water!

How miserable Rikkai's third consecutive defeat was, Nioh has so much patience waiting for the final swing.

He felt that Fuji's mental power and the fit of the wind were getting higher and higher, and the eyes looking at Fuji were getting colder and colder.

Without the cover of "Nioh Phantom", Fuji would have discovered that the eyes Nioh looked at him at this time were as sharp as a knife!


The tennis landed heavily, and it was the end of the game.

"40:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!!

Fuji finally felt the faint response from the wind, and he felt that his state at this time was better than ever.

So, now that you control the trajectory of the wind, this trick should also appear!

Seigaku's genius smiled at the tennis ball flying over.

How low is the probability of a "miracle"?

Probably like "seeing the stars in the day" low

However, in the daytime, you can really see the stars!

With his right arm swung down, the tennis ball was hit into the sky.

"The sixth counterattack, Star Fireworks!"

The people in the auditorium couldn't help but crane their necks, trying to see where the tennis is going.

The breeze was still blowing, and she was dancing with the tennis ball.

The tennis ball was carried by the wind to make the kind of irregular rotation that the player himself basically couldn't play, and then flew to the sky above the audience!

"Star Fireworks, finally appeared!"

Seigaku's coach Ryūzaki was so excited that she was about to cry, her hands trembling into fists.

The trick at the bottom of the box must be successful!

Like the twinkling of stars, tennis balls really seem to be twinkling with stars.

Nioh squinted and looked up at the tennis ball, and sighed in contentment--

003 "Puff miles."

The figure blurred, "Nioh Phantom" was finally unlocked by his master himself.

The teenager in the khaki-colored Rikkai Taisho Election uniform came to the baseline of his own half with the speed of rubbing the eyes of many acquaintances playing tennis.

He himself posed for the empty midair.

In the topaz eyes, a "shooting star" fell


How can you see the stars in the daytime?

Even if you see it, it won't last long!

The tricks that I couldn't go back at the beginning do not mean that I am powerless now!

Raising his left arm, he slapped heavily.

In an instant, the stars were not there, and all that was left was the tennis ball that was hit back and the ball path that sparked!

"This trick is called "Meteor Strike". "

The person who said this easily turned racquet into a fancy way.

Fuji has forgotten that the probability of "starlight in the sun" is actually similar to the probability of "meteorite falling from the sky."

The despair of drowning the stars appeared in his ice blue eyes. Fuji felt that he couldn't even move. He could only watch the tennis ball hit him like a meteorite and hit his half of the court.

Boom! Boom!

A crisp swing was followed by the sound of a tennis ball landing.

"5:0, Rikkai and Nioh lead!!

The audience fell silent for a while.

At this moment, whether they know tennis or not, they all know a message - Seigaku, it's over!

PS: It's not easy. I deleted and revised it for a long time, and finally finalized a chapter like this! The remaining round is a pure crushing round, puff~.

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